A Message from Chamber Interim President and CEO.
One of the best pieces of advice I ever received from one of my mentors many years ago was that I should, "see, and be seen". He told me to pay attention to local politics, and regional events, and to watch the movers and the shakers.
He urged me to attend important business gatherings and to be visible in my community. He pushed me to join a service club; I did and served as a dedicated member of the Rockland Kiwanis for 27 years before I retired from that organization four years ago.
He shocked and amused me one afternoon when he strongly suggested that I should, "attend the funeral". Not just a specific funeral, but the final send-off for anyone with whom I was acquainted. His theory was that the family and friends of the deceased wouldn't miss me if I was absent, but they would notice and remember kindly my presence.
He also insisted that the chamber was a great networking opportunity that would help me grow my client list. He was right.
Realizing that I'm preaching mostly to the choir, the following is for those readers who are new to the chamber or who haven't yet joined.
One of the primary benefits of chamber membership is the privilege of participation. To say that membership in the chamber is analogous to belonging to a health club is cliché, but it's true. Being a card-carrying member of the local gym doesn't get you to your weight loss goal if you don't use the treadmill and exercise bike.
The same applies when you pay your annual chamber dues. Sending in your check each year is only the first step in maximizing your investment.
Be sure to take full advantage of the opportunities to network and to "be seen". Tickets are still available for this year's annual awards event next week on November 16th at the Strand Theater in Rockland. Will I see you on the Red Carpet?
Best personal regards,