Daylight Savings Ends Nov. 4th
Nov. 8-9th - Schools Closed for Teacher Convention  
 Notices from the Superintendent

Safety and Security Presentation
The Denville Board of Education and Police Department are holding a Safety and Security Presentation on Nov, 26th at 7:30 PM at the Denville Town Hall during the BOE meeting.  Click here for information.

Stay Connected!
There are a number of different ways to stay connected with Denville Schools.  Please follow us on Twitter:
 And like us on Facebook: @Denvilletownshipschools.  Click here for our webpage on all ways to connect Denville Schools.
We are featuring a different school each week to keep you updated on events and happenings  throughout  the district.  Please check your individual school's Friday Folders for school specific events.  

Valleyview News 
Friday Folders for Lakeview, Riverview and Valleyview 

Valleyview School

Riverview School  

  Lakeview School  
Dear Parent/Guardian:

The safety of Valleyview Middle School students is always a priority.

Our local merchants and community members have raised concern regarding the safety and behavior of our Valleyview students when they go into downtown Denville, especially on minimum days. Some students are not crossing at the crosswalks, or are running across the street in front of cars. Others are causing a commotion while in large groups and disrupting businesses.

The store owners are welcoming to the students and are happy to provide a service to them while in their place of business. However, when the students make it uncomfortable for other customers, unfortunately, they are forced to take action by asking the students to leave the store.

Today, I spoke with many students who were heading to town and reminded them that at Valleyview we expect our students to be respectful and responsible for their actions at all times. Further, when they go downtown on minimum days, they represent Valleyview Middle School and our expectations of personal responsibility. Tomorrow, we will be having an assembly for all of our students along with Denville Police Officer Bill Underwood to emphasize the importance of traffic safety and being aware of their surroundings.

To that end, we are asking that you speak with your child(ren) about safety and behavior and together, as a community, we can keep Downtown Denville the wonderful place it is for all residents and customers.

Your cooperation and courtesy will be appreciated in these matters and as always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at the school in the main office 973-983-6535, or by email

Paul Iantosca
Valleyview News
Congratulations  to Valleyview 8th grader Kashish Jaiswal!  She was honored on the evening of October 10th as a winner in the art and essay contest sponsored by the Peace Islands Institute.
Entering the contest last May as a 7th grade ELA student, Kashish received the good news that she had won honorable mention in the statewide contest. The theme of the contest was "New Jersey Celebrates Diversity", and Kashish won a prize of $100 for her outstanding essay.
Occupational Therapy Newsletter 

The 2018 Fall edition of the Occupational Therapy Newsletter is available.  This newsletter features information on Sensory Processing and Self Regulation.  Please click here to view the newsletter.
Registration for Jr. Eagles Wrestling

Morris Knolls Jr. Eagle Wrestling registration is now open to K- 8th grade residents of Denville and Rockaway.  Click on the picture for information. 
Annual Halloween Parade and Party

The Denville Volunteer Fire Department is hosting its annual Halloween Parade and Party on October 30th at 6PM.  Refreshments, goodie bags and prizes will be offered after the parade.  Click here for details.
Robotics Competition at MKHS 

On November 3rd at 10AM in the MKHS gym, join Morris Knolls Robotics to watch the two competing Morris Knolls teams battling for the title.  Admission is free.   Click on the picture for details.
Open Houses for the Center for Pre-College Programs 

NJIT will be hosting open houses for middle and high school students and parents.  There will be an open house on January 12, click here for information.  A second open house will be held on March 23, click here for details.  NJIT is also offering an open house for teachers and principals on January 24, click here for details.
2018 Holiday Boutique  

The indian Lake Women's Club presents the 2018 Holidy Boutique.  It will be held on November 17th at the Indian Lake Clubhouse from 11 AM - 4 PM.  Click here for details.
Denville PAL Basketball Registration 

Denville PAL Basketball Registration is now open for the 2018-2019 season.  Evaluations will take place in mid-November and practices will start at the beginning of December.  Click on the picture for registration information. 
Renegades Bring a Buddy Fall Clinic 

Renegades Lacrosse will be holding a Bring a Buddy Clinic on November 4th from 11 AM - 1 PM at New Ford Field.  Boys and girls up to 8th grade are invited to attend.  Click on the logo for details.  
YMCA Youth Indoor Sports Leagues

Registration is now open for YMCA Youth Indoor Soccer and Basketball Leagues.  Participants do NOT have to be members.  Click on the logo for more information and registration details.
Social Media and Teen Suicide Awareness

The Wharton Municiple Alliance is offering a presentation on November 14th at 7 PM, that is free and open to the public.  The presentation is entitled "Social Media and Teen Suicide Awareness, What Every Parent Should Know. " Click here for more details. 

Denville Board of Education Meeting
The Denville Board of Education held its meeting on October 22, 2018. Click the image to the right to view the meeting. Below is a link for information on upcoming meetings. 
For Meeting Schedule and Ti mes Click Here
For BOE Agendas and Minutes     Click Here
Contact Us
Transportation questions?   
Phone:  973-983-6530 ext 2427.
Parent Portal Questions?
Please email: for questions regarding parent portal accounts.
Job Opportunities with the Denville Board of Education

Click the link to the right to see current openings with the Denville Board of Education.
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