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Another new post! 04/24/21
 “Three Major Problems In The Church” by Guy Goodell

“Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. ” Matthew 22:29 KJV
The church claiming preference as the “Body of Christ” is in trouble. I speak not of the cults or the traditional systems bearing the name of Christian. It is what we have called fundamentalism for all these years. On vacation, I visited a church with my family. What I got there I could have secured in a tavern or a worldly concert!

The threefold problems include:

First, Christians do not read the Bible. They do have one. They often carry one. Ask them a basic Bible doctrinal question and see what you get.

Second, Christians who read the Bible ignore what the Bible says.
For instance, “I know the Bible is against my living with him out of marriage, but I need some financial support, or I’m going under.” I heard this from a young woman who was a pastor’s daughter!

Third, Christians who ignore the Bible don’t see that as a problem. One man told me this, “I’m not a bad person. I just don’t see the big point about being upset over bi-sexual issues.” He was the son of a well-known pastor. By the way, the Bible term here is sodomy.
Jesus said, “… Ye do err; not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.” To know refers to being able to see a fact and perceiving how it relates to life. Factual knowledge without understanding the power of God leads to misdirected living. The Lord also said, “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee,…” (Rev. 2:4a). — G.G.

Prepared by Roger Fulk, from the “Baptist Bread” , August 17, 2017 by author Dr. Guy Goodell, Pastor, Bible Baptist Church, Hudson Falls, NY. With permission from Tim Green, editor Baptist Bread.

(MY OPINION) This is What causes all the confusion? Modern Bible Versions and Lack of Baptist History TRUTH and lack of proper methods of Biblical Interpretation!

THE ROOT CAUSE IS … a SPIRITUAL, a HEART AND an IGNORANCE PROBLEM … that … causes all the other things that were mentioned which are the symptoms!

In a nutshell …

“Major Causes of Problems in the Church”. 

  • “Most Christians do not read the Bible. Many Christians who read the Bible ignore what the Bible says. Some Christians who ignore the Bible don’t see that as a problem.” “Baptist Bread” July 17th, 2017 devotional by author Dr. Guy Goodell, Pastor, Bible Baptist Church, Hudson Falls, NY. with permission from Tim Green The Baptist Bread

  • “Ignorance of Baptist heritage, which is so infectious in our pulpits and pews today, is dangerous and must be overcome with a renewed teaching of our Baptist heritage and heroes of past generations.” Appendix B Ten Affirmations Concerning Our Baptist Heritage, ” Page 262, “The Collegiate Baptist History Workbook”, by James R. Beller

What causes all the confusion?  Modern Bible Versions and Lack of Baptist History TRUTH and lack of proper Literal Bible Interpretation!  This is the root cause of all the other things that were mentioned.

We teach the entire counsel of God, based on the Authorized King James Bible, PROPER Biblical Interpretation, including prophecy and True Baptist Church History and Distinctives.

The Ten C’s ….. there may be more ….. Now there are Ten!

(1) ... Greatest Commandments Matthew 22:36-40
(2) ... Great Commission  Matthew 28:16-20
(3) ... Earnestly Contend for the faith Jude 3-4, 20-25
(4) ... All the Counsel of God Acts 20:26-27
(5) ... One Christ Ephesians 4:4-6
(6) ... Another Christ 2 Corinthians 11:4
(7) ... With Compassion, Christians are to have compassion (1 Pe. 3:8; 1 Jn. 3:17; Jude 22). [See Charity, Labor, Love, Mercy.]
(8) ... Pray without ceasing I Thessalonians 5:17
(9) ... Creation Genesis 1:1-2, John 1:1-5 The seven c’s of creation!
(10) ...His Commandments in Old & New Testaments Revelation 22:14C

How to stop all this confusion out there?
  1. Get saved so you “can” understand!
  2. Start reading the KJB and pray every day!
  3. Learn the proper methods of literal interpretation!
  4. Learn “true” Baptist Church History!
  5. Learn and practice the entire counsel of God!
  6. Attend a good Bible Believing Independent Church regularly!


When you sign up for our mailing list, you will be able to ... "Stay tuned" for news and updates delivered straight to your inbox. Here you will find many different subjects with information and resources for your learning/teaching needs! WE WANT TO WELCOME YOU TODAY! TO: A WARNING MINISTRY and BAPTIST CHURCH HISTORY and Watch Ministry False Teaching Exposed Based on the Authorized KJB and Warnings about Unbiblical Interpretation of Bible Prophecy and Warnings about Unbiblical Interpretation of Bible Prophecy and Israel will become one LEARNING/TEACHING PLATFORM 

ign up to Stay in Touch with All Five Groups as they become LEARNING BIBLICAL TRUTH - GOD'S TRUTH


Roger Fulk Admin added the Description April 20, 2021

This is one of the groups that this new group is patterned after. Consider this post as a description to pattern this group after learning biblical truth and what is 'not' biblical truth. If you learn the truth then you will recognize what is not true! As a Born Again Believer, with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT, you will have discernment! LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN!
The purpose of this group is to be a teaching group and learning group about LEARNING BIBLICAL TRUTH - GOD'S TRUTH! And, exposing all false teachings, both, within Christianity and outside the realms of Christianity. Brothers & Sisters this is not a debate group.

There are many groups where you can go to debate. Please keep posts to the subject of this group which is A Warning Ministry. If your post is not about A Warming Ministry we will remove it.

The standards we use in this group ...
We teach the entire counsel of God, based on the Authorized King James Bible, proper Biblical Interpretation, including prophecy and Baptist History, Baptist Theology, Baptist Escatology, and Baptist Historical Distinctives.

Roger Fulk ....What do I do? . I am spending several hours a day studying Baptistic Theology, Christian Apologetics and current and historical events as they apply to Biblical principles. I am developing, what some people call, a “Warning Ministry”. Looking back, I have been doing that all my life. Researching, teaching and discerning the truth. This has always been my calling.

I research the research and the Bible. Many of my sources are written by people who have dedicated and spent much of their entire lives writing and researching various subjects. In some cases writing books and preaching sermons that would be difficult for anyone to duplicate and certainly not in my lifetime. My passion is teaching and passing on resources and information to people to help others.

These comments and rules are adapted from a group named "Wolf Watch Ministry False Teaching Exposed Based on the Authorized KJB" and is one of several other warning ministries that contribute information and research to this group!

My purpose in maintaining this ministry is to biblically present the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, to teach what the Bible says about the many controversial issues today, to refute false teaching and teachers to include the false churches and the cults and to help biblically train and disciple those that want to learn God's word.

Roger E. Fulk, Sr.
"Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity" 1 Cor. 16:13-14)

More about A Warning Ministry

Wolf Watch Ministry False Teaching Exposed
Based on the Authorized KJB - Group Rules!

Folks, especially new members, we ask you to limit your posts to Wolf Watch Ministry: False Teachings Exposed subjects as outlined below! This is the scope of this group - Every day we get posts that are off-topic or from unreliable or unvetted sources or contain modern bible versions or other than Authorized 1611 King James Version or commentary that is not vetted! It is not that other things are necessarily bad just out of the scope of the group. Posts about things that are not within the Description, Standards, and rules of this group will not be approved and deleted at the discretion of the Admins.

Description: The purpose of this group is to be a teaching group and learn about and expose all false teachings, both, within Christianity and outside the realms of Christianity. Brothers & Sisters this is not a debate group. There are many groups where you can go to debate. Please keep posts to the subject of this group which is A Warning Ministry. If your post is not about Wolf Watch Ministry: False Teachings Exposed, which is A Warming Ministry we will remove it.

Inside the realms of Christianity, we expose the false teachings of erroneous Historical Baptist Church History, attacks on Historic Baptist Ecclesiology, Unscriptural Non-Baptist Positions Concerning the Kingdom of God, The Bride of Christ, Baptist Baptism, Baptist History, Heritage, Distinctives, Theology and Doctrine, Women Ministers, The Feminist Movement, Soft Separatism, New Evangelicalism, Theological Liberalism, Materialism, Arminianism, Calvinism, also called The Mystical Invisible Universal 'Church', Limited Atonement, Lordship Salvation, Glossolalia Regeneration, Glossolalia Sanctification, Baptismal Regeneration, Continuationism, Pentecostalism, Charismaticism, Spirit Baptism, Non-Scriptural Teachings on End Times Theology, Sinless Perfectionism, the Prosperity Gospel, Nephilium, Serpent Seed, Easy Believism, Mother Grace, Ecumenicism, Infant Baptism, the Shepherding Movement, Unitarianism, Universalism and Modern Bible Versions, Attack on the King James Bible, and other beliefs that we discover that are not Biblical including … “Cultural Factors that are Weakening Churches” and “Ignorance About Important Issues”… which is … Another reason why a large percentage of fundamental Baptist churches will be well down the emerging path in 10-20 years is that there is widespread ignorance about important issues such as contemporary music, New Evangelicalism, the Southern Baptist Convention, Reformed theology, reconstructionism, charismaticism, Neo-orthodoxy, Darwinian evolution, intelligent design, and theistic evolution, contemplative mysticism, and the emerging church.

Outside the realm of Christianity, we expose the false teachings, including Anti-Israel/Anti-Jewish beliefs, of Roman Catholicism, WICCA, Satanism, Jehovah's Witness, Mormons, New Age, Scientology, Spiritualism, Native American Spiritism, The Way International, Christian Science, Eastern Mysticism, Kundalini, Yoga, The Unification Church, Islam, Seventh Day Adventism, The Nation of Islam, the Hebrew Roots / Messianic / Sacred Name Movement and any other groups that teach doctrine contrary to Orthodox Biblical Christian doctrine.

We do not allow any members to defend any False Teacher, teaching, or cult. Anyone who does so will be removed from this group. All posts that go off-topic will be removed.

The standards we use in this group ... We teach the entire counsel of God, based on the Authorized King James Bible, PROPER Biblical Interpretation METHODS, including prophecy and Baptist History, Heritage, Distinctives, Theology, and Doctrine.

We normally do not put up videos, music, sermons, and Scripture posts unless if they are on Baptist History, Doctrine, Distinctive or other subjects for this group scope. Again not that they are bad or we are against them it's just outside the scope of the group. Thanks for your understanding. UPDATED 04/13/21

Stay in Touch with the "A Warning Ministry Group" and the

When you sign up for our mailing list, you will be able to ... "Stay tuned" for news and updates delivered straight to your inbox. Here you will find many different subjects with information and resources for your learning/teaching needs! WE WANT TO WELCOME YOU TODAY!
Stay in Touch with the "A Warning Ministry Group" and the
The purpose of this Blog is to teach about Jude 3

It has been said there is a big lack of 'WARNING MINISTRIES" in churches. This is a teaching resource to help people and churches understand more about Jude 3 and other related scriptures.

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This Blog will teach about MANY SUBJECTS!

Here is an example! Another interesting question! And ... there are many more ... Just Stay 'Tuned'.

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About The Author Roger Fulk
This is another Blog Post and I hope you enjoy this! It's about a WOLF WATCH MINISTRY FALSE TEACHING EXPOSED!. Please stay tuned. We have plenty of excellent content!

This subject is not of interest to everyone, however we have found there is much confusion about it! We aim to help people learn about this subject teaching and learning purposes! Keep coming back often and enjoy learning about many different subjects like this for your edification!

Thank you,