Sunday October 6th: 
10:00 am: Worship led by Rev. Kathi
Time for all ages question: 
"If you had to choose an image for the size of your faith, what image would you use?"                                                               
Epistle Lesson: 2 Timothy 1: 1-14
Gospel Lesson:  Luke 17: 5-10
Message: "Faith Enough"

After the service: Music Meeting

Monday October 7th:

Tuesday October 8th:

Wednesday October 9:
2:00 pm: Circle of Friends
6:45 pm: Prayers and Communion
8:00 pm: Rental Assist Team - David Arnold

Thursday October 10th:
12:30 pm: Minister Lectionary Study Group
7:00 pm:  Chancel Choir

Friday October 11th:

Saturday October 12th:

Next Sunday October 13th: Thanksgiving Sunday
Service at 10 am. Rev. Kathi leads worship.