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As Halloween draws near, it’s easy to focus on costumes, candy, and fun. But in The United Methodist Church, Halloween has deeper connections to our faith. Celebrated on All Hallows’ Eve, the night before All Saints’ Day (November 1), Halloween is a time to reflect on the lives of the saints who have gone before us and celebrate the light of Christ in the midst of darkness.

While Halloween has its roots in older traditions, the UMC views this time of year as an opportunity to embrace the themes of holiness and resurrection, and to reflect on the hope we have in God’s eternal love. The light we celebrate at Halloween reminds us that, no matter the challenges we face, God’s love always prevails over fear and death.

Many United Methodist congregations use this season as a time to engage with their communities, offering family-friendly events like Trunk or Treat and encouraging safe, joyful participation. At FCUMC, we’re doing just that tonight with our Parents' Night Out: Glow Party as an outreach offering for families. It’s a vibrant, fun way to provide a safe space for kids to celebrate while giving parents a well-deserved evening off. Events like this reflect our call to hospitality and kindness toward our neighbors.

But Halloween is also a time to remember those in our community who may feel isolated or burdened. As followers of Christ, we are called to be a light to those who need it most. Whether it’s sharing a friendly conversation with a neighbor, participating in outreach efforts, or simply praying for those in need, Halloween gives us the chance to embody God’s love in practical, tangible ways.

As we prepare for Halloween and All Saints' Day, let’s take time to reflect on how we can celebrate the joy of the season while honoring the deeper traditions of our faith. Can you and your family take a minute to tell a story from the life of someone who has gone on that keeps their presence relevant? Could you make a family tree together and talk with children or others about what you know of those before your generation? Together, let’s embrace the call to shine the light of Christ in our homes, our neighborhoods, and our world.

Spooky Blessings,

Pastor Rachel

Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal • 5:30 p.m.

Meals are free at Fountain City Fellowship through November 20!

October 30 Menu: Shepherd’s Pie. Green Beans, Salad, Rolls, & Brownies

A light meal of baked chicken tenders with mixed steamed vegetables is available each week.

Even though the meal is free, please register those attending so we may be good stewards of the church's finances and reduce waste. You can register on our website, in the notes section of a pew pad or by calling the church office at 865-689-5175. Registration closes at midnight on Tuesday.

Fountain City Fellowship Classes • 6:30 p.m. 

Check out the list of classes offered for our fall semester on our website. If you have any questions or need further information, contact the church office at 865-689-5175.

Engaging Our Community

This fall, Engaging our Community has been a highlight of our Wednesday Night programming, covering topics like the addicted brain, person-first language, compassion fatigue, and de-escalation techniques. Join us for the final session on October 30, when we’ll learn about becoming a warming center. This is a great opportunity to engage with your community one more time and explore how FCUMC might step into a new ministry. Hope to see you at 6:30 p.m. next Wednesday in Wesley Hall!

The Chosen Class

Nicodemus continues researching and trying to understand John the Baptist. Jesus' lunch with James and John's parents is interrupted by someone breaking through the roof. Come and see!


The church staff is in need of the following greeting cards: Thank You, Congratulations, Sympathy, and Get Well. If you have any you would like to donate, please drop them off in the church office. Thank you!

Coats for the Cold 2024

Drop off coats for donation at any KARM Stores Donation Center or Fountain City United Methodist Church through November 8.

The donated coats will be given away free of charge with a coat voucher to those in need in our community at participating KARM stores. Contact the church office at 865-689-5175 if you know of someone in need of a coat voucher.


In 2023, 8,985 coats were donated and distributed in the Knoxville area! Details on Coats For The Cold can be found on the KARM website.

Blessing Box Needs:

  • Individual juice boxes or pouches
  • Microwave Mac and cheese cups
  • Individual cereal boxes or pouches

Thank you and God bless!


FCUMC Church Member Mary Slack Receives

Emerald Youth Foundation Legacy Award

Congratulations to Mary Slack on being this year's Legacy Award recipient for Emerald Youth Foundation. Your dedication to Emerald and the community is worth celebrating! Mary was recognized this past week at Emerald Youth’s Legacy Dinner.

New Resource for Sunday School Classes and Small Groups

We are excited to share a new resource made available to us through a generous donation of an anonymous donor by the Homeless Training Institute. They provide over 40 separate trainings that will help us compassionately and confidently manage problematic behavior from those struggling with homelessness, trauma, mental illness, and substance abuse. If you are personally interested, or would like to use this with your Sunday school class or small group, contact the church office at 865-689-5175 or someone on the Unhoused Ministry Team. We are glad to help you!


Fountain Kids is blessed with FCUMC Youth rockstars! Carys Bible, daughter of Julie Dawson and Doug Bible, along with Mandolyn Lee, daughter of Krista and Bryan Lee, are faithful servants each Sunday morning with Fountain Kids.

I love helping out with the kids at Fountain City United Methodist Church. It makes me excited to get up early on Sundays! The environment is so positive and happy for the kids. I love how interactive the kids are, and it makes me happy to see more kids having fun learning about our religion. I think it’s great because it’s allowing us to see and set up the future generations of our church! Getting close with the kids at FCUMC is so beneficial because sometimes I see some out in public and they feel comfortable enough to talk to me & ask questions. - Mandolyn

I love getting to know the future of our church, and it is an amazing way to get involved with the church & meet families.

The kids are always so loving, kind, and ready to learn, and it reinforces some of the Bible stories I learned when I was younger. Young smiles, laughter, and love always starts my week off great. - Carys


Join us for a roaring good time this Sunday at the Iglehart Farm! We will enjoy food and fellowship around a cozy fire. Students are responsible for their own transportation.


GriefShare Fall Session Wednesdays 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Through November 13, 2024

It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare, a friendly, caring group who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. If you have questions, please contact Dixie Bopp. To register and check out the class schedule, visit the GriefShare website.


  • 8:30 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
  • 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Discipleship
  • 11:00 a.m.Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
  • 11:00 a.m. Journey Contemporary Service in the Gym
  • Childcare and children's ministry is provided from 8:30 a.m. through the conclusion of the 11 a.m. worship services.


  • Fountain Kids Sunday School • 9:45 a.m.
  • Fountain Littles Sunday School • 9:45 a.m. 
  • Fountain Littles Childcare • 11 a.m.
  • Fountain Kids Bible Experience • 11 a.m.

Bulletin for October 20, 2024


Join us before or after worship! Stop by the Welcome Center from 8:15-11:15 a.m. and let us bless you! See you Sunday!


Check out the October 2024 edition of The Spirit Newsletter.


Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 

Friday: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.



October 25: Parents Night Out/ Halloween Glow Party

October 27: Youth bonfire at the Igleharts

November 1: Come To Bethlehem Travel Pass Registration Opens

November 12: UWF Unit Meeting 11am-1pm

November 12: Sarah Circle Meeting 1-2 pm in Wesley Hall

November 20: Team Craft Fundraiser 4:30-8:30 pm in the Gym and Hallway

November 20: GriefShare's Surviving The Holidays

November 27&28: Church Office Closed for Thanksgiving

Visit our Website

Pastor On Call

After Hours & Weekends

When you need urgent pastoral care while the church office is closed, text or call 865-689-7894 to reach the

pastor on call.

Pastor Don's email:


Pastor Rachel's email:


Live-Streamed Worship Services:

11:00 a.m. The Journey Contemporary worship and 

11 a.m. Traditional worship

 are live-streamed on our YouTube channel. Our Tuesday night Celebrate Recovery service is live-streamed on the CR North Facebook page and available on YouTube after its conclusion.

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