February 9, 2024

No School: Feb. 16 and Fe. 19

No School on Friday, February 16

and Monday, February 19

(Feb. 16 is a professional development day for teachers and Feb. 19 is Presidents' Day. Enjoy the days off!)

Club and Team Sport Picture Day

Good Luck, SJS Cheerleaders!

The SJS cheerleaders will be competing this weekend at Bishop Ireton High School in the Diocesan cheer competition! Best of luck, Saints!

Submit Yearbook Photos!

Do you have pictures from school events, sports, or activities? Please use the yearbook portal to submit pictures for the yearbook!

If you don’t want to put names on the photos, please put the grade level. All pictures will be considered but submission is not guaranteed.

Yearbook Sales are Coming!

Upload Photos HERE

**If you are prompted for a UserId, please use: 0zHjQKZiCphgyfMhkwsm1_g

Annual Dinner and Auction

April 20, 2024

Click HERE to donate!
Click HERE to Become a Sponsor!

Nurse's Corner

Tis the season for respiratory illnesses and we are seeing an uptick in illnesses in the community as well as in our school. While we do our part with cleaning the classrooms and high touch surfaces we will also review steps that help slow the spread of germs in school. We will be reviewing this information with your child at school but we ask that you reinforce this information at home with your child as a way to help reduce spread of illness.

Three important things to do to help you and others stay healthy are:

  • Wash your hands
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze
  • Stay home if you are sick 

You children in the lower grades will watch these videos (Washing Hands and Cough & Sneeze) in school. Please watch it again with them at home and review the points in the video. The older children will watch a more appropriate video in their classroom.

Germs can be easily spread by:

  • Coughing, sneezing, or talking
  • Touching your face with unwashed hands after touching contaminated surfaces or objects
  • Touching surfaces or objects that may be frequently touched by other people

To help stop the spread of germs:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
  • Throw used tissues in the trash
  • If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands

Remember to immediately wash your hands after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.

Washing your hands is one of the most effective ways to prevent yourself and your loved ones from getting sick. 

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol to clean hands

Scout Mass

February 11 @ 9:00am

Scout Sunday – February 11, 2024


BSA Scout Sunday 2024 Emblem. The emblem features a stylized cathedral facade, complete with soaring arches and intricate stained glass windows. The central focus is a Scouting fleur-de-lis, seamlessly integrated into the architectural design, symbolizing the Scout's commitment to duty and service. This 3-inch BSA patch comes with the words "Scout Sunday 2024." The BSA designates the Sunday that falls before February 8 (Scouting Anniversary Day) as Scout Sunday, which is the primary date to recognize the contributions of young people and adults to Scouting. Wear this patch on the official Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Venturing, or Sea Scouts uniform. Grab your little piece of Scouting history and celebrate Scout Sunday with your Scouting family. (Resource: https://www.scoutshop.org/2024-scout-sunday-emblem-661065.html).

Blessings on the Scouts and their families here at SJC!

Volunteer Corner

**All volunteers must be compliant through the Child Protection Program. For more information, please contact Beth Covert at bcovert@sjcherndon.org

Volunteer for Lunch and Recess!

St. Joseph Catholic School will implement a 12-hour family service requirement, effective with the 2023-2024 school year. All families are encouraged to participate, and many opportunities exist to volunteer time, talent, or treasure, including class field trips, parties or other classroom help, cafeteria, recess and hands-on activities such as art or outdoor classroom activities. The PTO also has numerous opportunities such as the auction, Donut Sundays, etc.  All volunteers must be compliant through the Child Protection Program if they will have substantial contact with students. Families that do not participate in the service program will be charged a $120.00 fee, or partial fee of $10 per hour for hours not volunteered.

Log Volunteer Hours Here

Knights of Columbus Free Throw

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan Council #6175

2024 Youth Free Throw Championship

All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2024 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship on Friday, February 9th from 6-8 pm at the St. Joseph Catholic School gymnasium. Click HERE for more information and how to register.

Prayer Leaders

February 12: Robertson, L.

February 13: Robinson, J., T., and C.

February 14: Robinson, A.

February 15: Rogers, L.

February 16: NO SCHOOL

February 19: NO SCHOOL

February 20: Rolnicki, S.

February 21: Royal, B., E., and J.

February 22: Rubis, A.

February 23: Sabrick, E. and K.

Prayer leaders are to report to the library no later than 7:50 AM in order to appear on the morning news show. 

**At this time, parents will not be able to watch the taping of the news.

Upcoming Events


February 9: School Mass

February 14: School Mass (Ash Wednesday)

February 15: First Penance

February 16: NO SCHOOL (Teacher Professional Development)

February 19: NO SCHOOL (Presidents Day)

February 21: Stations of the Cross

February 23: School Mass

February 24: Confirmation

February 28: Stations of the Cross


March 1: School Mass

March 6: Stations of the Cross

March 7: School Mass

March 7: End of T-2

March 8: NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workday

March 13: Stations of the Cross

March 15: School Mass

March 15: Report Cards Issued

March 19: School Mass - Feast of St. Joseph

March 20: Stations of the Cross

March 27: Stations of the Cross

March 28: Holy Thursday

March 28: 11:30am Dismissal

March 29: NO SCHOOL - Good Friday

March 31: Easter Sunday

April 1-5: NO SCHOOL (Easter Vacation)

Stay Connected!

Don't forget to follow the official St. Joseph Catholic School Facebook page (sjschoolva), and Twitter account (@sjschoolva)

St. Joseph Catholic School

750 Peachtree Street

Herndon, VA. 20170


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