Hey Church Family, I have a couple of things to celebrate!

Last week there were three different men in my office in less than 36 hours. They reached out to me to share their stories of faith that brought them to our church. Each story inspired me, and I want to share one with you today. 

There I was sitting across the table from a humble 81-year-old man at 9 a.m. on a beautiful Tuesday morning. We had met before to talk and connect, but this time he shared stories that filled in more details about his younger life, and some of the challenges he is now facing. He shared how much his faith means to him, and how much our church, his Sunday school class, and the Tuesday morning Men’s Bible Study have been central parts of his faith journey. As his story unfolded, I was surprised that he only became serious about his faith in the last ten years or so. To quote, “I waited too doggone long to pay attention to my spiritual life. I don’t have a good reason for putting it off. I could always come up with a reason not to go to church. But now I’m glad I’m involved.”

I was inspired by his honesty, and deeply encouraged by his love of our church and the groups he gives credit for his growth. It made me wonder how many of us have tried to put off taking our faith seriously, and to what gain? I wonder how many of us have a friend or a family member who has done the same?

Thank you, Church! Your prayers, gifts, and willingness to just show up and be involved is making a difference in the lives of many people you see every Sunday. And “doggone it”, I am so proud of you!

In Christian Service Beside You,

Pastor Don

Fountain City Connect • September 17 • 12:15 p.m.

Join us in Wesley Hall following the 11 a.m. services for Fountain City Connect. We invite everyone to stop in, enjoy some snacks and discover your next steps in growing in faith and connecting with others. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or long-time member, you will find this gathering a landing place to start your journey in calling Fountain City United Methodist Church home. We hope to see you there!

Fountain City Fellowship Fall 2023

We have wonderful fellowship class opportunities on Wednesday nights this fall! We are confident you will find a class that interests you whether it involves growing in your faith, spiritual renewal, or personal growth. Learn more and register here!

New Wednesday Night Offering

Coming in October

Desert Fathers & Mothers  

The Rev. Dr. Brett Opalinski is an ordained UM Elder.He has served in local churches for over twenty years, as well as chaired the Board of Ordained Ministry for the Florida Annual Conference. He is a Candler graduate and has a Ph.D. in New Testament and Early Christianity from Iliff School of Theology/University of Denver.

Register here >

Be sure to use the code fountaincityumc to cover registration fee!

Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal

September 20, 2023 • 5:30 PM

Register here. Online registration for our fellowship meal closes at midnight on Monday. Please note that there is separate registration for classes and activities.

Menu: Chicken De Van, brussels sprouts, rolls, tossed salad, & apple crumble

Lighter Meal: Baked Chicken Tenders with Mixed Steamed Vegetables

Meals include an entrée, sides, a dessert and a beverage.

  • Adults: $10
  • Seniors (65+): $7
  • Youth (MS & HS): FREE
  • Children (Birth-5th Grade): FREE
  • Family Max: $25



We are still in need of five decorated artificial, lit trees for our Bethlehem hallway! Your Sunday School class or small group will choose a Christmas theme. This is FCUMC's version of Fantasy of Trees! Our goal is to have twelve trees line the hallway. Contact Donna Lewis or Kim Gentry if your class wants to share some special Christmas joy.

Our vision for 2023 is to bring people INTO our church for the stations. Bethlehem will be presented outside, as well as inside, beginning at the Sanctuary and continuing down the hallway. The indoor experience will end in the Gym with a dinner of soup and corn bread. The final experience will be with the animals as folks exit.  

We need artists, decorators, adult classes, and all member to participate as we share the love of Christ with our community. It is also a great way to get to know each other and enhance our own church community. 

Annual Diaper Drive Ends This Sunday

The FCUMC Sarah Circle of UWF is collecting diapers in support of Helping Mamas Knoxville, the baby supply bank for East Tennessee. There is a bin in the missions donations area across from the Gym for your diaper donations. If you would like to order diapers online and have them shipped directly to Helping Mamas Knoxville, check out their wishlist on GOODdler.

Blessing Box needs: 

  • Bottled Water!!!
  • Capri Sun
  • Peanut butter
  • Individual cereals
  • Spaghetti
  • Ramen noodles
  • Vienna sausages
  • Microwave mac & cheese
  • Microwave Chef Boyardee

The blessing box continues to make a difference in our faith community and in Fountain City, Please help keep us stocked so we are always ready to help.

The results are in! We had a wonderful day of service in our community on August 19, 2023. There were 294 volunteers who served through 27 projects for 730 person-hours. We estimate that donations valued at over $11,570 were received and over 3,000 people were served. Thank you church family and let’s keep serving together!

Mark your calendars for the Knoxville Dream Center's

Second Annual Fairways For Dreams Golf Tournament

Details and Register here >

18 Holes and One Amazing Cause!

Local Knoxville Physician Assistant Schools, Lincoln Memorial University, and South College partnered to host this tournament to show their support for the Knoxville Dream Center’s contribution to the community. Participation in this tournament supports the outreach opportunities the Knoxville Dream Center provides to our community. Come be a part of this wonderful event located at the beautiful Egwani Farms! If you have questions, please contact Tommy Halcomb.



First Baptist West Dublin pastor Rev. Wallis Brown will be in town with a small handful of his congregants to visit FCUMC for combined worship on September 24 at 11 a.m.

Rev. Brown and I met each other just over 6 years ago in Dublin, VA when his church needed significant renovations. The congregation was looking for a temporary home during the demolition and construction, and the church I was serving at that time, Dublin United Methodist Church, eagerly opened its doors. We shared in VBS, Sunday School, survived the pandemic together, and shared in other points of ministry for over four years. We would frequently preach together and have a blast! Don’t miss this special opportunity to worship not just as one church, but ecumenically as Rev Brown and I preach together. 

Pastor Don

Join us This Sunday!

The address is 6161 Edmondson Lane. We will gather at 4:30 p.m. and the meal will be served at 5:30 p.m.


Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. We will provide the barbecue. Bring some lawn chairs or a picnic blanket and outdoor games you want to play. As always, the picnic is free for our church family to enjoy, but if you’d like to make a donation to help offset the cost, we won’t say no!

Realm Connectivity

There has been a recent platform-wide login issue with the Realm app. Please use this link for instructions to rectify the issue on Android & iOS. Also, confirm that you know your password and if not, follow the prompts to reset your password. 


FREE Parents Night Out

September 22, 2023 6-8:30 p.m.

We will provide childcare for those under three. Their food must be provided by parents.  

Ages 3 and up will have pizza, fruit and brownies. If your child does not like pizza, please bring food for them. 

  • Ages 4-6 will make crafts and play games.
  • Ages 7 and up will have NERF WARS. Yes we said it! 

The last hour we will have movie time. Parents, bring us your kiddo and go out and have a date night! Register here >

Youth Ministry

High School Retreat

Last weekend, 18 wonderful students and leaders went to Camp Bays Mountain for our fall retreat. Throughout the weekend, memories were made and the reminder of what it means to be part of a youth group was discussed. From "Gaga Ball", walking trails, and mattress forts, our students truly bonded. Retreats are an incredibly meaningful time for our students as well as leaders. We believe these retreats not only help our students grow closer to Jesus but help them grow in relationship with each other. A special thank you to the amazing leaders who devoted their time to our students and made this such a wonderful experience.


Team Craft

Thursday, September 21, 2023 • 11:00 a.m.

Team Craft meets the third Thursday of each month at 11:00 a.m. in Room 137. We always welcome new members to knit, crochet, embroider, or help out in any way. We can teach newcomers whatever skill interests them! Come join us!

GriefShare Fall Session

August 16-November 8 10 a.m.-12 p.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Join anytime! GriefShare is a friendly, caring group who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Childcare is available for the evening sessions. Register here. Facilitator: Dixie Bopp.


  • 8:30 a.m. Traditional service
  • 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Discipleship
  • 11:00 a.m. The Journey Contemporary service
  • 11:00 a.m. Traditional service
  • Childcare and children's ministry will be provided from 8:30 a.m. through the conclusion of the 11:00 a.m. worship services.

Bulletin for September 17, 2023


  • Fountain Kids Sunday School • 9:45 a.m.
  • Fountain Littles Sunday School • 9:45 a.m. 
  • Fountain Littles Childcare • 11 a.m.
  • Fountain Kids Bible Experience • 11 a.m.


Join us before or after worship! Stop by the Welcome Center from 8:15-11:15 a.m. and let us bless you! While you're getting coffee, check out our Courtyard! See you Sunday!


Check out the September 2023 edition of The Spirit Newsletter.


Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 



  • September 17: Fountain City Connect - 12:15 p.m. in Wesley Hall
  • September 17: Church Picnic
  • September 18: Trustees Meeting - 6:30 p.m. in Room 137
  • September 21: Team Craft - 11 a.m. in Room 137
  • September 22: Free Parents Night Out Event
  • September 24: Rev Brown visiting from First Baptist West Dublin - 11 a.m. worship
  • September 24: Missions Committee Meeting - 4 p.m. in Room 137
  • October 9-14: Knox County Schools Fall Break
Visit our Website

Pastor On Call

After Hours & Weekends

When you need urgent pastoral care while the church office is closed, text or call 865-888-0192 to reach the

pastor on call.

Pastor Don's email:

Pastor Chase's email:

Live-Streamed Worship Services:

11:00 a.m. The Journey Contemporary worship and 

11 a.m. Traditional worship

 are live-streamed on our YouTube channel. Our Tuesday night Celebrate Recovery service is live-streamed on the CR North Facebook page and available on YouTube after its conclusion.

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