April 26, 2024

School Musical

8th grade presents

Disney's musical

Beauty and the Beast Jr.

Opening night is

Wednesday, May 1

at 7:00pm

Author Visit

We look forward to welcoming Mr. Jonathan Miller on May 7!

Mr. Miller is offering his books for sale! Click HERE for the order form! Order forms should be turned in by May 6 to classroom teachers.

Click HERE to learn more about Sammy the Wonder Dachshund!

Talent Show


The SJS Talent Show is scheduled for our student assembly Friday, May 17, 2024.

We are excited to showcase the talents of students who are hard at work taking lessons or receiving other training in the performing arts. Everyone participating in an individual or group performance must fill out a permission form and a parent’s signature is necessary. Each student may only perform in ONE act.

The permission form below must be submitted by April 30, 2024 in order to participate in the talent show. Click HERE for more information and permission form.

School Calendar Updates

Mark your calendar!

Friday, May 10: 11:30 dismissal (Extended Day open until 6:00pm)

Monday, June 10: 8th grade graduation 7:00PM,

11:30 dismissal (Extended Day open until 6:00pm)

Tuesday, June 11: 11:30 dismissal (Extended Day open until 6:00pm)

Wednesday, June 12: Last day of school,


PTO General Meeting

Mark your calendar for Thursday, May 16!

PTO Open Meeting at 7pm-8:30pm in Parish Hall

AGENDA to include:

*Light bites, beer, and wine

*Spring Fling report

*Review of school year

*Election of 2024-2025 PTO Board

*Appreciation of Class Coordinators and all volunteers

Welcome Saints Ambassadors Needed!

Consider extending a warm SJS welcome to the newest families joining our community in the 2024-25 school year. This important aspect of the on-boarding process relies on current SJS families to serve as Family Ambassadors, and show the new families "the ropes". By focusing on creating a welcoming atmosphere, we can make sure our school is one where new families feel comfortable and want to be involved.


Serving as a Welcome Saints Family Ambassador is simple: reach out with an introductory email or phone call, and be willing to anticipate and answer those questions we all had as new families. The time involved is minimal, but the impact is immense.


Who should participate?

Whether this is your first year at SJS or you are a veteran Saints family, consider being a Welcome Saints Family Ambassador. You do not need to know all the answers to their questions; just sharing your own positive experiences, tips, and tricks can make all the difference to a new family.

Please contact Karen Brady at welcomesaints@sjschoolva.org

PTO Board Elections

Become more involved with our school by volunteering for the PTO Board

The positions of Secretary and Treasurer are open for the 2024-2025 school year. According to the bylaws, other positions may also be challenged (thus demanding a vote).

Candidates for 2024-2025 Board include Maureen Morgan, Jessica Ingham, and Karen Brady.  Lisa Schultz steps down after serving [the two-year term] as President.

Board elections take place at the Open Meeting on May 16. If interested, please email pto@sjschoolva.org introducing yourself, detailing your experience and why you would like to serve. Please contact us by May 10 if possible. Current Board members are happy to answer questions anytime.

Auction Sponsors - Thank You!



Nurse's Corner

Reminder: If your child suffers from seasonal allergies, remember to start them on their seasonal allergy medication if you are yet to do so. Unfortunately, the pollen count this year has been higher than usual and the effects have been more aggressive than usual. 

Remind your child to wash their hands and face after being outside to help reduce the effects of the pollen on their system and to take a bath and change their clothing before going to bed. This way the pollen is not on their beddings thereby worsening their symptoms through the night.  

Please read the VDH chart for a comparison of symptoms of respiratory illness and seasonal allergies.

Click HERE to read more about allergies from the allergy network.

What are allergies?

Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to an “allergen” — a usually-harmless foreign substance such as dust, pollen, pet dander, or food. Your immune system responds to these allergens by trying to fight them off like a germ or virus, which causes physical symptoms such as sneezing, itching, hives, shortness of breath, and more. These physical symptoms can range from mild symptoms like sneezing or itching to anaphylaxis, a severe, life-threatening reaction.

CYO Uniform Return

CYO Basketball Parents: Please turn in your basketball uniforms to your coaches so we can make sure they are ready for another great season next year! Congratulations to all the team's on an amazing season! Any questions on uniforms, please contact Jay Unverzagt at 719-963-4871.

Kindly return the uniforms ASAP to avoid the need to purchase additional jerseys and impacting the CYO budget.

Saints Spirit Camp

Saints Spirit Camp for rising 1st-8th graders!

When? June 24-28 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Where? SJS Gym

Cost? $250.00

The Saints Spirit Camp welcomes all rising 1st-8th Grade SJS students. This program is a great way to learn cheerleading basics, improve current skills such as stunting and tumbling, meet new and current team members, and have fun! No experience is necessary.

Click HERE to register!

Volunteer Corner

**All volunteers must be compliant through the Child Protection Program. For more information, please contact Beth Covert at bcovert@sjcherndon.org

Volunteer for Lunch and Recess!

St. Joseph Catholic School will implement a 12-hour family service requirement, effective with the 2023-2024 school year. All families are encouraged to participate, and many opportunities exist to volunteer time, talent, or treasure, including class field trips, parties or other classroom help, cafeteria, recess and hands-on activities such as art or outdoor classroom activities. The PTO also has numerous opportunities such as the auction, Donut Sundays, etc.  All volunteers must be compliant through the Child Protection Program if they will have substantial contact with students. Families that do not participate in the service program will be charged a $120.00 fee, or partial fee of $10 per hour for hours not volunteered.

Log Volunteer Hours Here

The Religious Goods Stand

**Date Correction**

Parents of Those Students Making Their First Communion: 


Please stop by The Religious Goods Stand after Mass. (volunteers run the stand sponsored by The Ladies’ Society) There you can find inexpensive blue ties and veils (a variety of styles).


Also, rosaries, First Communion Books, and statues, which make great gifts!


Please stop by and shop!  For more info or help with an item,  email: Mary Kirby at kirbym59@gmail.com.


Shop early - items are limited!


For your convenience the Religious Goods Stand will be open for sale during the following practices: Saturday, April 27th from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. & Tuesday, May 7th from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Please remember to bring cash or check.

SJC Vacation Bible School



VBS-Scuba needs Adult volunteers to help supervise the Youth Decoration and Setup Crew on the following dates: June 17, 18, 20, and 21. While the sign-up sheet to volunteer has 4 hour-shifts, Mrs. Murphy would be grateful for anytime you can give that week to help supervise our youth put the VBS camp together.

VBS Scuba needs Adult volunteers to be leaders of camper groups and Activity Stations. The camp will take place from 9:00am – 12:00pm June 24-28th.


Slots for Youth Volunteers for camp week (June 24-28) are now closed as we are fully staffed for youth volunteers. We still have slots open for youth volunteers for

Decoration and Set up week (June 17, 18, 20 and 21) and for Clean up crew (June 28).


Click HERE for all volunteers forms.

Questions? Contact Roz Murphy at religioused@sjcherndon.org or 703.880.4305

Golf Tournament

Annual Men's Society Golf Tournament

Friday, June 14, 2024

Herndon Centennial Golf Course

The Knights of Columbus Good Samaritan Council #1675 is sponsoring the 27th Annual St. Joe’s Golf Tournament at Herndon Centennial Golf Course starting at 08:00 on Friday,

June 14th. Tickets are $135 early bird before May 31st then $150. Lunch & beverage are provided. Benefiting “Embry Rucker Shelter”, “Paul McGuiness Memorial Scholarship Fund”, and K of C charity programs. Want to Sponsor a Hole, participate with gift cards or certificates, “WE ARE ACCEPTING ALL DONATIONS FOR DOOR PRIZES”. Contact Lou Goffredo at (lgoffredo2@verizon.net) or (703) 966-6481 if you wish to volunteer, donate, and support. Click HERE to register.

Prayer Leaders

April 29: Toothman, T. and J.

April 30: Totow, A.

May 1: Trevino Castaneda, L. and D.

May 2: Trigo Velazquez, L.

May 3: Trinidad, L.

May 6: Troy, J.

May 7: Tschohl, L., M., and C.

May 8: Turpyn, M., P., and H.

May 9: Unverzagt, T.

May 10: Valdecanas, S.

Prayer leaders are to report to the library no later than 7:50 AM in order to appear on the morning news show. 

**At this time, parents will not be able to watch the taping of the news.

Upcoming Events


April 26: School Mass

April 26: 11:30am Dismissal (Extended Day open until 6:00pm)

April 30: Colonial Day


May 1: 8th Grade Musical

May 3: School Mass

May 3: 8th Grade/Faculty Volleyball Game

May 6: NWEA Testing Week

May 7: Vocations Mass - 8th Grade

May 7: Author Visit

May 8: Great American Program

May 9: World Language Exam

May 10: School Mass

May 10: 11:30am Dismissal (Extended Day open until 6:00pm)

May 11: First Holy Communion

May 12: Mothers' Day

May 13: NWEA Testing Week

May 14: Band Concert

May 15: Battle of the Books

May 16: PTO General Meeting

May 17: School Mass

May 17: May Crowning

May 17: Talent Show

May 20: NWEA Testing Week

May 21: Art Show

May 23: School Mass

May 24: Field Day

May 24: 11:30am Dismissal (NO AFTERNOON EXTENDED DAY)

May 27: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day

May 31: School Mass

Stay Connected!

Don't forget to follow the official St. Joseph Catholic School Facebook page (sjschoolva), and Twitter account (@sjschoolva)

St. Joseph Catholic School

750 Peachtree Street

Herndon, VA. 20170


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