Notices from the Superintendent
Pictured below is the Valleyview Middle School Mock Trial Team at Denville Municipal Court with Mr. Tim Ford of Einhorn-Harris Law Firm. Einhorn-Harris has been supporting our Mock Trial Team for several years financially and with Mr. Ford's generous sharing of his time to make the program realistic for our students. Mrs. Marian Lezgus has been leading the program for several years, she has done a terrific job growing the program.
June 18 and 19 are early dismissal days
June 19 is the last day of school
June 18 is 8th Grade Graduation for Valleyview at Morris Knolls
School Bus Drivers and Substitute
Drivers Needed. Free training and competitive salary. Click on the picture for details.
We are featuring a different school each week to keep you updated on events and happenings
the district. Please check your individual school's Friday Folders for school specific events.
Riverview News
Friday Folders for Lakeview, Riverview and Valleyview
Riverview School
Lakeview School
Valleyview School
It is an exciting time of year at Riverview School with many end of the year events taking place. Our students have been showcasing all of their hard work and talents. Our fifth grade students impressed us with their essays, power-points and final art pieces during their L.E.A.D graduation and completion of their Artist-in-Residence program. Their final creations of three
inspirational leaders, Martin Luther King Jr., Derek Jeter and Christa McAuliffe adorn our library. The fourth and fifth grade band and chorus students sounded wonderful during their Spring Concert. Our first grade students put on an amazing performance during their play "The Principal and the Pea". The fourth grade students informed us all about the famous people and places of New Jersey during their Jersey Day. We are beyond proud of our Riverview Rockets!
We are looking forward to the third grade recorder concert, the Kindergarten production and many other exciting upcoming events. Thank you to all of the teachers and parents involved in helping our students develop and showcase their individual talents and learning.
Our wonderful staff are also showcasing their skills and knowledge. Mr. McCabe and Mrs. Schell presented at Rutgers University for the New Jersey Department of Education SEL Forward Conference on ways to incorporate social emotional learning into the school culture. Mrs. Zeleny and Mr. McCabe also presented at the NJASECD Statewide Conference at Rider University. We are also thrilled to receive the recognition at Rider University from NJASECD and Character.org for being a
2019 National School of Character.
We are also very proud of Mrs. Llaneza for receiving the distinct honor of being named Denville School District's Staff Member of the Year. Congratulations, Mrs. Llaneza for receiving this well-deserved honor!
As we begin closing out the year, we would like to thank our entire learning community for their wonderful support this year. We are committed to ensuring our students end the year positively, with many happy memories and meaningful learning experiences that will prepare them for the next school year to come.
Denville Kiwanis 5th Annual Bike Rodeo
Denville Kiwanis is holding its annual bike rodeo on Thursday, June 6, 4- 7 PM in the Denville municipal building parking lot. There will be bike safety activities and a police escorted bike ride. Click on the picture for more information.
Panera Fundraising for Joey Bella Memorial Fund
Help support the Joey Bella Memorial Fund by eating at the Denville Panera on June 3rd from 4 - 8 PM. Click on the picture for more information and the flyer to bring.
HUB Soccer Registration Now Open
The fall 2019 HUB Soccer registration is now open. A Munchkin Division for 3-5 year olds, a Challenger Division for Special Needs and PreK - 9th Grade Divisions are available. Please click on the picture for more information and registration.
Vector-borne Illness Information
The Health Department has recommended information about vector borne illnesses be shared with our schools.
"Vector-borne" is the term used to describe illness that is spread when infected blood-sucking insects (such as mosquitoes and ticks) bite a person. Please click on the picture for detailed information.
All Sports Youth Athlete Combine
Please consider participating in Denville's first ever "all sports" youth athlete combine. The event will be held at the Gardner field football field, Sunday June 9th (rain or shine), starting at 9 a.m.. It is open to all youth athletes, male and female, in grades 4th through 8th. This should be a great day of fun for all involved.
The tests performed will test all aspects of athleticism: speed, power, agility and reaction. The test's will be performed by Youth1 Sports, they are a local Morris County based company. Parisi Speed School will also be there to lead the athletes through a dynamic warm up session. Awards will be presented to the top performers of the day.
Please click here to sign up and click here for more information.
Morris County Lighting Fair
NJ Natural Gas is hosting an energy efficient lighting fair at the County College of Morris on June 20, 3-7 PM. Energy efficient bulbs can be purchased for discounted prices. Click on the picture for details.
6th Grade Placement Information for 2019 - 20
Dr. Sandra Cullis, Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction, is announcing the 6th Grade placement information for 2019 - 20. Click here for the PowerPoint course placement presentation. Dr. Cullis' April 2019 presentation can also be viewed by clicking here.
Denville Recreation Baseball Camps
Denville Recreation will offer two baseball camps this summer for ages 7 - 14. Morris Knolls coaches and college coaches will focus on character, leadership and player development. Click here for details and registration.
Denville PAL Travel Softball Tryouts
Softball tryouts for the 2019 Summer Season and the 2020 Travel Season have been scheduled. Tryouts for the Summer Season are for 8U players. Please click here for information. The 2020 Travel Season tryouts are for 8U-14U players. Click on the logo for details.
Adventures in Nature Summer Camps
The Morris County Park Commission is holding Adventures in Nature Camps which offer hands-on discoveries and unforgettable experiences for children ages 2 - 17. Camps include Woodsy Walkers, Survivor: Wilderness and others. Click here for more information.
House Calls for Groceries
The Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey has created House Calls for Groceries and a Friendly Visitor Program to assist senior citizens in Morris County. Volunteers are also needed! Click here for information.
Tri-County Fair Coming to Rockaway
The Tri-County Fair will be held at Christ Church in Rockaway on June 13-16. It will feature rides, music fireworks and more. Click on the picture for information and a $5 coupon.
Registration is Open for Summer Explorations
Registration is open for 2019 Summer Explorations. The program will be held at Lakeview Elementary School this year. There are classes for grades K-8th grade. Choose from many different classes including Aqua Explorers, Space Camp, Slime Time, Dreaming of Disney and more! Click on the picture for details.
Denville Township Schools in the News
Denville Board of Education Meeting
The Denville Board of Education held its meeting on May 20, 2019. Click the image to the right to view the meeting. Below is a link for information on upcoming meetings.
Contact Us
Transportation questions?
Phone: 973-983-6530 ext 2427.
Parent Portal Questions?
Please email:
[email protected] for questions regarding parent portal accounts.
Job Opportunities with the Denville Board of Education
Click the link to the right to see current openings with the Denville Board of Education.