At this time of the year I reflect on my vocation as a member of the clergy. I was made a Deacon on the 30
June, 2012 and ordained Priest on 22
June, 2013.
This year I was looking back over the first part of the Declaration the Bishop made in my ordination service.
Bishop: “Priests are called to be servants and shepherds among the people to whom they are sent... and to guide them through its confusions, that they may be saved through Christ for ever.”
The full text of the Declaration is found
I was struck by the phrase ‘through its confusions’, as these past months have certainly been filled with confusion. Part of that confusion is due to what we as a Church can ‘do’ has been limited and/or changed by the pandemic. Yet the one thing that has not been filled with confusion is what the Church is called to ‘be’.
The declaration I heard from the Bishop seven years ago also left no confusion on that matter. He reminded all who were there that “With all God’s people, they [the new priests] are to tell the story of God’s love”.
The Church’s role is to tell the story of God’s love, that is what we are to ‘be’. This is our common vocation. We should not lose sight of that calling whatever the confusion that might be around us.
I am thankful that I get to share this ministry with you all as we change and adapt to the world around us. One part of that change for me has been this Friday slot for the daily Words of Encouragement. This recent change is going to be changing, as next month we shall be moving to the Words of Encouragement to once a week on a Wednesday. This is so we have time to prepare for our Sunday in-person worship and plan programs as the program year starts up in the Autumn.
Thank you for your encouragement of me in this time and for your prayers. Please continue to pray for us all at The Church of St. Michael & St. George as we discern what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church.
God Bless,
Tom +