Important Reminder

November 7-8 - Schools Closed for NJEA Convention
Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday. Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday, Nov. 3rd at 2 AM and also check your smoke detectors.
 Notices from the Superintendent

Congratulations to Valleyview, Lakeview and Riveview schools for receiving Future Ready NJ Bronze Certification from NJIT and the NJDOE.   The organizations award certification based on future readiness indicators that fall under three basic categories: leadership, education and classroom practices, and technology support and services.    

Public Information Meetings for Space Considerations have been held:  
Please click on the links for information from these meetings

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Do not pass school buses  when lights are flashing.  It is against the law!

Lakeview, Riverview and Valleyview Folders




Spotlight on our Schools - Valleyview

October was a busy month at Valleyview. 
Our Builders Club collected approximately 40 coats for the Market Street Mission for distribution to the homeless. We are currently collecting food for our Thanksgiving baskets to be donated to Denville Social Services. Please have your student bring in their food item next week. Our deadline to complete and deliver the baskets is November 19.

Valleyiew's 4 th Annual Battle of the Books kick-off was held on Friday, October 25, 2019.  The reading incentive program was explained in ELA classes. Book trailers and details of the program were provided.  Teams will be formed in the next several weeks and reading will begin. 
Preliminary grade level battles will be held in early April.  The final battles to determine the winning team for 6th-grade competition and the winning team for 7th/8th-grade competition will be the week before spring break. 
Booklists can be found on the library website as well as on students' ELA teacher websites. Happy reading!!
Congratulations to the Valleyview Girls Cross Country Team. They placed 2nd in Group 2 of the Greater Morris County Championships held at Central Park of Morris.  Emma Weldon turned in a phenomenal performance with a 2nd place finish. Karolina Kedzierska was 6th, Olivia Capala 9th, Lily Pacconi 16th, Gabby Billeci 39th, Mackenzie Comprelli 47th, and Gabby Roelli 49th.  Way to go girls!!! In the boys championship race Hogan Hyatt finished 9th, Devin Gaglione placed 21st, Timmy Plumb was 23rd, Noah Billeci 31st, Michael DeCongelio 42nd, Anthony Angelos 47th, and Ben Zollers 49th.  Congratulations to all runners from both the girls and boys teams on a great season!!

Our girls soccer team reached the finals of the GMCJSCA tournament and will play on Saturday, November 2nd at 10:30 am.  

This week is National Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week was created to help promote healthy, drug-free lifestyles. Our mission is to lead and support in nurturing the full potential of healthy, drug-free youth. Valleyview has celebrated Red Ribbon Week by having themed days at school. The school counselors spoke to students during their lunch periods about peer pressure, stress management, and healthy living. Students signed the Red Ribbon Week Pledge, pledging to grow up safe, healthy, and drug-free. 

During October, Valleyview launched the new STEAM Challenge-of-the-Month with Catapults!  Students put their engineering skills to the test, preparing and testing designs that could propel candy-sized and mini-pumpkins. Although rain forced the event indoors, over a dozen students participated as competitors or assistants.  We're proud of their efforts, and appreciate the support of parents who helped with supplies and transporting the larger catapults to school. The November STEAM Challenge is the Crime Scene Escape Room, which is a one-hour race to solve a mystery, using powers of observation, collecting and analyzing clues, and eventually eliminating suspects based on the evidence.  Students in all grades are encouraged to sign-up and should check with their Science Teachers for more information. 

Thanks to a grant from the MCMUA, Valleyview has four new demo composters in the Student Garden.  A limited amount of food waste is placed into the compost barrels each day and allowed to naturally breakdown.  Student volunteers literally get this process rolling each week, with a few laps through the garden. For the time being, the composting program only allows banana and orange peels in the cafeteria, coffee grinds and select food scraps from our Life Skills classes. This has been a great introduction to reducing waste in our school!
Download the new App - RSVP-3

RSVP - 3 is a free app which offers the public a way to report bullying and threats directly to the police. This app will be monitored by Denville Police and the Morris County Sheriff's Office.  Click on the logo for information on how to download.
Renegades Lacrosse Bring a Buddy Day
Renegades Lacrosse will be holding their FREE annual Bring a Buddy Day on Sunday, Nov. 3rd at New Ford Road field in Denville for all boys and girls K - 8th Grade.  Please click on the picture for more information.  
Eagles/Knights Autumn Soccer Camp
A soccer camp will be held at Morris Knolls High School on Nov. 7 - 8, 9 AM - 12 PM.  Boys and girls from 4 - 14 are welcome.  Mike Mugavero, the  varsity boys soccer coach for Morris Knolls will be running the camp. Click on the picture for more information.
Morris Knolls Junior Eagles Wrestling
Registration is now open for the Morris Knolls Junior Eagles Wresting program.  No prior wrestling experience is required. Open to Denville and Rockaway residents in Grades K - 8.  Click on the picture for more information.
YMCA Youth Indoor Sports Leagues

The YMCA is offering youth indoor sports leagues for basketball and soccer.  No YMCA membership is required.  All games are on Saturdays.   Click on the picture for more information.  
Breaking Stereotypes, Building Bridges
Women in Unity is hosting a free workshop which will help educators and community members recognize and rethink views that cause division and conflict. This workshop will be held on November 2, 1 - 4 PM at the Parsippany Library. Click on the picture for details.
28th Annual Gingerbread Wonderland
Enter your gingerbread creation in the Frelinghuysen Arboretum's Holiday Exhibit!  The Gingerbread Wonderland will be open from Dec. 6- Dec. 15.  Click here  for details on how to enter and information on the show.
A Night of Conversation - From Prescription to Addiction
  Learn how to openly discuss drug and alcohol abuse with your children, your parents and family.  This is a free community program held at the Lakeland YMCA.  The Hope One Mobile Van will be onsite.  Click on the picture for details.
School Bus Drivers and Substitute
 Drivers Needed.  Free training and competitive salary.  Click on the picture for details. 
Denville Schools Board of Education Meeting
10-14-19 Denville NJ Board Of Education Board Meeting
10-28-19 Denville NJ Board Of Education Board Meeting
  Board of Education Highlights from 10-28-19
·    District audit very positive "District is in great financial
Nisivoccia Accountants LLP
·    Proud of all three schools receiving the Future Ready Schools    
     Bronze Award from NJIT and the NJDOE
·    Riverview- RESPECT program presentation was terrific
·    The district will start a committee to look at
     transportation going forward
·    Thank you to Phalanx Krav Maga for the donation of three sessions of self-defense for our staff in January 2020
Click the image to the right to view the meeting.    Below are links for information on upcoming meetings. 

For Meeting Schedule and Ti mes Click Here
For BOE Agendas and Minutes     Click Here
Denville Library Events in November
The Denville Library offers events throughout the year for children, teens and adults, such as Read to a Dog,  Scratch Programming and After School Art.  Click on the logo for the November Newsletter.
Contact Us
Transportation questions?   
Please email: [email protected].
Phone:  973-983-6530 ext 2427.
Parent Portal Questions?
Please email:
[email protected] for questions regarding parent portal accounts.
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