January 3, 2025

Meetings this Week!

Sunday @ 5:00pm - Youth at McCulloughs

Monday @ 2:00pm - Great Hall open

Monday @ 4:45pm - Sue's Table

Monday @ 6:00pm - Bible Study (Ruth)

Wednesday @ noon - Bible Study (Ruth)

Wednesday @ 6:30pm - Youth Bible Study

Wednesday @ 6:30pm - Handbells

Wednesday @ 7:30pm - Choir

January Birthdays

Bulletin for Sunday - January 5, 2025

Sunday Lesson - Al Rose & Wesley Classes

Click Here for Facebook

Click Here for YouTube

In 2020, we contracted with Lifetouch to produce a church directory that was to come out that spring. Then COVID hit. We did not receive the directory until 2021 and they had left out many of the pictures we had supplied but we had no recourse because they went out of business. There are now few options for publishing a directory so we have gone to an online directory. Over the past three months, our Church Administrator, Erin McAllister, has been carefully inputting data and rounding up pictures. You can access it through your email but only if the church has an email for you. You must use the email the church has on file. Click on the link below, put in your email and create a password. It will email you a confirmation link for you. Click on it and you should be in the directory. You can edit your information. Replace the picture or correct the information. If you see someone you know with no information, send us an email update and we will correct their information. Please do not text Erin outside of office hours asking for help. We will be glad to help you on Sunday morning or during office hours. We want our devoted staff to have time with their families.

Link to Directory

Links to Apps:

App for Apple

App for Android

Register for One More Question

Register for ARUMC Book Club

Tom Fuerst is the lead pastor of First United Methodist - Memphis. He received his B.A. in Biblical Studies from Hannibal LaGrange University (2003), an M.A. in Religious Studies at the University of Missouri (2006), an M.Div. from Asbury Theological Seminary (2010), and a doctorate (2022) in Rhetoric. He is the author of three books: Prophetic Peril: The Rhetoric of Nineteenth-Century African American Prophetic-Call Narratives, The Journey of Grief: Traversing Our Sorrows Together, and Underdogs and Outsiders.

His passions involve making the Bible accessible to lay persons, reaching the unchurched, and spending time with his wife and four kids.  

Online Giving Made Easy

  1. Download the App
  2. Search for Camden First United Methodist Church
  3. Put in your information
  4. Select your giving option
  5. You can select to cover the processing fee.
  6. If you are having issues, please check with Erin on Sunday morning.
First United Methodist Church |fumccamden@sbcglobal.net | 870-836-6871 | www.camdenfumc.com