Dear Church Family,
I love Christmas! The lights, friends, food, and spectacular worship experiences always warm my heart and cause me to pause to soak in the moment.
We've had some amazing moments this month. Just this past week, our church was blessed to host over 500 people for our two magnificent choral cantatas! What a joy it was to see the Sanctuary filled with music, praise, and the fellowship of so many hearts united in the celebration and beauty of worship and music. Thank you to our choir, musicians, and all who served to make these events possible. Truly, God’s glory was on full display through their gifts.
Missed it? The concert will be broadcast on television as follows:
Christmas Eve • 7-8 p.m. on WBXX CH20
Christmas Day • -6-7 a.m. on WATE TV6
Christmas Day • 6-7 a.m. on WBIR TV10
Christmas Day • 12-1 p.m. on WBIR TV10
As we approach Christmas Eve, I invite you to continue this journey of worship and wonder with us. Invite a friend! This year, we offer three distinct opportunities to gather and celebrate the birth of Christ as listed below.
In anticipation of these sacred moments, I’m reminded of the words of the angel in Luke 2:10: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” This good news—God with us—is the foundation of our hope and joy, not just on Christmas, but every day.
Let us celebrate this good news and share the love of Christ with all who enter our doors. Be in prayer for those who may join us for the first time—that their hearts may be touched by the story of Jesus' birth and the warmth of our community.
I look forward to seeing you this Christmas Eve as we light the Christ candle and rejoice in the Savior who has come to us. May your days be filled with peace, hope, and the expectancy of God’s presence among us.
With Christmas blessings,
Pastor Don