Important Reminder
Denville Schools will be closed on Monday, January 20th for
Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Notices from the Superintendent
Kindergarten registration for 2020-2021 is now open. Please click
here to be directed to the registration form. This form can also be found on Denville School's
home page.
Click here to review a holiday break notice and information on a new committee which the Board of Education has formed, the Boundaries, Respect and Ethics committee.
Lakeview, Riverview and Valleyview Folders
Spotlight on our Schools - Lakeview
As we begin a new year, filled with New Year's resolutions and ready to start a new and exciting year, Lakeview School is busy welcoming our children back from their winter break. Please remember to give your children hats and gloves with their cold weather gear for outside play. It may look like just a regular cold day at your house, but on a large playground, it can get pretty windy with additional drops in temperature. You can be sure that we will stay alert to freezing temperature, and may choose to stay inside rather than expose the students to harsh conditions. Of course, as you know, each day in the Northeast is a weather adventure! Be ready!
What do we do at Lakeview to create a positive climate?
All of the administration and staff at Lakeview take responsibility for setting a climate in which all children can learn in a safe and a fear-free environment. The established board policy for setting such a climate includes provisions for teachers and staff to:
- Set standards for student behavior in a cooperative manner, so that all are invested in the classroom and school norms
- Create curriculum with the aim of building a climate of respect for self and others
- Apply best practices designed to engage students and thereby prevent discipline issues
- Guide students to accept responsibility for their actions through positive discipline and encourage students to grow in self-discipline.
- Empower students through conflict resolution.
- Encourage our children's interests and talents to build a sense of self-worth.
- Help them understand that a bystander who does not report a harmful situation contributes to the problem.
- Recognize, encourage, and reward positive, caring behavior and peaceful problem resolution.
Our 5th grade students at Lakeview Elementary School in Denville will kick off our school-wide art program this month, and they will get quite a treat! The "Let's Create Art Appreciation Program" begins with the students learning about the life and techniques of artist Vincent Van Gogh, known for his innovative painting techniques. Each 5th grader then will have the chance to create their own masterpiece on a 9 x 12 vanilla cake, using a palette knife to "paint" with colored frosting.
Lakeview's talented students are preparing to entertain us at our annual Talent Show on February 8 at Valleyview School. We are excited to see our lions on stage sharing their many talents. The array of acts will include dance routines, comedy acts, piano/violin playing, and singing. We know it will be amazing. Thank you to all who will perform, Mrs. Brojan for organizing the event with her wonderful volunteers, and our supportive PTA who is organizing the entire event. Special thanks to Valleyview for allowing us to use their building.
Important Notice from the Denville Schools Technology Department
The world of apps and websites is still growing strong. There is an interesting article (click here for source) regarding apps and app usage that states there is a choice of 2.6 million android apps and 2.2 million iOS apps for people to download and use on their various devices. The article also states that between March and May of 2019 approximately 40,000 apps were added to the iOS app Store and 140,000 to the Google Play Store per month.
We have seen an increase in the use of game related apps, social media apps and websites. There are two helpful articles included here to provide more information on this. Our vendors and the technology department are constantly working to block any inappropriate content from our devices, but the market is growing faster than anyone can keep up with. Please take a moment to review these articles and talk with your children about safe behaviors online.
If you are looking to monitor your child's personal devices there are many options and parental controls available. One of the common apps is Bark, which does have a fee associated with it.
Screening of Screenagers: NEXT CHAPTER
The Parent Academy for Student Success (PASS) and The Denville Municipal Alliance Committee (MAC) will be sponsoring a screening of
Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER: Uncovering Skills for Stress Resilience
in the Valleyview Middle School Gym,
January 29th,
6:30- 8:00 PM.
RSVP Screenagers
Click on the picture to view the official trailer.
Intra-District School Choice Lottery Program
Nine years ago, our Board of Education approved the creation of a school choice lottery for students residing in Denville, Rockaway Borough, Rockaway Township, or Wharton who may wish to attend an MHRD high school other than the one designated by their residence. This year's application must be submitted by February 1st, 2020 during the student's 8th grade year. Please click here for details.
New Denville Township Recycling Program for 2020
Denville Township has updates to its recycling program for 2020. The township has also released the new weekly recycling schedule. Please click on the picture for information.
Join Blue Devils Girls Softball
The Denville PAL Girls Softball fields Blue Devils travel teams. We are looking for additional girls for the 10U and 12U travel teams and to form a 8U spring team. Click on the logo for more information.
Give Kids a Smile Day
The American Dental Association Foundation will sponsor "Give Kids a Smile Day" on Friday, February 7th. Each year in NJ, more than 100 dental practices participate in providing free oral health services for children in need. Click on the picture for details.
NJ Conservatory Youth
Chorus Open House
The NJ Conservatory is holding a spring 2020 Open House for their Youth Chorus. Two introductory rehearsals will be held on Jan. 15th and 29th for Grades 3 - 10. Click here for details.
Denville Police Dept. Citizens Police Academy
The Denville Township Police Department will be conducting its 4th annual Citizens Police Academy, beginning on February 18th, 2020. The purpose of the Citizens Police Academy is to give the public a working knowledge and understanding of the operations of our police department. Please click on the picture for more information.
School Bus Drivers and Substitute
Drivers Needed. Free training and competitive salary. Click on the picture for details.
Denville Schools Board of Education Meeting
1-6-20 Denville NJ Board Of Education Board Meeting |
The Denville Board of Education held its meeting on January 6, 2020. Click the image to the right to view the meeting.
Below are links for information on upcoming meetings.
Denville Schools in the News
Contact Us
Transportation questions?
Phone: 973-983-6530 ext 2427.