Sunday September 29th: 
10:00 am: Café Sunday - Table Talks
Worship led by Rev. Kathi                                                                        
Epistle Lesson: Galatians 5:16-18, 22-25
Gospel Lesson:   John 3:1-10
Message: "Walk with the Spirit"

Following service: Table Talks, coffee and sweets

Monday September 30th:
Due date for names for memorial banners

Tuesday October 1st:
Noon: Worship Committee Meeting

Wednesday October 2nd:
2:00 pm: Prayer Shawl Ministry
6:45 pm: Prayers and Communion
8:00 pm: Paul Marot, MaryAnna Williams (Rental Assist Team)

Thursday October 3rd:
12:30 pm: Minister Lectionary Study Group
7:00 pm:  Chancel Choir

Friday October 4th:

Saturday October 5th:

Next Sunday October 6th: World Communion Sunday
Service at 10 am. Rev. Kathi leads worship.