October 11, 2024

Mark Your Calendar!

NO SCHOOL = Monday, October 14

NO SCHOOL = Friday, October 25

Many thanks to our Color Run sponsors!!

Trunk or Treat

REGISTER for Trunk or Treat
VOLUNTEER for Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat FAQ

CYO Basketball

**Register by October 18!**

Catholic Youth Organization Basketball 

Calling all coaches and players

for the 2024-2025 season!

SJS/SJC offers basketball for boys and girls

in grades 4 - 8

EVALUATIONS take place the weeks of October 21 and October 28 [no one is cut]

PRACTICES will be twice a week starting in November

GAMES will be either Saturday or Sunday starting in December and running through March

Coaches and assistant coaches: register NOW through October 11

Players: register NOW through October 18

Note: Coaches and assistant coaches must be CPP approved prior to the season

Registration cost: $100 per student

Registration link: https://reg.sportspilot.com/106548/leagues

Any questions, please contact our committee:

Commissioner: Mike Schultz sjscyo@sjschoolva.org

Assistant Commissioner: Jay Unverzagt unverzagt2@gmail.com

Assistant Commissioner: Montine Norman montine19@hotmail.com

Environmental Club

Environmental Club

When: Every Third Wednesday (subject to change) Beginning at 3:15 ending at 4:05

Dates: October 16, November 20, December 18, January 22, February 19, March 26, *April 16, & the last meeting May 21.

Where: Room 42~Mrs. Olmes

Who: Open to 5th-8th Graders (Capacity of 20 people.)

Why: The Environmental Club will be about helping our school and community care for God’s creation and building friendships with other St. Joseph Catholic School students.

Pick up: Outside of Extended Day at 4:05

*Date change

Click HERE for permission form. Questions? Contact Mrs. Olmes at h.olmes@sjshoolva.org

Hurricane Relief

On behalf of Bishop Burbidge, we share that Catholic Charities USA is accepting donations to support and assist in humanitarian relief efforts in response to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene across the southeastern part of the United States. To ensure that funds are more quickly made available to Catholic Charities USA and their efforts, parishioners are encouraged to make a donation online using THIS LINK

Dylexia Awareness

High School Placement Test Prep

Log Volunteer Hours!

St. Joseph Catholic School has implemented a 12-hour family service requirement. All families are encouraged to participate, and many opportunities exist to volunteer time, talent, or treasure, including class field trips, parties or other classroom help, cafeteria, recess and hands-on activities such as art or outdoor classroom activities. The PTO also has numerous opportunities such as the auction, Donut Sundays, etc. All volunteers must complete the Child Protection Program if they will have substantial contact with students. Families that do not participate in the service program will be charged a $120.00 fee, or partial fee of $10 per hour for hours not volunteered.

Click HERE for the Volunteer Hours FAQ's

Click HERE to log your hours!

Nurse's Corner

Get at least 9 hours of sleep per night

“Sleep is the single most effective thing you can do to reset the health of your brain and body”. According to the National Sleep Foundation, “There is no precise number of minutes or hours of sleep at night that guarantees you will wake up feeling totally refreshed”. However, depending on your age and lifestyle, there are recommendations within a certain range that is best for you. Click HERE to read more!

Norovirus or "stomach flu"

Norovirus is a very contagious virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea. Norovirus spreads very easily and quickly in different ways.

It is sometimes called the "stomach flu" or the "stomach bug" Norovirus illness is not related to the flu. The flu is caused by the influenza virus.

Norovirus causes acute gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach or intestines.

Most people with norovirus illness get better within 1 to 3 days; but they can still spread the virus for some days or even weeks after (CDC) that is why it is very important to continue to practice the prevention protocols below even after you start to feel better

Signs and Symptoms:

A person usually develops symptoms 12 to 48 hours after being exposed to norovirus.

  • Most common symptoms: Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach pain
  • Other symptoms: Fever, headache, and body aches


  • Stay home for 24 hours from the last episode of vomiting/diarrhea and or other symptoms such as fever has resolved
  • Frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Cleaning & disinfecting contaminated surfaces

Please click this CDC link to read the full article on Norovirus

Volunteer for Lunch/Recess!

We’re excited to offer an opportunity for parents and guardians to get involved! Consider volunteering to help out during lunch and recess! All recess and lunch volunteers must be compliant with the Child Protection Program. Please see the school website for more information.

Recess: Please arrive at the front office at 11:10am for 11:15-1:15 recess.

Lunch: Please arrive at the front office at 11:25am for 11:30-1:30 lunch.

Please sign up only if you can volunteer the whole two hours. 

Questions or last minute cancellation? Please call the school office at 703-880-4350.

Click HERE to Volunteer

High School Information

Altar Servers

Ministry of Altar Servers

Peace and good! Parents, please talk with your children in the 5th - 12th grade about becoming altar servers at St. Joseph. Servers tell us being an altar server helps them understand the liturgy in a new way. New servers will attend training on either Oct. 22 or Nov. 12 or Nov. 15 from 6:30-7:45 PM in the church. Please contact the office or one of the friars if your son or daughter hears this call to serve! We're praying for new servers to volunteer.

SJC Craft Fair

Face Painters Needed! (Opportunity for service hours!)

Opportunity for Service Hours - 7th and 8th Graders 

Face Painters Needed at Craft Fair Oct 26th 9 - 3 pm

If interested, contact Mrs. Kirby at kirbym59@gmail.com 

Prayer Leaders

October 14: NO SCHOOL

October 15: Brass, M.

October 16: Breen, P.

October 17: Breland, R.

October 18: Brown, W.

October 21: Bruno, D. and A.

October 22: Bryan, J. and K.

October 23: Bucaj, G.

October 24: Buckingham, C.

October 25: NO SCHOOL

Prayer leaders are to report to the library no later than 7:50 AM in order to appear on the morning news show. 

**At this time, parents will not be able to watch the taping of the news.

Upcoming Events


October 11: Color Run

October 11: School Mass


October 14: NO SCHOOL

October 16: 8th Grade Confirmation Retreat

October 16: Vision/Hearing Screening

October 18: School Mass

October 24: School Mass

October 24: Trunk or Treat

October 25: NO SCHOOL

Stay Connected!

**NEW** Follow us on Instagram!

Don't forget to follow the official St. Joseph Catholic School Facebook page (sjschoolva), X (@sjschoolva), and Instagram (@sjschoolva) accounts!

St. Joseph Catholic School

750 Peachtree Street

Herndon, VA. 20170


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