Thy Kingdom Come
Four years ago, the Archbishops of York and Canterbury invited the whole of the Church of England to join in their new initiative
Thy Kingdom Come
This was a call to prayer for 11 days between The Feast Days of Ascension and Pentecost. Since then it has become a global and ecumenical endeavor.
The call to prayer mirrors the disciples in their response to their witnessing of Jesus’ Ascension. The disciples went back to Jerusalem and devoted themselves to prayer as they waited for the gift of the Holy Spirit. We too, are waiting to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit that first came at Pentecost.
This time between The Feasts of Ascension and Pentecost reminds us that we need the Holy Spirit. We are reliant on the Holy Spirit, without the Holy Spirit we can do nothing. In this time we pray “Come Holy Spirit.”
I invite you, when you pray, first to deepen your own relationship with Jesus. Then to pray for friends and family so that they may have their lives transformed by a relationship with Jesus Christ. Last, but not least, to pray for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, that we all would be effective witnesses to those around us.
The world was transformed by the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I give thanks that the Holy Spirit is still at work and that The Church of St. Michael & St. George’s ministries are a revelation of God’s kingdom here and now.
God bless