Important Information

and News from

Madrone Trail Public Charter School

March 1, 2024

Upcoming Events

March 4

Parent Council, 6 pm

March 6

Beautification Committee Work Day,

1:30-3:30 pm

March 8

Friday Assembly, 5th grade

March 10

Daylight Savings Time Begins

March 11

Chipotle Fundraiser, 4-8 pm

March 14

Board Meeting, 4:30 pm

March 15

Friday Assembly, 7th grade

Crafting Circle, 3:30-5:00 pm

March 18-22

Spirit Week

Beeswax Snail by Ananta Hale Guevara, 1st grade

From the Interim Director

Greetings Madrone Trail Families, 

I hope everyone in your home stays healthy or recovers quickly. There appears to be some fearless viruses with us this season.

Congratulations to Mr. Barbee and the 6th grade students on a great production of King Arthur. It was another fine example of performance art that integrates student’s learning and creativity. 

At our staff meeting this week, Miss Casenheiser taught us how to sashay to the tune of Alabama Gal, although I think her class did it much better. Speaking of the 2nd grade classroom, they finally have a new HVAC unit! After some post installation trouble shooting, the classroom is back on line. The kids should be warm this winter and cool this spring.

There are two quotes I heard this week about Madrone Trail that really resonated with me. The first was, “this school really has a way of softening kids.” I’ve worked in countless schools and districts over the past 25 years, and the genuine kindness at Madrone Trail is real. It starts with a staff that has a genuine interest in their students and the relationships that flourish as a result.

The second quote was a reference to our “inner child.” It made me wonder if the connection I see between our staff and our students is because the adults at Madrone Trail haven’t lost our connection with our collective inner child. I’ve observed the staff here remembering the importance of imagination, play, laughter, music, and feelings.

On a less pleasant note, I need to remind everyone, especially grades 1-5, that it’s a good idea to leave things that are important at home if they aren’t needed for school. We’ve had some things go “missing” from some backpacks hanging in the breezeway this month. Whether lost or stolen, I wish we could guarantee the security of everyone’s special property, but we can’t.

Thank you for making Madrone Trail Public Charter School your school of choice, we are fortunate to have you and your students as a part of the community.  As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns, or would just like to say hello, please call or stop by any time. 

With gratitude,

Andy Bracco

Auction- Tomorrow!

It’s the final countdown before the Madrone Trail 17th annual Auction tomorrow, Saturday, March 2nd! 

What’s the damage: Our school needs to raise $25,000 for our operational costs and, with your participation in our event tomorrow, we have every hope of reaching that goal! Purchase your tickets now at this link.

Whoooo’s bidding: For everyone who has their ticket, pull up this link to have our Bidding Owl page handy for the event. Just keep the page in your browser. No app download is necessary, but you will need a Bidding Owl account to cast your bid, so be sure to have one ready and logged in before the festivities. If you need help with your account or using the website, helpers will be on site to assist you.

Exciting News: Bidding for silent auction items is open now! If you are planning on going to the auction and want to get a head start on bidding or just a sneak peak of what's available or all the virtual participants who can't attend, start bidding now!

Party on, my dudes: A helpful hint to all auction goers: cash will be your fast pass to getting drinks, raffle tickets, and other activities at the event, so, if you want to skip the line for the card readers, have some bills on hand.

WE’RE SO AMPED FOR THE AUCTION! See you on the dance floor, goonies never say die!

Thank you to our Auction Sponsors!

Sibling Enrollment Form

Please fill out the linked form below if you have an incoming Kindergartner or another child whom you would like to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year if there is space available. Please fill this form out even if your other children are already on the waitlist, as siblings of current students get waitlist priority. Kindergartners will be placed in next year's classes on a first come, first served basis before we lottery non-Madrone Trail families. Please note that incoming Kindergartners need to be 5 years old by June 1st, 2024 to be eligible to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year. The form is due March 22.

Sibling Enrollment Form

From the Athletic Director

Track and Field


Practice starts March 4th!


Practices will be Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 3:30-5:00 pm at Madrone. (Please pick your student up promptly at 5pm)


Tim Stewart will be our head track coach this year. Kelli Richardson is the assistant coach.


Who: 6th-8th graders

Cost: $100

When: Weekdays between March 4th and April 26th.


Note: Please see Ms. Sherrie in the office to apply for a scholarship or set up a payments plan.


Meet schedules will be out in the next week.


Note: On especially rainy days, practice will take place in the gym.


Mayor’s Cup Fun Run


The Pear Blossom (Southern Oregon’s largest community running event) is April 13th. Part of that day, there is something called a Mayor’s Cup Fun Run. This is a 1-mile or 2-mile run that involves tracking each school’s participation for schools to possibly win various prizes. Attached is the flyer for this event. Also, here is a registration link.


Rogue Valley YMCA Volleyball and Track


The Rogue Valley YMCA is offering both spring volleyball and track. Please do not confuse signing up through them as signing up for a Madrone Trail sport. Signing up with the YMCA is completely separate from Madrone Trail. However, I do appreciate the YMCA’s sport offerings and desire to “emphasize teamwork and cooperation over winning and help youth develop the core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.”


Both Track and Field and Volleyball have the same dates, grades, and cost, but different registration links.


Who: 3rd-6th Grade

Cost: $85  

When: April 15th-June 1st

Practices: Two 1-hour practices on weekdays

Registration: March 1st-April 15th


Links to register:





Go Dragons!

Jeff Roberson

Beautification Committee

The Beautification Committee is hosting a Wednesday Workday after school Wednesday, March 6 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. We will be focusing on painting so wear your painting clothes! Email or text Zoe Samczyk if you plan on attending 541.944.2990

Media Mindfulness March

March is Media Mindfulness Month at Madrone Trail! 

This month, we will be sharing some interesting info on the topic of screentime and how it impacts our students. If you have not yet seen it, please consider checking out the Netflix documentary "The Social Dilemma" which provides rich food for thought and discussion. 

The following short story is a good illustration of the impact screentime and technology can have on our children. Please take 2 minutes to read it to kick off our month of Media Mindfulness! 

“Come,” said the pencil to the boy, “and draw with me.”

So the boy reached for the pencil, about to touch it to his sketch pad.

"But I can show you a three-hour drawing condensed into three minutes,” said the Smartphone.

So the boy watched the drawing of a world map, complete with oceans, seas, and capitals, finished in three minutes.

“Come,” said the paintbrush to the boy, “and paint a river with me.”

So the boy picked up the paintbrush, about to dip it into the sky-blue watercolor paint.

“But I can show you a river in India, one in Alaska, and the largest waterfall in the world,” said the Smartphone.

So the boy watched videos of the Rivers Ganges and Alsek, and clips of Victoria Falls tumbling 5,600 feet into volcanic dikes.

“Come,” said the books, “and read about a lion that battles a witch and a ship’s journey into heaven.”

So the boy opened one, curled up on the couch and began reading.

“But I can give you the movie,” replied the Smartphone, “and a soundtrack that stirs your soul.”

So the boy closed the book, got up from the couch, sat at the counter, and watched the video.

“Come,” called the trees and birds outside. “Climb us, and listen to us sing.”

As the boy stepped outdoors, the Smartphone called, “But with me you can play a game where you scale mountains while dodging man-eating vultures.” So the boy stepped back inside to play the game.

With his face glued to the Smartphone, the iPad next to him dinged: a text. The boy glanced at the message. Returning to his game, he heard a ping: an e-mail in his inbox. He read it and returned to his Smartphone, where a flashing Snapchat announcement obscured a bloodthirsty vulture.

Next to his iPad the pencil lay motionless, and next to the computer, the paintbrush untinted.

And beside his Smartphone, “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe” lay with uncreased pages, the lion’s roar stifled, the witch’s cackle silenced, and the gate into Imagination closed.

-Jill Thomas

Chipotle Fundraiser

Madrone Trail is hosting another fundraiser, this time at Chipotle! It will be on Monday, March 11, from 4-8 pm.

In order for your purchase to count, you will need to either:

  • verbally tell the cashier you are there to support Madrone Trail
  • show a physical fundraiser flyer
  • show a digital flyer on a smartphone or other mobile device (the picture below on your phone will work!)
  • use the fundraiser’s online ordering code TYQ44F7 to place an order for pickup through the Chipotle app or website. (More instructions below.)

Delivery orders or orders placed at a different time/location than the scheduled event will not count towards the fundraiser.

The 8th grade class made almost $200 at their MOD pizza fundraiser, thank you to everyone who supported them!

Spirit Week

Quote of the Day

Handlettered by Ms. Cori


Madrone Trail Public Charter School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or age in its programs and activities.