Important Information

and News from

Madrone Trail Public Charter School

April 19, 2024

Upcoming Events

April 20

Stewardship Day, 10-1 pm

April 25-26

Medieval Games, 6th grade

4th grade play

May 4

May Faire

May 6

No School

May 9

Board Meeting, 4:30 pm

May 10

Olympiad, 5th grade

Rising 1st grade Friday, Kindergarten

Friday Assembly, 3rd grade

Chalkboard Drawing by Mr. Nicholas, 1st grade

From the Director

Greeting Madrone Trail Families,

We greatly depend on your ongoing support and partnership to keep our wonderful school operating as a magical place of growth and development for the children. As a result, we ask a lot of our parents and families at Madrone Trail- The following request is no exception. Please join us tomorrow from 10am-1pm for the Spring Stewardship Day! We have a lot of fun projects such as sanding and staining picnic tables and benches, touch up painting, and light gardening and landscaping. It's a short window of commitment and we'll provide pizza for lunch. All skill levels and efforts are welcomed and appreciated. Let's shine our school up for the upcoming May Faire Celebration. I look forward to seeing those of you who can make it. 

Thank you for making Madrone Trail Public Charter your school of choice, we are fortunate to have you and your students as a part of the community.  As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns, or would just like to say hello, please call or stop by any time. 

With gratitude,

Andy Bracco

Stewardship Day- TOMORROW!

Stewardship Day is tomorrow from 10-1. Please come out and join us!

This is an awesome opportunity to spend time together as a community, and take care for our campus. We have something for everyone!

Please check-in at the Kinderyard between 10-10:30 am to be guided to your task/project. 

Bring: Tools/gloves for your specified task, and a water bottle. 

Child care: Provided by Miss Josclyn in the Kinderyard for ages 3-9.

Lunch: Pizza will be provided! 


Weed whacking

Sanding, Painting

Picnic table repairs and refinishing



What project calls to you? Sign up by clicking the link below: 

Stewardship Day Sign-Up Sheet

Board Update

Hello Madrone Trail Community,

We are happy to share our regular board meeting was pretty uneventful this month. Currently, we are working on continuing to build our relationships and reputation within the larger Southern Oregon community. We have been working hard on engaging the other charter schools within the Medford School District as well as the Board from the district. Continuing to have open, honest conversations about our school with those that listen is exciting for all of us. We also focused on picking up some projects from before we started the Executive Director search including updating some handbooks and school improvements projects. 

Our board now sits at seven members. We are actively looking for community members who are willing and able to dedicate time and energy to our school in a sometimes uneventful capacity. If you or anyone you know might be interested, please have them reach out to us at  

As always, feel free to share ideas and visions for our school with any of us. We look forward to continuing to serve this community throughout the rest of the year and for years to come.

For the good of the school,

Madrone Trail School Board

May Faire Update

May Faire is Saturday, May 4th from 11-3 pm. Volunteer sign-up is ready to fill in! Thank you those already signed up. Please see what slots are still needed for each class. Check with your parent rep to see what supplies are needed as well.

Bake Sale please bring goodies separated into $1 portions

K-1 Sweet

2-4 Savory

5-8 drinks (juice boxes, flavored water, sparkling water, and plain water, no sodas please)

Flower donations needed. Email Alycia Tingley at for details on how to help.

New this year, Ms. Cori is starting a lending library for white and light colored clothing to use at May Faire. If you have any May Faire appropriate clothes to donate to it, please give them to Ms. Sherrie in the office. If you are an avid thrift store shopper, keep your eyes out for white clothing, especially dresses and skirts, and consider purchasing a few to donate. We would love to have a wide selection of sizes at hand. In the week leading up to May Faire, the "library" will be open to borrow clothes from if you need something for your child to wear. More details to come in the following weeks.

May Faire Sign-Up Sheet

From the Athletic Director

On April 15th, the Track team competed at Spiegelberg Stadium (Oakdale Middle School). The coaching staff was very grateful to have another track meet with amazing weather. Our 7th grade shot put team continued to impress with both Natasha Wright and Roman Roberson breaking their own school records. Special thanks to our throwing coaches Cori Royer and Kelli Richardson. Last weekend was also the Pear Blossom Run. Madrone Trail had a great showing there as well in the 5k! Check out our finishing times and places here:


Justin Botillier (Board member) 20:31

12th place/1102 overall, 2nd/33 in age division


Maddy Bevers (8th grade) 23:34

56th/1102 overall, 7th/546 women, 2nd/45 in age division


Cori Royer (Games teacher) 27:11

128th/1102 overall, 33rd/546 women, 3rd/50 in age division


June Botillier (4th grade) 36:37

444th/1102 overall, 201st/546 women, 7th/22 in age division


Isobel Bevers (4th grade) 36:39

448th/1102 overall, 204th/546 women, 8th/22 in age division


April 15th Track Meet Notable Finishes


Here are your top 10 finishers by event and grade. Go Dragons!


(Women’s Events)

100 Meters


Jazelle Santos (15.7) 3rd place

Bailey Briggs (15.9) 5th place


Natasha Wright (15.7) 7th place


Faith Waterman (15.1) 7th place

200 Meters


Bailey Briggs (31.6) 1st place


Bella Waterman (34.7) 9th place

400 Meters


Sidra Price (1:27.4) 4th place

800 Meters

Maddy Bevers (3:03.6) 1st place

3000 Meters

Maddy Bevers (13:49.0) 2nd place

Shot Put


Natasha Wright (26’1”) 3rd place NEW SCHOOL RECORD!

Corinne Sanders (23’5”) 7th place



Adrianna Oakes (49’3”) 4th place

Corinne Sanders (39’9”) 8th place



Anastasia Lamont (60’3”) 1st place

Satya Pinney (43’7”) 7th place

Nusa Kumara (43’6”) 8th place


Adrianna Oakes (42’8”) 5th place

Long Jump


Maddy Bevers (12’10”) 2nd place

Faith Waterman (11’8”) 8th place

4 x 100 Relay team: Faith, Anastasia, Satya, Maddy (1:05.1) 5th place

(Men’s Events)

100 Meters


Connor Livdahl (16.9) 5th place


Khai Knoop (13.6) 3rd place

Silas Moon (14.1) 5th place

Roman Roberson (14.2) 7th place


Theo Kingzett (12.9) 2nd place

200 Meters


Gray Bardsley (36.8) 5th place


Khai Knoop (29.8) 2nd place

Titus Stewart (32) 5th place


Theo Kingzett (26.00) 1st place

400 Meters


Luke Walker (1:13.4) 6th place

800 Meters


Isaac Richardson (2:37.9) 2nd place

1500 Meters


Titus Stewart (6:09.6) 2nd place

Shot Put


Roman Roberson (31’10”) 1st place NEW SCHOOL RECORD!


Rowan Treuman-Brown (25’4”) 8th place



Gray Bardsley (39’7”) 5th place


Isaac Richardson (69’11”) 5th place



John Richardson (52’11”) 7th place

Mason Goldey (51’3”) 8th place


Theo Gerig (89’9”) 2nd place

Silas Moon (78’8”) 8th place

Luke Walker (78’1”) 9th place


Isaac Richardson (103’2”) 5th place

Long Jump


Silas Moon (14’) 3rd place

Theo Gerig (11’11”) 6th place tie

Luke Walker (11’11”) 6th place tie             

4 x 100 Relay team: Rowan T, Theo K. Titus, Isaac (57.3) 3rd place

4 x 100 Relay team: Khai, Theo G. Roman, Silas (57.7) 4th place


Remaining Meet Schedule

Wednesday, April 24th @ Ashland Middle School (6th grade districts) 3:00 pm

Note: 6th graders will not practice after this date


Thursday, May 2nd @ Eagle Point High School (7th/8th district) 1:00 pm

We have a school district bus for this meet, leaving Madrone at 11:30 am


Soccer Club


Reminder: Soccer club is Wednesdays 1:30-3:00 pm. 


Remaining dates: April 24th, May 1st, May 8th, May 15th, and May 22nd.


We have a parent volunteer for the rest of the dates, but 1 more would also be helpful. Please email me if interested.


Go Dragons!

Jeff Roberson

Madrone Family in need of Furniture

The Varley family of the Second Grade is in need of furniture for their new home. Their family suffered a fire and are finally moving into a larger space. They are looking for beds (ideally a King and a Queen size) for their home and other furniture. They would greatly appreciate any help from our loving community. Please contact Christy at if you can help.

Lost & Found

There is lots of items in our Lost & Found right now. It will all be going next Friday, April 26.

Sprouts Program 2024-2025

We have begun accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Sprouts Preschool Program. Interested families who have not yet filled out the Sprouts Preschool Program Interest Form should fill out the form to get on the list. Once you have submitted the form, the program manager will send further details about the program, teacher bios, cost, etc., for your review so you can make the best decision for your family. Applications will be sent out to families who have submitted their form.


Your child must meet the following criteria to be eligible to apply:

1. Child must be 4 years of age by June 1st, 2024 to be considered for the 24-25 school year. 

2. Child must be potty trained.

3. Child must be able to be away from parents for at least a four hour period.

4. Note: Enrollment into the Sprouts program does not guarantee a spot in Kindergarten


For further questions, please contact the program manager:

Community Offering

Spring Offerings from Nina Gallwey

State Testing

The window for taking our state-wide assessment, the SBAC, is now open. Students in 3rd-8th grade are tested annually in Language Arts and Math, and 5th and 8th graders are tested in Science as well. As per Oregon law, parents and guardians have the right to opt their children out of this assessment. In order to do this, you will need to meet in person with our School Test Coordinator, Ms. Cori, to sign the opt-out form. Please email her to set-up a time to meet if you wish to opt your child out of state testing, As a reminder, 3rd, 5th, and 8th graders do not have to take the Spring I-ready assessment so they can focus all of their attention on the SBAC.

Quote of the Day

Handlettered by Ms. Cori


Madrone Trail Public Charter School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or age in its programs and activities.