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Dear Church Family,

Many of you know this already, but we have several wonderful Advent activities to help you connect with the reason for the season. We had another incredible experience this past weekend with our Come to Bethlehem event. From the joyful laughter of children at the live animals to the tasty soups enjoyed by the many people gathered around tables in our Gym, it was a beautiful reminder of the gift of Christmas. A special thank you to everyone who helped make the event a success, from the shepherds, soldiers, townspeople, bread makers, and innkeepers to those who worked behind the scenes to bring Bethlehem to life. Your dedication speaks of your passionate faith. 

But just like the dessert table on Christmas, there’s more!  

As we savor the memories of Bethlehem, we look forward with anticipation to this coming weekend’s Choral Cantata. I am biased, but I did overhear a church member inviting some friends today, and they said, “It is the best in the city.” This year, as every year, it promises to be a powerful reflection of the hope and joy of the season. It’s an opportunity to pause amidst the hustle and bustle of December, refocus on the miracle of Emmanuel—God with us—and celebrate together in worship through song. 

Advent reminds us to slow down and lean into the promise of Christmas. Let us journey forward together, filled with joy and anticipation, as we prepare to welcome the Light of the World.

In Christmas Joy,

Pastor Don

Advent Devotional Week Three: Curious People

Check out our Advent Devotional for Week Three with passages from Krista Striebel and Charley Gray.

May the kings of Tarshish and of distant shores bring gifts, and may the kings of Sheba and Seba offer tribute. May all kings bow down to Him, and all nations serve Him.

Psalm 72:10-11

Christmas Eve Worship Services • December 24

  • Family Nativity Service • 4 p.m. A family-friendly worship service in the Sanctuary. Grandparents, aunts anduncles-if you have grandchildren or nieces and nephews visiting, they are welcome to participate in our student ministry service. They can be an angel or shepherd or star. We would love to have them join us!
  • Contemporary Candlelight Service • 6:30 p.m. This candlelight Holy Communion service will be in the Gym and will include contemporary Christian music.
  • Traditional Candlelight Service • 11 p.m. This candlelight Holy Communion service in the Sanctuary will include traditional hymns.


North Knoxville Warming Center

Sign up to join the volunteer movement! Our Warming Center will open on nights of frigid temperatures below 25 degrees. Volunteers will have a 3-day advance notification.

For more information on the North Knoxville Warming Center at FCUMC, please check out our website.

A big thanks to those of you who chose a senior from Beverly Park Place to assist with their Christmas wishes! Return gift bags on Sunday, December 15 before or after any worship service in the hallway outside the church office, or contact Sandy Morgan at 865-679-0760 to make other arrangements. There are specific wrapping instructions which were given out with the senior’s information when you selected your angel. Thanks for helping raise the spirits of Beverly Park Place residents this Christmas!

Blessing Box needs:

  • Cereal packets
  • Oatmeal packets
  • Granola bars
  • Bar soap
  • Shampoo- sample size
  • Toilet paper or Cottonelle wipes
  • Sample size lotions
  • Hand warmers
  • Socks
  • Gloves
  • Hats

Thank you for your support and for the large donation of canned goods! God bless!!

The prayer tree outside of our chapel has stars with prayers requests from individuals who attended Come To Bethlehem. Please stop by and cover those requests with your prayers.


We Are Looking For A Youth and Young Adult Director

We ask for your prayers during this process of launching a search for a Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry. Though we will publicize in many outlets, the best candidates almost always come from a friend of a friend. That link between us, and finding the best candidate, may be you! Have your friend check out the job description and other information. Applications are rolling, with interviews starting in January.

Many thanks and much love to all of our precious volunteers who presented the story of Christmas to our community. 

From greeters, lighting folks, tree decorators, characters, hosts and hostesses, FCUMC showed the love of Christ as always. 

Love you all.


Please check out the photo gallery on our website.

Get Your Sweet Potato Pie This Sunday

Some dedicated volunteers turned gleaned sweet potatoes from the St. Andrews Project into mission! Purchase your frozen sweet potato pies on Sunday, December 15 (reheating instructions will be provided). All proceeds will go to flood relief. If we raise $1000, Pastor Don will take a whipped cream pie to the face…and if we raise $1500, Pastor Rachel will! 

Come, Celebrate Christmas!

The Traditional worship ensembles are once again preparing for our Christmas concert. The dates are December 15 at 3 p.m., and December 16 at 7:30 p.m. Please plan to attend! 

Financial support of this program is always appreciated. The musicians of our church need everyone’s help covering the expenses of the orchestra and television broadcast. Donations may be made to FCUMC (memo: Chancel Choir Fund). Individuals and groups offering gifts by December 10 will be listed as donors in the printed concert program. Thanks in advance for supporting us!

The concert will be also televised at the following times:

  • WBXX CH20 • December 24 • 7-8 p.m.
  • WATE TV6  • December 25 • 6-7 a.m. 
  • WBIR TV10  • December 25 • 6-7 a.m. 
  • WBIR T V10 • December 25 • 12 -1 p.m.

Service of the Longest Night December 22 • 6:30 p.m.

There are times when each of us succumb to our doubts, fears, exhaustion and grief, and are generally overwhelmed. In the dark of night, those feelings can get the best of the love and compassion we know intrinsically are available to us through God’s grace. But by the winter solstice, the literal longest night of the year, we are pushed and shoved by the bustle of all the holiday things, whatever your things may be- to manage, source, prep, and smile through. This service is for all who long for a silent night. A little slice of peace. A moment of encouragement. Some time to ourselves in the presence of the Holy. 

Christmas Pageant

By Fountain Kids and FCUMC Youth

December 24 4 PM

Mark your calendar to come out on Christmas Eve at 4 p.m. to support student ministries You will be blessed by the children and youth of our church who you may not see on a weekly basis. We have amazing young families, children and youth! Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy them and be blessed by their love for Christ.

An End-of-Year Giving Opportunity!

As we approach the final stretch of 2024, we find ourselves needing $70,000 to finish the year on solid financial ground. 

The good news? Historically, the last four weeks of the year are the strongest for giving, and together, we can make this happen! We believe this goal is well within reach, but it will take all of us coming together to make a final, impactful push. We invite you to prayerfully reflect on how God is moving through you to support the incredible work being done through our church. Let’s finish the year strong and ready to step boldly into 2025. Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity—let’s do this together!

2024 Financial Gifts must be postmarked by December 31 or dropped off in the church office by Tuesday, December 31 by noon.


FCUMC Preschool Pajama Drive

Our pajama drive benefitting Fountain City Ministry Center was a big success! We collected 101 pairs of new pajamas in all different sizes which culminated in a pajama day for our preschoolers. Wow, thanks church family!


Fountain Kids! Join us for our Christmas Party!

We will enjoy The Star movie,

Bethlehem dress up as we tell our own stories, crafts, and great snacks.  

Kids will not want to miss this celebration of birth of Jesus! 

Fountain Kids Ministry is in a parade!

Fountain City Christmas parade will take place on December 21 at 9 a.m. We will step off from Gresham Middle School and come right down Hotel Road in front of our church.

If your family would like to walk in the parade with us or be on the float please email Donna Lewis for instructions.


The FCUMC Youth Group gathered on Wednesday night for their Christmas Party. Oh, what fun!!

Resurrection 2025

January 24-26 at LeConte Center in Pigeon Forge, TN

Has your student signed up for Resurrection yet? Students in 6th-12th grades are invited to register for Resurrection. The total cost per student is $200 which includes lodging, food, and entertainment. Please pay the $50 deposit at the time of registration and the remaining balance is due on January 20, 2025. There is a discount for families with multiple students. Partial and full scholarships are available – just ask Donna Lewis!


  • 8:30 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
  • 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Discipleship
  • 11:00 a.m.Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
  • 11:00 a.m. Journey Contemporary Service in the Gym
  • Childcare and children's ministry is provided from 8:30 a.m. through the conclusion of the 11 a.m. worship services.

Combined 11 a.m. Worship Services, Sunday, December 29

On Sunday, December 29, we will have an 8:30 a.m. Traditional service in the Sanctuary and a combined 11 a.m. Traditional worship service with the Journey in the Sanctuary. Don’t miss a great way to help our church unite around worship! We will share in Holy Communion.


  • Fountain Kids Sunday School • 9:45 a.m.
  • Fountain Littles Sunday School • 9:45 a.m. 
  • Fountain Littles Childcare • 11 a.m.
  • Fountain Kids Bible Experience • 11 a.m.

Bulletin for Sunday, December 15, 2024


Join us before or after worship! Stop by the Welcome Center from 8:15-11:15 a.m. and let us bless you! See you Sunday!


Check out the December 2024 edition of The Spirit Newsletter.


Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 

Friday: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.



December 15: Fountain Kids Christmas Party

December 15: Sweet Potato Pie Fundraising Sale

December 15: Warming Center Opens

December 15: Come, Celebrate Christmas! Concert at 3 pm

December 16: Come, Celebrate Christmas! Concert at 7:30 pm

December 21: Fountain Kids Float in Fountain City Christmas Parade

December 22: Longest Night Worship Service at 6:30 pm

December 24: Fountain Kids & FCUMC Youth Christmas Pageant

December 24: Christmas Eve Worship Services

January 15: Fountain City Fellowship on Wednesday Nights returns

Visit our Website

Pastor On Call

After Hours & Weekends

When you need urgent pastoral care while the church office is closed, text or call 865-689-7894 to reach the

pastor on call.

Pastor Don's email:


Pastor Rachel's email:


Live-Streamed Worship Services:

11:00 a.m. The Journey Contemporary worship and 

11 a.m. Traditional worship

 are live-streamed on our YouTube channel. Our Tuesday night Celebrate Recovery service is live-streamed on the CR North Facebook page and available on YouTube after its conclusion.

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