Sunday January 5: Epiphany
10:00 am:  Worship and Communion led by Rev. Kathi
Time for all ages question: "Star Words"
Hebrew Scripture:  Isaiah 60:1-6
Gospel Lesson: Matthew 2:1-12
Message: " The Troubling Star "

Kidz Zone available

Monday January 6:

Tuesday January 7:

Wednesday January 8:
10:00 am: Men's Club (meet offsite)
2:00 pm: Circle of Friends
6:45 pm: Prayer and Communion
8:00 pm: Rental Assist Team - Mike Ogilvie

Thursday January 9:
12:30 pm:  Minister Lectionary Study Group
7:00 pm: Chancel Choir Practice

Friday January 10:
6:45 pm: Women for Women - Movie Night, "Still Alice"

Saturday January 11:

 Next Sunday January 12: Service at 10 am.; Kidz Zone available