Sunday September 8th: 
10:00 am: Worship led by Rev. Kathi
Time for all ages question:                                                                            
" How do you feel about the concept in the Psalms that there is nowhere we can go that God is not with us? "
Hebrew Scripture: Psalm 139: 1-14, 23-24
Gospel Lesson:  Luke 14: 25-33
Message: "Life Giving Sacrifice"

Monday September 9th:

Tuesday September 10th:

Wednesday September 11th:
2:00 pm: Circle of Friends
6:45 pm: Prayers and Communion

Thursday September 12th:
7:00 pm:  Chancel Choir

Friday September 13th:

Saturday September 14th:

Next Sunday September 15th: Service at 10 am. Rev. Kathi leads worship.