Dear Parent/Guardian:
The safety of Valleyview Middle School students is always a priority.
Our local merchants and community members have raised concern regarding the safety and behavior of our Valleyview students when they go into downtown Denville, especially on minimum days. Some students are not crossing at the crosswalks, or are running across the street in front of cars. Others are causing a commotion while in large groups and disrupting businesses.
The store owners are welcoming to the students and are happy to provide a service to them while in their place of business. However, when the students make it uncomfortable for other customers, unfortunately, they are forced to take action by asking the students to leave the store.
Today, I spoke with many students who were heading to town and reminded them that at Valleyview we expect our students to be respectful and responsible for their actions at all times. Further, when they go downtown on minimum days, they represent Valleyview Middle School and our expectations of personal responsibility. Tomorrow, we will be having an assembly for all of our students along with Denville Police Officer Bill Underwood to emphasize the importance of traffic safety and being aware of their surroundings.
To that end, we are asking that you speak with your child(ren) about safety and behavior and together, as a community, we can keep Downtown Denville the wonderful place it is for all residents and customers.
Your cooperation and courtesy will be appreciated in these matters and as always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at the school in the main office 973-983-6535, or by email
Paul Iantosca