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Guess Who Turns 60 This Year…

Nope, it isn't me! (I turned 50 this year.) But this fall, our beloved preschool program turns 60. Our capable and dedicated Director, Alycia Truett, put together some fun facts for us as we celebrate!

Did you know…

It started as Happy Hours Kindergarten

Before Knox county had kindergarten, Margaret Schantz, Bobbie Boring, Polly Kelly and Willda Johnson launched a kindergarten in a home in Grove Park. It then moved into FCUMC and became the FCUMC Preschool. This move was instigated by then Associate Pastor David Hazelwood, who saw it as part of an initiative to expand opportunities for ministry to children and families. 

We Started With Sixty-Two 

The Preschool started with sixty-two children ages 4 & 5. These students occupied the upstairs classes in the old part of the church. By the winter of 1966, the new education building was completed, and the preschool moved to its current location. 

Over 100 Families

The preschool now serves over 100 families from the Fountain City community and beyond, with classes for children 6 months to 5 years old. We have a staff of twenty teachers, and an operating budget of $465,000.

Excellence and Collaboration

The preschool took a leap forward in 2000 when, under the leadership of Director Susan Todd, we became nationally accredited through the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Accreditation requires an intensive process of self-reflection, several days of on-site evaluations, and a commitment to continuous improvement. As one of the few accredited programs in the Knoxville area, we are a fieldwork site for college students pursuing degrees in Early Childhood Education. For the first time, this year we are partnering with Tennessee Wesleyan University to serve as a fieldwork site for their Occupational Therapy graduate students. These students gain valuable experience working directly with children, and our teachers and families benefit from their input on assessments and activities to improve fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, balance, sensory regulation and more.


In the past five years, the preschool has been the recipient of several federal and state grants which have allowed us not only to improve our classroom equipment, but also recruit and retain highly educated and experienced early childhood teachers. These funds have helped position the preschool to meet the challenges ahead.

I am very thankful for the wisdom, faithfulness, and decisions of previous generations who helped us be in ministry in such a unique way. May we continue to allow the needs of our community and the giftedness of our church to converge in such a way that we can boldly make disciples and change lives for another sixty years! 

In Deep Appreciation Of The Preschool Staff, Past and Current,

Pastor Don

Our Church Picnic is this Sunday! 

We will gather at the Iglehart farm (6161 Edmondson Lane) for games, fellowship

and a delicious barbecue meal!

Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Doug Shipman and his crew will provide the barbecue. Make sure to bring some lawn chairs or a picnic blanket and any outdoor games you want to play. We will have an inflatable too! As always, the picnic is free for our church family to enjoy, but if you’d like to donate to help offset the cost, we won’t say no! 

Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal

September 25, 2024 • 5:30 PM

See you on Wednesday nights in the Gym for great food and fellowship! Our menus include a main entrée, sides, desserts, and beverages. A light meal of baked chicken tenders with mixed steamed vegetables is available each week. 

Please register for meals so that we may be good stewards of our church finances and reduce waste. Register on a pew pad in the notes section, by calling the church office, or on our website. Registration ends Tuesday at midnight. Meals are $5 per person (children and youth are free),

Register for the meal >

Sept. 25 Menu: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Peas, Fruit Salad, Rolls and Chocolate Cake

Fountain City Fellowship Classes • 6:30 p.m. 

Whether you are a long-time member, new to our congregation, or visiting for the first time, you are welcome here and you will find a way to connect with others. Check out the list of classes offered for our fall semester on our website. If you have any questions or need further information, contact the church office at 865-689-5175.

Ministry Burnout?

Being in ministry with others is beautiful, challenging, and at times, very hard. How do you say “no” when your heart wants to say “yes?” We want to equip our church members with good practices to help us engage our community better and keep us in a rhythm of good self-care.

Don’t miss the September 25 class Compassion Fatigue and Burnout held in Wesley Hall at 6:30 p.m. Discover the importance of self-care and resilience in combating compassion fatigue and burnout. This program offers practical strategies and support for those in helping professions to prevent and manage these challenges. Ashlee Crouse, Regional Faith-Based Coordinator for the Metro Drug Coalition.


Living in a car for a year, family finds hope in Knoxville churches

You never know the impact you have on the lives of those around you. And then again, sometimes you do. This article was put together by the Holston Conference publication, The Call. It is a small witness of how our church continues to live into the calling to walk beside those who are struggling. 

Helping Mamas Knoxville Diaper Drive

The Sarah Circle of FCUMC’s United Women in Faith is sponsoring a church-wide diaper drive to benefit Helping Mamas Knoxville during the month of September. Helping Mamas Knoxville works with area agencies in East Tennessee to distribute baby supplies to low-income families. 

You can purchase diapers of any size, bring them to the church, and someone from the Sarah Circle will deliver them to Helping Mamas. There is a bin marked “Helping Mamas” across from the Gym in which to put the diapers. Or you can order on their Gooddler wish list page and items will be delivered directly to Helping Mamas Knoxville. We invite our entire congregation to contribute to this worthy cause!

Want a special way to honor or remember a loved one? Altar flowers are a great way to do just that and will enrich our Sanctuary at the same time. Any color will do! Contact the church office at 865-689-5175 to sign up. Available dates are September 29, December 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29. Thank you!

Blessing Box Needs:

  • Juice boxes
  • Individual cereal boxes
  • Granola bars
  • Canned corn
  • Chunky soups
  • Water
  • Disposable razors
  • Bar soap
  • Flushable wipes

Thank you!! God bless!!


FCUMC Heritage Cookbook

We are commemorating the 200 year anniversary of Fountain City United Methodist Church with a Heritage Cookbook. Founded in 1825, FCUMC has served Christ and the community with fellowship, discipleship and leadership over two centuries.

This collection of beloved recipes is shared by members of our church community, reflecting the rich culinary traditions and cherished memories of our congregation. We hope the recipes in this book inspire you and lead you to continue to be the Church. Order your copy!

Free Dental Care

It's that time again! Kate Mashburn, a dental student at Lincoln Memorial University, is providing free dental cleanings this fall. These 4-hour appointments are available on Wednesdays at 8 a.m. or 1 p.m. and Thursdays at 8 a.m. The only cost? Your time! Kate is also accepting more advanced cases this semester. If you believe you might be an advanced case candidate, you are not only welcome but encouraged to make an appointment! She has had a lot of fun working with many people in our congregation and community. Her schedule fills up qucikly so contact her ASAP to reserve your spot. You can text or call Kate at 865-351-0401 to make your appointment. 


Sick Child Guidelines 

We want your kiddos at church and in our programming! We strive to provide excellent teaching, loving relationships and guidance for your family.  As we partner to make every experience the best it can possibly be, we have sick child guidelines that will help your family as well as our staff.  

  • FEVER: Child should be fever free for 24 hours without medication. 
  • VOMITING/DIARRHEA: Child should be episode free for 24 hours. 
  • STREP THROAT: Child should have started antibiotics 24 hours before attending. 
  • SORE THROAT/COUGH: Child should not attend with a sore throat, croup or persistent coughing associated with respiratory infection 
  • PINK EYE: Attend only after 24 hours of antibiotics, no matting or drainage occurs, and the child is no long rubbing the eye. 
  • RASH: Children with an unexplained or contagious rash should not attend. 
  • LICE/OTHER INFESTATION: Children should not attend until after treatment, and all live lice and visible nits have been removed. 

Plan a date night! Bring your kiddos to the FCUMC Gym and enjoy a night out on the town.

We will provide childcare for those under three, however, parents, please provide food for all Fountain Littles.

Children ages 3 and up will have pizza, fruit and brownies. 

Ages 4, 5, & 6 will make crafts and play games. 

Ages 7+ will have NERF WARS. Yes, we said it!

The last hour we will have movie time.

Parents Night Out is $10 per child. Register >>

Soccer Shots

Whether your child is just starting off on their soccer journey or is looking for a challenge, this Soccer Shots program will focus on making a positive introduction to sports and activity while also making a lasting impact on kids and their families.

Soccer Shots for fall semester will take place every Thursday beginning on September 5. There are several sessions to choose from. Please note that the sessions for FCUMC Preschool are for Preschool students only. Register >>


GriefShare Fall Session Wednesdays 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Through November 13, 2024

It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare, a friendly, caring group who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. If you have questions, please contact Dixie Bopp. To register and check out the class schedule, visit the GriefShare website.


  • 8:30 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
  • 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Discipleship
  • 11:00 a.m.Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
  • 11:00 a.m. Journey Contemporary Service in the Gym
  • Childcare and children's ministry is provided from 8:30 a.m. through the conclusion of the 11 a.m. worship services.


  • Fountain Kids Sunday School • 9:45 a.m.
  • Fountain Littles Sunday School • 9:45 a.m. 
  • Fountain Littles Childcare • 11 a.m.
  • Fountain Kids Bible Experience • 11 a.m.

Bulletin for September 22, 2024


Join us before or after worship! Stop by the Welcome Center from 8:15-11:15 a.m. and let us bless you! See you Sunday!


Check out the September 2024 edition of The Spirit Newsletter.


Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 

Friday: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.



September 20: Parents Night Out/ Nerf Wars

September 22: Church Picnic

September 24: Stewardship Committee Meeting

Visit our Website

Pastor On Call

After Hours & Weekends

When you need urgent pastoral care while the church office is closed, text or call 865-888-0192 to reach the

pastor on call.

Pastor Don's email:


Pastor Rachel's email:


Live-Streamed Worship Services:

11:00 a.m. The Journey Contemporary worship and 

11 a.m. Traditional worship

 are live-streamed on our YouTube channel. Our Tuesday night Celebrate Recovery service is live-streamed on the CR North Facebook page and available on YouTube after its conclusion.

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