February 19: NO SCHOOL (Presidents Day)
February 21: Stations of the Cross
February 23: School Mass
February 24: Confirmation
February 28: Stations of the Cross
March 1: School Mass
March 6: Stations of the Cross
March 7: School Mass
March 7: End of T-2
March 8: NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workday
March 13: Stations of the Cross
March 15: School Mass
March 15: Report Cards Issued
March 19: School Mass - Feast of St. Joseph
March 20: Stations of the Cross
March 27: Stations of the Cross
March 28: Holy Thursday
March 28: 11:30am Dismissal
March 29: NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
March 31: Easter Sunday
April 1-5: NO SCHOOL (Easter Vacation)