Diocese of San
The Episcopal Church

Episcopal Shield
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The Friday Reflection Title  
November 11, 2016

From Bishop David

These symbols are laudable, reflective and aspirational regarding who we are and who we're "called to be..." as an Episcopal Church, as the

"Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement" and specifically in this place, as the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin.

And we can even add the words of our Presiding Bishop as a description of who we are and who we're "called to be..."
in these uncertain and for many, nervous perhaps even fearful post-election days.

As a Church, seeking to follow the way of Jesus, who taught us, "you shall love your neighbor as yourself," (Mt. 22:39) and to "do to others as you would have them do to you" (Mt. 7:12), we maintain our longstanding commitment to support and welcome refugees and immigrants, and to stand with those who live in our midst without documentation. We reaffirm that like all people LGBT persons are entitled to full civil rights and protection under the law. We reaffirm and renew the principles of inclusion and the protection of the civil rights of all persons with disabilities. We commit to the honor and dignity of women and speak out against sexual or gender-based violence. We express solidarity with and honor the Indigenous Peoples of the world. We affirm the right to freedom of religious expression and vibrant presence of different religious communities, especially our Muslim sisters and brothers. We acknowledge our responsibility in stewardship of creation and all that God has given into our hands. We do so because God is the Creator. We are all God's children, created equally in God's image. And if we are God's children we are all brothers and sisters.

"The Episcopal Church Welcomes You," is not just a slogan, it's who we seek to be and the witness we seek to make, following the way of Jesus.
The Most Reverend Michael Curry

These are indeed important symbols and words but they have very little substance or meaning unless there are accompanied by action, authentic action, faith, courageous faith.

Sisters and brother of the EDSJ, I am reminding us that God is calling us to action. God is calling us to faith. Since the election, we have read about and seen through social media and perhaps up close-and-personally evidence of discrimination, alienation, bullying, abuse, intimidation and unfortunately my words only begin to scratch the surface of behaviors exhibited. It is our responsibility to be aware and to identify where love of God and love of neighbor are missing and to fill those spaces with love. It is our responsibility to ensure that people are treated with respect and dignity and grace. It is our responsibility to make absolutely sure that we are living up to our symbols and words. Safety pins are lovely, rainbow flags are marvelous, words of welcome are divine and hearts invite us to go deeper but none of these symbols or our words have any substance or meaning whatsoever unless we act, unless we love, unless we are willing and prepared to walk with Jesus to change the world.
So speak out Church! Be courageous Church! Love Church!


Congratulations go to.....
Newly Elected

Standing Committee Clergy:
The Rev. Suzy Ward, St. Paul's, Visalia 
Standing Committee Lay:
Erin Rausch, St. Anne's 
Diocesan Council at Large Lay: 
Jeff March, Church of the Savour
Diocesan Council Central Deanery Clergy:
The Rev Gail Bernthal, Church of the Savior
Diocesan Council Southern Deanery Lay:
Greg Glenn, St. Paul's, Bakersfield 
General Convention Clergy Deputies (in ranked order):
The Rev. Kathryn Galicia, St. Francis 
The Rev. Suzy Ward, St. Paul's, Visalia 
The Rev. Dr. Michael Backlund, St. James',Sonora 
The Rev. Canon Anna Carmichael
Alternate Clergy Deputies (in ranked order):
The Rev. Robert Woods, St. Sherrian's 
The Rev. Paul Colbert, Holy Trinity 
The Rev. Nancy Key, St. Paul's, Visalia 
General Convention Lay Deputies (in ranked order):
Gabriel Gutierrez, St. Michael's 
Cindy Smith, St. Paul's, Bakersfield 
Barbara Inderbitzen, St. Paul's, Modesto 
Jan Dunlap, St. Paul's, Bakersfield 
Alternate Lay Deputies (in ranked order):
Manuel Coroll, Holy Family 
Cathy Henry, St. Paul's, Bakersfield 
Alexis Woods, St. Sherrian's 
Nedra Voorhees, St. Francis

Bishop Appointments:

General Convention Alternate Clergy Deputy:
The Rev. Deacon Carolyn Woodall, St. James',

Ordination Officer: The Rev. Canon Anna Carmichael

Treasurer: Marion Austin, Holy Family

Commission on Ministry:

Nancy Fitzgerald, St. Raphael's
Walt Bentley, St. Paul's, Visalia
The Rev. Heather Mueller, St. Andrew's
The Rev. Dr.Michael Backlund, St. James, Sonora 
The Rev. Gail Bernthal, Church of the Saviour 
 Congratulations to All! 
For Clergy
The Advent Clergy Retreat
will be held at St. Anthony Retreat Center in Three Rivers, CA December 6-8, 2016. The retreat will start at noon on December 6th and end after lunch on December 8th. All priests, deacons, and postulants are encouraged to attend.

We are pleased to announce that Demi Prentiss is delighted to come to the Diocese of San Joaquin again and will be our retreat Leader.

Go to:
https://diosanjoaquin.org/clergy-retreat-fall-2016-registration/ to learn more. 

For  Active Clergy and Lay

Save The Date:
Planning For Wellness
Diocese of El Camino Real and
Diocese of San Joaquin

Learn how to secure your financial future and take steps toward a healthier lifestyle at this informative conference for active clergy and lay employees, hosted by the Church Pension Group (CPG). Spouses and partners are invited.
For more information click here.

ERD: Hurricane Matthew

Episcopal Relief & Development is reaching out to partners in the hurricane's path.

Following the storm's impact, local churches are best-positioned to aid in assessing damage, confirming the safety of members and others in their communities and using available facilities and resources to respond to immediate needs.

Or Click here to find out how you can help.

Erskine Fire at Lake Isabella: Help Still Needed!

Thank you very much for your donations to help the parishioners whose property was damaged by the Erskine Fire at Lake Isabella. Trailer and water pump needs have been supplied!

Financial donations are needed to assist with installation and repair, hook-up costs and other needs to get our people on their own again. 
Donations can be mailed to:
St. Sherrian's Episcopal Church P.O. Box 1837,  
Kernville, CA 93238.  
Memo: Erskine Fire Assistance

Canonball Express

"CanonBall Express"
artist The Rev. Stephen Bentley 

  Current Total: $14,492.55  
We are still accepting donations for the Canonball Express  and we are almost there. We have purchased Canon Anna's Prius for $22,322.18 
including fees. Many thanks go to Brian and Shauneen Terrell, St. Francis, Turlock for assisting the Diocese with getting a great vehicle at a great price!   
If you have not yet contributed to the Canonball Express please prayerfully consider doing so.

Please send your donations to The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin, memo Canonball Express,1528 Oakdale Road, Modesto, CA 95355 
St. James' Cathedral

The congregation of St. James' Episcopal Cathedral, together with our bishop, invites you to an Advent service of Lessons & Carols. This is the first diocesan service at the Cathedral since our homecoming! Come and share the joy of our new life as we enter into this holy season of anticipation.

Sunday, November 27th  3pm
St. James' Episcopal Cathedral
Holy Family Chapel
4147 East Dakota Avenue
Fresno, CA 93726
Advent Calendar

 It is not too late to purchase these wonderful Advent Calendars!

Contact Deb Bennett NOW!

Please Email [email protected]

"The Advent Calendar to Color" is being sponsored as Diocese-wide fundraising project through the office of our Bishop, David Rice. It's a great way to help celebrate the month-long season of anticipation which precedes Christmas.

An entirely novel concept, "The Advent Calendar to Color" combines the current craze for coloring books containing complex and interesting images with a traditional Advent calendar. The idea is for adults and children together to color one page each day. Pages cover the five "candle Sundays" on specifically religious themes which are traditional in the Episcopal church, while images for weekdays and Saturdays cover a wide variety of seasonal, Christian, and ecumenical themes. Each page is packed with detail: there are Christmas trees, Santa Claus and Old St. Nick; winter fun going ice skating and building a snowman; gratitude for the beauty of nature and for wild animals; the abundance of field and garden. Bells give tongue, angels appear, and there are packages tied with ribbons. The idea is to foster dialogue between children and adults, provide "teachable moments", counter "Xmas commercialism", and provide a guide to the deeper meanings of the season. Coloring the pages is also just plain FUN.

 For More coloring pages and information on how to order the Advent calendar click here now.

TENS: Stewardship

tens logo  
Called to be.... 
Good Stewards

Contact the Diocesan Office for  the TENS password.

Stewardship is a year long program!

Studying Your Congregation and Community

Who are your neighbors?

This information for your community can be found on The Episcopal Church website at:

The Five Marks of Mission

The Five Marks of Mission
Click here for poster to post

Safeguarding God's Children

  Safeguarding God's Children!

Please review your Safeguarding God's Children program in your parish. Are all volunteers working with children current with the training or have gone through the program?

Please contact Stephanie Gilmer, Diocesan Coordinator at [email protected].

Missional Bags

Give to the Bag!

Please send your donations to The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin, 1528 Oakdale Road, Modesto, CA 95355. Please write Yellow Bags in the memo line. Thank you. 

Diocesan Events

Thanksgiving at ECCO
November 24-25

Advent Clergy Retreat, 
December 6-8, 
  St. Anthony, Three Rivers  

Diocesan Council and Standing Committee Meetings
December 10

CPG: Planning For Wellness
January 10 Active Lay
January 11-12 Active Clergy
Monterey, CA

Diocesan Council/Standing Committee Retreat
February 17-18, ECCO

Website Links

Friday Reflection
 All articles and special news can be submitted to the Diocesan Office at: [email protected] 

All submissions are due MONDAY for the following Friday Reflection.  

Submission requirements:
      pictures -JPEG format     
    articles- word document
 linked documents- PDF

Please send all information as attachments. 
Please edit pictures for best brightness, contrast, and lighting before sending in.  

Thank you.  
Ellen Meyer, Administrator

The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin  1528 Oakdale Road, Modesto, CA 95355
PH 209-576-010209-576-0104 F 209-576-0114 E [email protected]