Drop off your dessert or side dish for our Thanksgiving Potluck in the Garden Room before worship. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes and gravy are provided.


Drop off a side dish or dessert in the Garden Room before worship, for our Thanksgiving Potluck following the service. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes and gravy are provided.

Dear Grace Family,

This Sunday is our once-a-year Stewardship dedication Sunday. We are answering the question, “how can I (we) take good care of, be grateful for, all God has given me (us)?” In a real sense every Sunday is Stewardship Sunday. Each week we bring what we have, who we are, and we offer ourselves to God as a way of saying thanks. The amount we bring is not as important as the heart we bring.

Our days, our future, our eternity, belong to God. Through our prayers, our songs, our presence, we declare that God is the source of every blessing, every moment, each love, each kindness, every instance of beauty and wonder that leads us to mystery and awe.

Our pledge cards indicate our financial commitment to Grace of Christ. The pastors, staff, session members, volunteers, do not see your pledge card. Our financial manager is the only one who does. She summarizes the numbers and passes the total along. Using that, leaders in the church put together what they pray will be a faithful, wise, and trusting, budget for the coming year.

We live by faith, trusting God. And, we use the wisdom God has given us to invest your generous giving so that the Kingdom of God grows in hearts and lives across our valley and world.

In Genesis this morning we read about how Joseph trusted God, and used his God-given wisdom, to accomplish far more than he could have thought or imagined. We pray God will do that here too, through what we offer on this Stewardship Sunday, and every day!

In Christ,

Curt McFarland

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Sunday Flyer


Our church Personnel Team would like to bless our church staff with kind words of appreciation. Please consider taking a moment to write a note of appreciation to one or many on our staff.

Drop off your notes at the Welcome Center or in the church office before December 11. Note cards and a list of staff members are available at the Welcome Center. The Personnel Team will share the notes with individual staff around Christmas. 

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