August 23, 2024

Spirit Night - Today!

**Be sure to mention ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC SCHOOL when ordering!**

Important Dates

Back to School Night (Grades 2-5) = August 27

Back to School Night (Grades 6-8) = August 28

August 30 = 11:30am Dismissal (NO PM Extended Day)

September 2 = NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)

Nurse's Corner


Important reminders from the school nurse to Parents/Guardian for the 2024-2025

As we begin the New Year 2024-2025, please re-read this document as a guide to help reduce the spread of illness in our homes and our school community

This is the time of the year when we expect to see an increase in the number of respiratory illnesses in our community, including coughs, colds, sore throats, COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and influenza (“flu”) to name a few. While these illnesses are not unusual for this time of year, there are several things that you can do to protect your child and others.

SJS Tennis

It’s almost tennis season!!

The St. Joseph Catholic School tennis program will start in early September. Please fill out this quick form or find us at back to school night to express your interest and get more information as it becomes available:

SJS Spirit Wear

Thank you for supporting the Class of 2025!

Click HERE to Order Spirit Wear

Color Run!

Mark your Calendars for our 2nd annual Color Run- October 11, 2024! The Color Run is one of our two big fundraisers planned for this year.  This is a fun, week-long fundraising event that includes character lessons, fundraising and culminates in a school wide run during which the students get "colored" as they run each lap. This year's Color Run fundraising is going towards putting in a new playground as well as additional classroom enhancements such as additional seating and flexible furniture. We are currently looking for sponsors for this event! Please see below if you are interested in sponsoring this fun event!

Click HERE to Be a Color Run Sponsor!

Questions? Contact Jessica Ingham

Lunch Program - Darling Delivery

We are excited for the upcoming school year and look forward to serving our SJS community! Look out for an email from Meal Manage with registration and program details.

August and September Menu’s will be open for ordering on August 16th. For questions regarding the lunch program, please contact Mrs. Dillenbeck at 

Pizza Fridays

(Gluten Free Option Now Available)

Click HERE to Order
Click HERE to Volunteer

Questions? Contact

B.Y.O.L @ Bready Park!

RSVP for B.Y.O.L

Volunteer for Lunch/Recess!

We’re excited to offer an opportunity for parents and guardians to get involved! Consider volunteering to help out during lunch and recess! All recess and lunch volunteers must be compliant with the Child Protection Program. Please see the school website for more information.

Recess: Please arrive at the front office at 11:10am for 11:15-1:15 recess.

Lunch: Please arrive at the front office at 11:25am for 11:30-1:30 lunch.

Please sign up only if you can volunteer the whole two hours. 

Questions or last minute cancellation? Please call the school office at 703-880-4350.

Click HERE to Volunteer

Volunteers - Important Information

St. Joseph Catholic School loves volunteers! As more opportunities to volunteer in the school open up, please remember that you must complete the Child Protection Program for the Arlington Diocese to be able to volunteer.


This is a two part program. Part one is an online background application and part two is attendance at a Virtus Seminar. 


For more information on completing this program, please contact Beth Covert in the Church/School office at (703) 880-4357 or

SJS Band Info/SignUp Night

September 10 @ 7:00pm

WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! I hope your summer was fun!!!


I’m looking forward to another year of band at our school. Here is a colorful flier, featuring a drawing of mine, to help you save and remember the date/time of the band parent registration night. I hope to see you on Tuesday, September 10 @ 7:00pm!


In the meantime, be sure to go to THIS LINK, with your child, and take a look at all of the fun information about band instruments and such.


Dr Howell

Parish BBQ

Volunteers are needed to make this another successful Parish BBQ! Please use the link below to sign up to volunteer! Parents can get credit for volunteer hours at the Parish BBQ.

Volunteer at the BBQ

Golden Jubilee Celebration

Golden Jubilee Celebration Livestream Event


On Thursday, September 5th, all the faithful are encouraged to participate virtually in a special Golden Jubilee Celebration Livestream Event, featuring a premiere of a historical documentary of the diocese, an exclusive narrated first-look of the renovated Cathedral of Saint Thomas More, followed by the Solemn Mass and Altar Dedication celebrated by the Most Rev. Michael F. Burbidge. This is a livestream-only event.


Event Link


Livestream Schedule


12:30 p.m.

Historical documentary premiere (30-min) commemorating 50 years as a diocese


1:15 p.m.

Exclusive video tour of the renovated Cathedral of Saint Thomas More, narrated by Father James Hudgins, pastor of St. Theresa's Catholic Church in Ashburn


2 p.m.

Solemn Mass | Diocesan Golden Jubilee Celebration and Dedication of the Altar

Cub Scouts Water Bottle Rocket Launch

Join Cub Scouts Water Bottle Rocket Launch Day! – Saturday Aug 24th @10:00AM


All St. Joseph Kindergarten welcome! We welcome K-5th grade boys to check out St. Joseph Pack 913 and join us in building and launching WATER BOTTLE ROCKETs on Saturday Aug 24th @ 10AM at the Grand Hamptons County Park located at 1081 Safa Street Herndon, VA 20170.


Information for newly interested families will also be provided at this event. Families wishing more information may also contact Jason Plourde at





All parish Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Cub Scouts are invited to provide community service in running the Scout game stations and the gaga ball pit at our St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Picnic on Saturday, Sept. 7th 1-5PM at the Parish field. Each Scouting unit will run a carnival game station. Prizes provided. Gaga ball assistance also requested.


All parish Scouts and parents can sign up here to volunteer -

Ladies Society

Service Opportunity for 7th and  8th Grade Students 

Service Opportunity for 7th and 8th Grade Students 

The SJC Parish Bbq is coming soon and we need your help in our bake sale event. Any baked goods ( 2 dozens of cookies = 1 hour) donated will count towards your service hours needed for your confirmation. Please label baked goods with “No Nuts” or “With Nuts” and package accordingly. The baked goods can be dropped off at the parish hall on Saturday 7th Sept., by 10am. 

All proceeds of the bake sale goes to SJC.  Any additional information or questions, contact Fe Montalban,

Knights of Columbus

Attention Soccer Players!  The Knights of Columbus Good Samaritan Council will hold its annual Soccer Challenge for all boys and girls ages 9-14 at the parish picnic on Saturday, September 7th. Each contestant gets 15 kicks and scoring is based on where the ball lands in the net. A parent or guardian must be present. Registration is from 1:00 to 1:30 and competition should take about an hour. For more information, contact Mike McFarlane (  

Prayer Leaders

August 26: Alexander, H., A., T., and M.

August 27: Alford, C. and S.

August 28: Alipio, O. and A.

August 29: Allen, K.

August 30: Althoff, C.

September 2: NO SCHOOL

September 3: Amemo, V.

September 4: Anderson, J.

September 5: Anderson, R. and S.

September 6: Andrzejewski, P.

Prayer leaders are to report to the library no later than 7:50 AM in order to appear on the morning news show. 

**At this time, parents will not be able to watch the taping of the news.

Upcoming Events


August 23: School Mass

August 27: Back to School Night Grades 2-5

August 28: Back to School Night (Grades 6-8)

August 30: School Mass

August 30: 11:30am Dismissal (NO PM Extended Day)


September 2: NO SCHOOL

September 3: Band Demo

September 6: School Mass

September 7: Parish BBQ

September 9: NWEA Testing Week

September 10: Band Meeting for Parents

September 13: School Mass

September 13: Welcome Saints Coffee

September 16: NWEA Testing Week

September 20: School Mass

September 23: NWEA Testing Week

September 24: 1st Band Classes

September 27: School Mass

September 29: PTO Donut Sunday

September 30: NO SCHOOL

Stay Connected!

Don't forget to follow the official St. Joseph Catholic School Facebook page (sjschoolva), and Twitter account (@sjschoolva)

St. Joseph Catholic School

750 Peachtree Street

Herndon, VA. 20170


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