December 16, 2022

Ouachita County COVID Risk:

Community Spread - High

Community Risk Level - Low

Meetings this Week:

Grief Group @ 3:00pm

 Youth Sunday @ 5:00pm McCulloughs

Monday @ 6:00pm - Advent Bible Study

Wednesday @ noon - Advent Bible Study

December Birthdays

Bulletin for Sunday - December 18, 2022

Sunday Lesson - Al Rose & Wesley Classes

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Dear Friends,

Life is fragile. It was only fifteen minutes after I had sent last Friday's update that I received the message that Honey Reynolds had fallen and was on a ventilator at Chi St. Vincent's in Hot Springs. She died Monday night surrounded by her family. Our hearts are broken once again. She was a beloved staff member for years and she touched so many hearts with her spirit, her talents, and her grace.

Her service will be Saturday afternoon at 2:00pm followed by a reception in the Great Hall. It is difficult to mourn someone at this time of year but we are often not given a choice. It is for that reason that we will have a service called a Blue Christmas Service on the longest night of the year, December 21st. It is a service of Candlelight and Communion but has a quiet and reflective liturgy that helps recognize the fact that we bear heavy burdens as a chair is empty at our table. It is typically a smaller service. Some years, there have only been one or two people present but God is always with us.

We try to have two services on Christmas Eve so people who do not drive at night or have conflicting family commitments have a chance to come. Honestly, the Sanctuary is so beautiful at Christmas, I think you could just sit there and feel God's presence even if a word was never spoken.

As for Christmas Day, we want you to dress casually as we gather around to listen to St. Francis of Assisi tell us about various Christmas carols. Children are encouraged to wear their pajamas. Adults, you might want to wear jeans or sweatpants. Let's come together have experience a little joy on this day of celebration.

Now about our year end budget...truthfully, we will be lucky to end in the black. But you are an amazing congregation and you did last year with room to spare but we are a little more behind this year. Our Finance Committee and SPRC are aware and we have taken steps to assure we have a viable budget for 2023. Still, if you are feeling generous, we would love to end 2022 in the black as we have done the last several years.

Remember this time last year when 2021 was so painful and we looked forward to the new year? This year has certainly brought its own challenges but we are still here, blessed beyond measure, and ready to face the new year with peace, hope, love, grace, faith, and joy.

Grace and peace,


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First United Methodist Church |[email protected] | 870-836-6871 |