August 16, 2024

Personnel Update

I am excited to share that Ms. Gabriella Cabrera moves from teacher 2 Green to 3 Blue. She is a 2023 graduate of the University of Puerto Rico where she earned her bachelor's degree in elementary education. Ms. Cabrera will hold a Virginia collegiate professional teacher certification.

We welcome Mrs. Lauren Labbe to the staff as well. She will take on the role of part-time instructional assistant.  Mrs. Labbe has five years experience as a kindergarten teacher for Prince William County Public Schools. She earned a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from James Madison University(VA).

Important Dates

2024-2025 First Day of School:

Thursday, August 22 (11:30 am Dismissal)

*Extended Day open until 3:00pm

NEW Student Orientation = August 21

Kindergarten Orientation = August 21


Back to School Night (K and 1st) = August 21

Back to School Night (Grades 2-5) = August 27

Back to School Night (Grades 6-8) = August 28

August 30 = 11:30am Dismissal (NO PM Extended Day)

September 2 = NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)

Class Assignments

Exciting news! Student class assignments will be sent out today after 4:15pm! Keep an eye on your inbox—only a short time until you find out your child's class for the upcoming school year!

Lunch Program - Darling Delivery

We are excited for the upcoming school year and look forward to serving our SJS community! Look out for an email from Meal Manage with registration and program details.

August and September Menu’s will be open for ordering on August 16th. 

Meet and Greet



The SJS PTO is asking for a few volunteers to assist the with set up, juice, and clean up. Remember. Volunteering for this event is a perfect way to earn hours for the 12-hour family service requirement.

Click HERE to Volunteer

Pizza Fridays

(Gluten Free Option Now Available)

Questions? Contact

Click HERE to Order
Click HERE to Volunteer

Volunteer for Lunch/Recess!

We’re excited to offer an opportunity for parents and guardians to get involved! Consider volunteering to help out during lunch and recess! All recess and lunch volunteers must be compliant with the Child Protection Program. Please see the school website for more information.

Recess: Please arrive at the front office at 11:10am for 11:15-1:15 recess.

Lunch: Please arrive at the front office at 11:25am for 11:30-1:30 lunch.

Please sign up only if you can volunteer the whole two hours. 

Questions or last minute cancellation? Please call the school office at 703-880-4350.

Click HERE to Volunteer

Volunteers - Important Information

St. Joseph Catholic School loves volunteers! As more opportunities to volunteer in the school open up, please remember that you must complete the Child Protection Program for the Arlington Diocese to be able to volunteer.


This is a two part program. Part one is an online background application and part two is attendance at a Virtus Seminar. 


For more information on completing this program, please contact Beth Covert in the Church/School office at (703) 880-4357 or

Extended Day Registration - Now Open!

Extended Day registration is now open! Forms must be completed by

August 16th. Questions? Please contact Mrs. Nancy Lisk at

For more information, click HERE.

Spirit Night

Friends of Bernie - Parking Spots

Imagine the time you will save! You will no longer need to allow 30 minutes to get to carpool before the bell rings. Now you can drive up just minutes before the children are dismissed! Your children will be released with walkers and exit on the same side as the office entrance. The Friends of Bernie parking spots are the last row of faculty parking in front of the school/parish office, closest to Peachtree. As soon as your children are buckled in, you are off! So if time is critical to your afternoon, you need a spot! (SJS administration reserves the right to make changes for the safety of the children)

Parish BBQ

Volunteers are needed to make this another successful Parish BBQ! Please use the link below to sign up to volunteer! Parents can get credit for volunteer hours at the Parish BBQ.

Volunteer at the BBQ





All parish Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Cub Scouts are invited to provide community service in running the Scout game stations and the gaga ball pit at our St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Picnic on Saturday, Sept. 7th 1-5PM at the Parish field. Each Scouting unit will run a carnival game station. Prizes provided. Gaga ball assistance also requested.


All parish Scouts and parents can sign up here to volunteer -

A direct and compelling headline

Catholic Sports/NVJCYO

NVJCYO Parish Representative – SJC/SJS

Peace and good! We invite individuals who are interested in becoming the SJC/SJS NVJCYO Parish Representative to contact Father Tom at or 703-880-4327.

For further information regarding the ministry and responsibilities of the NVYCYO Representative, please go to the SJC website for the Parish Representative Guide provided by the Diocese. We look forward to hearing from interested individuals. The ministry and responsibilities will begin September 1, 2024.

Prayer Leaders

August 26: Alexander, H., A., T., and M.

August 27: Alford, C. and S.

August 28: Alipio, O. and A.

August 29: Allen, K.

August 30: Althoff, C.

September 2: NO SCHOOL

September 3: Amemo, V.

September 4: Anderson, J.

September 5: Anderson, R. and S.

September 6: Andrzejewski, P.

Prayer leaders are to report to the library no later than 7:50 AM in order to appear on the morning news show. 

**At this time, parents will not be able to watch the taping of the news.

Upcoming Events


August 18: Meet and Greet

August 21: NEW Student Orientation

August 21: Kindergarten Orientation

August 21: Kindergarten and 1st Grades Back to School Night

August 22: First Day of School!

August 22: 11:30am Dismissal (PM Extended Day available until 3:00pm - No AM care)

August 23: School Mass

August 27: Back to School Night Grades 2-5

August 28: Back to School Night (Grades 6-8)

August 30: School Mass

August 30: 11:30am Dismissal (NO PM Extended Day)

Stay Connected!

Don't forget to follow the official St. Joseph Catholic School Facebook page (sjschoolva), and Twitter account (@sjschoolva)

St. Joseph Catholic School

750 Peachtree Street

Herndon, VA. 20170


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