Friday, November 15, 2024

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Prayer List 


Please note that our annual Charge Conference is coming up this Sunday the 17th at 3 PM. This will be held along with other churches of the Mission Rivers District at Ebenezer UMC at 161 Embrey Mill Rd, Stafford, VA 22554.

Mission statement: Seek others in our community, Serve their needs, Grow in the love of Christ, and Connect with each other

Pastors Points

This weekend (Saturday at Noon) we will celebrate the life and ministry of Bob Lewandowski, a shining example of servanthood, member of the church, and pastor in The UMC. As I was preparing for our Consecration Sunday, I couldn't help but think of Bob, because if you knew Bob (and know Sue), you know that he was a generous person. He was generous with his heart, his time, his smiles, and his love. He love to love people, and it all stemmed from his relationship with Jesus.

As I think about the sermon title, "Sealed by Faith," Bob was certainly one who was sealed by faith in Christ, and because of him, thousands were fed physically and spiritually, and we got to see faith lived out from the pulpit of a motorized wheelchair.

For 4 weeks now, we have been praying about and reflecting upon Generosity...God's generosity towards us, how God might be calling us to be generous with our time, talent, and treasure, as well as generosity with ourselves and those who surround us. How has your reflection upon generosity moved you to connect more fully with God and others? Have you felt God inviting you to lean in and take a step of faith by committing to give more time or financial support to the church? Where is God inviting us as a church to be more generous and giving?

As you prepare to come on Sunday, think of Bob and others whom you know are generous, pray together about what God might be inviting you to share for ministry next year, then be prayerfully willing to take a step into the faith in which we are all sealed for God's work and service.

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday!

Pastor Tim

GROW in the love of Christ

Pledging for 2025

This Sunday (11/17) is Consecration Sunday for our 2025 Stewardship Program. During worship, everyone can pledge their time, talent, and/or treasure for the coming year. If you didn't yet receive your packet which includes an estimate of giving card and information on God's work at FUMC, please top by the Gathering Space. Packets are alphabetized, but extras are available if needed. Thank you in advance for considering FUMC in your 2025 gifts/budget!

Christmas Dinner by UMM & UWF

You’re invited to a Church-wide Christmas Dinner on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, in Kobler Hall from 5:30–8:30 p.m., featuring music by FUMC Singers. Bring a dish for 10, deliver it to Kobler Kitchen by 5 p.m. Please bring gift for the Food Pantry (diapers, wipes, or hygiene items). RSVP by email, December 2 , or call Margaret Mock 540-220-8521 if you need a ride


Christmas Lights, Carols & Treats

Come celebrate the Christmas season with a holiday lights tour. The JOY Fellowship Ministry

has arranged a private tour with Trolley Tours of Fredericksburg on Thursday, December 12,

2024. Meet outside Kobler Hall in the parking lot at 6:30 pm. Gather your family and friends

for a 75 minute tour of holiday light displays in the city and surrounding residential areas. Hop

aboard for a relaxing fun time. Fill the trolley with the joyous sounds of Christmas carols. On

your return, grab a bag of homemade treats to take home.

Tickets are $15 each. Cash or check made payable to FUMC, with JOY/trolley on the memo line. Mail to the church or place in the drop off slot by the office. Deadline for reservations is

December 2, 2024. First come, first served. 

CONNECT with each other

Hang the Greens with us .. next Sunday (24th)

Help us Prepare for Christmas! Advent is the season where we anticipate the coming of the Christ child at Christmas. The church prepares for Advent by decorating the church through the "Hanging of the Greens." This year we are going to "Hang the Greens" through a worship/education experience, where the pastors will teach us about the symbols of Advent, we will pray Advent prayers, and sing Advent Carols, then each family take a part in decorating the inside of the church.

After worship on Sunday, November 24 (the Sunday before Thanksgiving), we invite folks to stay after and decorate the outside spaces, as well as put up the Christmas Trees. Then at 4 pm also on Nov. 24th, we will hold the worship experience followed by decorating inside spaces and the trees.

You are invited! JOY ministry Nov. meeting

The theme of our November program is the "Past and Present visits of the Marquis de Lafayette".

Michelle Hamilton (historical author and on-site director of the Mary Washington House) will describe Lafayette's first impromptu meeting with George Washington's mother and detail the events surrounding Lafayette's visit in 1781.

Scott Walker (well-known local historian and tour master of Hallowed Ground Tours) will address Lafayette's 1824 visit to Fredericksburg and plans to celebrate that event in 2024.

The meeting begins at 1:30; light refreshments served - including tea and gingerbread.

SERVE their needs

Got lots of leaves? We've got YOU!

Youth are "standing by " waiting to help you out! Shoot an email to David Carryer, and we'll get you set up! email to

We look forward to helping you!


Our neighbors need your help this winter!


Praise! Women's Cold Weather Shelter is filled through January!


Prayers! Micah still has needs! 

We desperately need teams or individuals to cover the cold weather Men's Shelter on the third, fourth and fifth Saturday nights. Starts at 5 and ends by 7. 


Men's shelter sign-up 

We also have a need for help with breakfast on the second Tuesday from December to March. This will be ONLY if the shelter is open the night before. Maybe you can't commit to a full season but perhaps your Sunday School class, book club, Bible Study group or work friends could "adopt a Tuesday". The GENEROSITY of your time would be greatly appreciated. 



Breakfast Bunch - Sign up


If you are an individual who would like to help occasionally, our first and fourth Tuesday could use a boost in volunteers.


Contact Diane Cotter for any and all questions. 540-845-9636 / 


Online Worship


About Us

United Women in Faith-Social Action/Green Team


Easy things to do to be better Caretakers of God’s Creation!!.

Each ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees and 380 gallons of oil. Please recycle. It’s easy, and it makes a difference.

Can you Donate?

Each year the Youth Ministry can raise a good portion of their yearly funds by way of concession sales at the upcoming Christmas Parade! BUT we need lots of items! They do all the prep and sales! Check out the list and see what you can pick up on your next shopping trip!

Click on the graphic

Save the date - don't miss all the amazing Christmas music

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Fredericksburg UMC

308 Hanover Street

Fredericksburg, VA 22401