1. Limited Contact
While we feel that our procedures have greatly reduced the risk of spread in our community, we also recognize that these policies have been stricter than most other schools. To lessen the disruption to our students’ routine and family schedules, rather than closing a class when an individual is experiencing COVID-like symptoms, we will allow the class to continue coming to school but with “limited contact” until test results are available. The person experiencing COVID-like symptoms will not be allowed on campus until our standard return-to-school criteria are met. Please know that these are not new actions. Previously, these same policies were followed before children were dismissed for the day for a class closure.

When a class is placed on limited contact, families will be notified and have the option to continue attending in-person or may transition to distance learning. If we receive positive COVID-19 test results, then the class will immediately close for the 10-day quarantine period. If they receive negative COVID-19 test results, limited contact will be lifted.

During limited contact periods, the following restrictions take effect:
  • Students will be pulled for Carruth therapies or by Parish support staff on a case-by-case basis.
  • Carruth therapists may choose to use patios, socially distanced, for pull-out therapy services.
  • Classroom support staff (Elementary SLPs, Early Childhood Educator, Reading Specialists, etc.) impacted through contact tracing will need to stay with the class. If not impacted, they will not be allowed to provide services to the class, while limited contact periods are in effect.
  • Integrated Arts and Sciences will Zoom with the class.
  • Student and Family Services team members impacted through contact tracing will attempt to stay with the class. If not impacted, they will attempt to not provide services to the class during the limited contact time, unless there is an emergency (such as classroom support needed due to physically aggressive behaviors or other behaviors involving safety concerns).
  • Students impacted may not attend Adventure Play.
  • Social Learning students will be pulled for therapy on a case-by-case basis.
  • Social Learning push-in services will be suspended until the limited contact is over.
  • Soccer Shots and Extended Day will continue as planned with notification to staff involved.

During limited contact periods, the following is allowed when able to maintain social distance from other classes:
  • Utilization of outdoor spaces
  • Staff/students may go for a nature walk
  • Use of playground structures are permitted, including the sports court, with bike handles and plastic/metal hand toys being disinfected between classes
  • Use of the butterfly garden is permitted if no other classes are nearby holding music class or other activities

2.  Party Favors
Our second policy change involves non-edible items sent to school by families, including goody bags, party favors, crafts, valentines, etc., which we previously did not allow. According to the CDC, the COVID-19 virus spreads mainly from person to person, rather than via contaminated surfaces. Therefore, we are lifting this restriction and allowing these items to be brought to school.

Please keep in mind that our policy on snacks and food items remains the same. As a reminder, only factory sealed individually packaged foods are permitted and must be approved by your classroom teacher before being sent to school.