Weekly Update for Friday, March 24, 2023 | |
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Weekly Desert Cross Update - March 24, 2023 | |
Blessings Blog
Faith & Life with Pastor Andrea
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I am the resurrection and the life.
John 11:25a
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I never thought I could be delighted by a stairway, but this one delivered! Turning the corner to climb the stairs, I was thrilled to discover three beautiful prisms adorning the first three steps. This plain, gray, stone stairway was warmed by the sun and illuminated with a path of light and three prisms which I count as rainbows. It was a surprising God-moment that brought me unexpected joy on an ordinary day. It reminded me that God is with me.
As we seek the way in life, we are guided by our hope in Christ. Even when the path is unclear or dark, the light of Christ shows us the way. God truly is with us and turns up in surprising ways. This was the case when Jesus’ friend, Lazarus, had died and his family was mourning at his tomb. Jesus surprised them and resuscitated Lazarus to create faith in him and belief that he is the resurrection and the life. The way to peace and joy is hope in Christ. Look around you for extraordinary God-moments on ordinary days and prepare to be surprised when you seek what you shall find!
God is with you,
Pastor Andrea
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Palm Sunday Decorations
Don’t trim your palm trees until the last week in March!
Please bring your palms to the church by Saturday, April 1 for Palm Sunday decorations.
You’re welcome to stay to embellish the sanctuary.
Thank you.
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A Thank You from STEP UP Schools Mesa
Dear Outreach Committee and Parishioners,
Thank you for your generous support of Step Up Schools Mesa through the Hunger Jar drive. The goal was to raise funds for our teachers and students to purchase needed supplies at the midway point of the school year. Your generous giving made that goal a success. The two-week drive raised $1,457.48!
At our school, the message conveyed to students on a daily basis is that the pathway to living a life of possibilities and fulfillment of their dreams is through education. We know you support that mission.
Step Up Schools has been blessed to have the support of Desert Cross Lutheran Church through the years. Best wishes to all of you for a Happy Easter and a joyous spring!
Diane Fernichio
Dean of Students
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Leading Faithful Innovation |
What might God be up to amid the seismic changes the church and our culture are undergoing? What opportunities will congregations encounter if they rediscover and follow God's leading?
Join us at Living Water Lutheran Church for an afternoon of learning on Saturday, April 29. Click "Read More" for more information and to register for free.
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March 25/26 Special Hunger Jar: "2023 Cops for Kids"
Our hunger jar this weekend at both campuses sponsors underprivileged children in Maricopa County by supporting the annual shop with the Sheriff day at the 2023 “Cops for Kids” Event.
Local officers take kids shopping with $200 each for necessities, backpacks, and school supplies. The program unites children in need with public safety employees for a special shopping day while building community trust. Thank you for your support!
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Saturday, April 29, 2023
from 11 am to 1 pm
Tempe Campus
We are thrilled to announce that the annual Shred-a-Thon is happening on April 29th, from 11 am to 1 pm at the Tempe campus. This is an exciting opportunity for us to come together and shred those old documents and papers that have been piling up.
We encourage you to bring any unwanted or outdated documents that need to be securely disposed of. This could include old bills, bank statements, and other sensitive information that you no longer need.
This event is open to everyone. See you there!
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Tempe Flower Chart
Will you help beautify the altar in Tempe with flowers?
The flower chart has a few openings in April. Please consider sponsoring flowers for April 9, Easter Sunday or the following weeks of April 15/16 and April 22/23.
This is a nice way to celebrate people or events that have meaning in your life. You may sign up on the flower chart in the Tempe narthex or contact Marie Maiorana at 480-730-8600 or at mmaiorana@desertcross.org.
The cost of an arrangement is $33.
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From Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Arizona
We went on our pilgrimage to Northern Ireland, and it was a wonderful experience!
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Throughout the week, we explored divisions in society, conflict, and how we can use our faith to gain a deeper understanding of our purpose in a tumultuous world. Beyond our interactive sessions, we also explored nature and got a taste of Irish culture.
Desert Cross was a HUGE help in allowing us to go on this trip. Desert Cross raised $2344! Because of everyone's help, every student who wanted to go on the trip could go.
We are so thankful for everyone's contributions. We will share a video about our trip in worship the weekend of April 22/23.
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Feed My Starving Children Packing Event
Saturday, April 29, 2023
2:00 - 4:00 pm
FMSC Packing Site in Mesa
Desert Cross has spots reserved for an FMSC Packing Event on Saturday, April 29. We'll gather at the FMSC Packing Site in Mesa that afternoon to pack meals for hungry people around the world. The Hunger Jars for April 1/2, 8/9, 15/16, and 22/23 will support this event.
Feed My Starving Children Packing Site
1345 S Alma School Rd
Mesa, AZ 85210
Use the link below to make your reservation to serve with Desert Cross.
FMSC Packing Event
If you have any questions or need help making a reservation, please contact Denise McClellan at dmcclellan@desertcross.org or 480-730-8600.
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Painting Pottery with Friends!
Sunday, April 23, 2023
2:00 pm
2970 E Germann Rd, Chandler
Come join us for some creativity with your friends! This fundraiser sponsored by the Congregational Council for Desert Cross will be held at "As You Wish Pottery" on Sunday, April 23 at 2 pm.
Perfect timing to make that special gift for Mother's Day, graduations, or for yourself.
To sign up, please contact Carolyn Perkins at carolyn.perkins77@gmail.com.
The studio fee is $8.00 and includes firing; pottery extra. Family and friends are welcome!
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AC Giving Project
Help us “cool” off our Tempe campus!
Donations to support the Air Conditioning project are now being accepted.
The project is to replace 4 units – starting with the Community Center and Office.
Here are the options to Give:
- Offering – designate on the envelope “AC Project”
Online – click the link, or use the "GIVE" button at the top of this email, then choose “AC Project”.
All funds received will help us reduce the total amount we need to borrow to start the project. The projected total cost is $75,000 and so far $10,758 has been donated.
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Gilbert Fire Panel Replacement
We have an emergency need in Gilbert! Our Fire Panel has failed and needs to be replaced.
Donations to support the Panel Replacement project are now being accepted.
Options to Give:
- Offering – designate on the envelope “Fire Panel”
Online – click the link, or use the "GIVE" button at the top of this email, then choose “Fire Panel”
All funds received will help us reduce the total amount we need to borrow to start the project. The projected total cost is $15,000 and so far $7,043 has been donated.
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Extra Extra - Great News for the Gilbert Fire Panel
A generous family from our Gilbert campus has stepped forward to match any gifts that are given from this point forward (up to $5,000) to replace the broken fire panel. You can give in any number of ways (see the news item above) including by an ongoing pledge.
We give thanks for your generosity!
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Scholarship Grant Awards for DCLC College Bound Students |
The DCLC Endowment Fund is accepting scholarship grant applications for graduating high school seniors, class of 2022. Applications may be downloaded here and are due in the church office by June 15, 2023. For students continuing their college educations, scholarship grants may be renewed, for a total of 4 grants.
Please click "Read More" for more information, requirements, specifics, etc.
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We need your help to fill the following open positions within the Church Council and Gilbert Chamber.
Open Positions:
- Council – Vice President
- Council – Treasurer
- Gilbert Chamber – Outreach
- Gilbert Chamber – Education
- Gilbert Chamber – Hospitality
- Gilbert Chamber – Communications
Please click "Read More" for more information, nominating committee, etc.
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Hey Everyone!
What? We're gonna present a Variety Show!
Where? At the Gilbert DCLC Church.
When? On Saturday, April 29th - That evening at 6:30 PM
Who? Various volunteer members of DCLC.
How? With our very own Singers, Musicians,
Actors, Dancers, and Anyone who wants to share their talents...
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If you are looking to become more involved in our Tempe and Gilbert Faith Communities, please click "Read More" and find out today where you can be of value. You'll find all the needed contact info right there on the page.
We are actively looking for more volunteers in all areas of service.
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Adult Forum
Sundays 9:45 - 10:15 am
Tempe Community Center Adult Classroom
Sundays 10:45 - 11:15 am
Gilbert Sanctuary
Meeting March 26
We're choosing a monthly theme based on the lessons read during the worship services. The theme for March is Seeking. We'll explore the theme by discussing the lessons and using the Adult Playlist posted each month on our Faith Formation Website.
For more information, contact Pastor Andrea at acain@desertcross.org, or Pastor Thadd at tbook@desertcross.org.
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Meditation Group
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
Tempe Sanctuary
Meeting March 28
Thursdays at 9:00 am
Tempe Community Center Youth Room
Meeting March 30
Do you want to try meditation? If so, please join Elaine Kraemer Thursday mornings. Elaine is hosting a weekly meditation group. Elaine has practiced "passage meditation" for many, many years. She'll share the whys and hows of meditation and help you get started with this faith-growing spiritual practice.
To sign up or for more information, please contact Elaine Kraemer at elainekraemer1892@gmail.com.
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Help Decorate our Sanctuary with Beautiful Blooming Plants for Easter
Once again, we will be decorating the Sanctuary spaces in Tempe & Gilbert for Easter with live plants.
As in the past, you have the chance to purchase one of these lovely plants. The price for one of these plants is $20.00. Order envelopes are available at the welcome/information tables.
Please return these envelopes along with your payment to the church office by March 27.
Thank you for helping transform our worship spaces into a place that celebrates the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus!
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Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 8, 2023
10:00 am -11:30 am
Gilbert Campus
Bring your family and friends for an Easter Egg Hunt!
Games, Snacks, Crafts. Prizes...
Please bring your own basket!
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Please consider supporting the Easter Egg Hunt by contributing a bag (or bags) of wrapped candy (but no chocolate because of melting issues last year which attracted lots of ants).
There is a box in Fellowship Hall for donations. Please bring donations by April 2 so we can fill eggs on that Sunday. We plan on filling 500 eggs again and appreciate your support.
If you have questions, please contact Deb Gabrielson at debgabrielson@gmail.com
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Easter Cantata
Palm Sunday – April 2, 2023, at 10:30 AM
Tempe Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday – April 6, 2023, at 7:00 PM
Gilbert Sanctuary
A Holy Week Choral Cantata beautifully and creatively crafted, that tells of the final days of Jesus’ life, focusing on the meaning of His words and actions leading to the cross.
Bring your family and invite your friends!
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Holy Week Worship Service Times
Palm Sunday Weekend (April 1/2):
- Saturday at 5:00 pm: Palm Litany & Special Passion Reading
- No Sunday 8:30 am Worship Service
- Palm Sunday at 10:30 am - EASTER CANTATA: "The Body of Christ" (with live stream)
Palm Sunday at 9:30 am: Children's Palm Processional & Special Passion Reading
Maundy Thursday (April 6):
- First Communion at 7:00 pm (with live stream)
- EASTER CANTATA: "The Body of Christ" at 7:00 pm
Good Friday:
- A Service of Silence and Sorrow at 12:00 pm & 7:00 pm (with live stream)
- Tenebrae Service at 7:00 pm
No Saturday 5 pm Worship Service on April 8
Easter Sunday:
- Sunday, April 9 at 8:30 am (Outdoor, please bring your own chair)
- Sunday, April 9 at 10:30 am (with live stream)
- Sunday, April 9 at 9:30 am
- Sunday, April 9 at 11:00 am
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Lenten Devotional
The theme for Lent at Desert Cross this year is Seeking: Honest Questions for Deeper Faith. It includes a Lenten devotional.
If you'd like a hard copy, please contact Denise McClellan at dmcclellan@desertcross.org or 480-730-8600.
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"Bonus" Resources for Lent
Are you Seeking more this Lenten Season? Do you want to add other Lenten Disciplines this year?
You can try the 40-40-40 Lent Challenge from ELCA World Hunger. You'll be encouraged to include the following:
- Daily Devotion
- Daily Donation
- Daily Declutter/Destress/Retune
- and a Daily Discipline for Wellness.
Use the link below for more information.
40-40-40 Lent Challenge
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March Mission Outreach
There is still time to donate! As we did last year, once again we will be helping families expecting babies begin the journey of parenthood.
In partnership with Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, The Family Resource Center in Mesa is hosting its annual Community Baby Shower for new dads and moms of infants. Most of these young parents have no local support, so the goal is to set them up for success. In addition to workshops, services, and ongoing coordinated care, each family receives a fully stocked diaper bag. And that’s where DCLC can help!
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To lend a hand in filling the bags the following items are needed:
- Diaper Bag
- Blankets
- Baby Wash/Shampoo & Lotion (full sizes)
- Baby toy/rattle
- Diapers (size 1 or 2)
- Diaper rash cream
- Baby Wipes
- Books (for mom or baby)
- Gift cards (Walmart or Target).
Last year we helped 60 families, and we hope to do the same (or more) this year. Please place your donations in our designated area of the narthex, through March 31st.
You are helping to create a bright future where God’s newest tiny angels can grow and thrive. Thank you!
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Saturday, April 29, 2023
7:30 am - 12:00 pm
Tempe Community Center
You can sign up in the Tempe Narthex or go online to schedule an appointment at Vitalant.org using “desertcross” as the sponsor code.
For questions and information, please contact Art at krzyarty@cox.net.
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Sunday, March 26, 2023
6:30 am - 8:30 am
Grace Lutheran Church
Desert Cross volunteers serve pancakes Sunday mornings to those experiencing homelessness. Those under 18 years old will serve in the dining area.
How can you get involved? Please contact Joy Petroff at joylpetroff@gmail.com.
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Young Adult Group Re-Kickoff Event
Friday, March 24, 2023, at 6:30 pm
Tempe Community Center
As you may know, COVID slowed down our Desert Cross Young Adult Group a bit and it's been a while since we've seen each other. We would love to ramp things back up - we miss you!
We hope you all can join us for our "Re-Kickoff" event on Friday, March 24, at 6:30 pm! Meet us in the youth room at the community center on the Tempe campus. We will have time to eat pizza, catch up, play games, and make some s'mores outside at the fire pit :)
If you can, please give Erin Pelley a heads-up that you will be coming on the 24th so we can plan for food. If you can't make it this time but still want to be involved, feel free to drop Erin a line and she will make sure to keep you updated about upcoming events.
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Thursday, April 13, 2023
10 am - 11:30 am
Gilbert Fellowship Hall
C3 assembles on April 13 at 10:00 am in the Gilbert Fellowship Hall.
C3 is a Discussion/Fellowship group for ANYONE and ALL are welcome.
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Friday, April 14, 2023
7:00 pm at the home of Al and Susan Buhl
This group meets once a month at the home of a host family. The group is open to all interested participants. During the evening, you will enjoy fellowship and discussion around a biblical topic. Our April topic is "His Emphasis on Forgiveness".
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55+ Fellowship
Thursday, April 6 at 9:00 am
Tempe Community Center -
Adult Classroom
The 55+ Group meets on the first Thursday of the month to share coffee and fellowship.
All are welcome to come for good conversation and some fun!
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Wise Guys
Mondays at 9 am
Tempe Fellowship Hall.
Are you wise? Are you a guy? If so, then you are invited to this fellowship group that meets on Mondays for coffee and conversation.
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Communion Kits
If you are unable to attend worship in person and would like a communion kit to use as you watch the live stream, you can pick one up from the office in Tempe. We have gluten-free options available.
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(Audio and Video team for Desert Cross)
The live stream and audio/video ministry is still growing and so we want to put a call out there to please join our Desert Cross Audio&Video team if you want to make a meaningful contribution to our congregation and have some fun at the same time.
To sign up today, please contact Joni Van Rossum at jvanrossum@desertcross.org or click the button below.
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Volunteers Needed for Worship |
We need to fill all of the worship assistant jobs (ushers, communion assistants, scripture readers, etc.) each week. So please sign up today if you would like to serve in this way.
Please contact Art Krzyzewski about serving in Tempe or Sharynn Jennings about serving in Gilbert.
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If you are interested in having your child baptized, reach out to Pastor Thadd at tbook@desertcross.org. | |
Do you have a news item, event, or ministry story to share? Please send the information to Joni at jvanrossum@desertcross.org by the TUESDAY of the week that you wish to have it advertised. | |
To go along with our theme for Lent, our March Playlist theme is Seeking.
Check out our Playlists for Children, Youth, and Adults.
If you have any questions, please contact Denise McClellan at dmcclellan@desertcross.org or 480-730-8600.
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Would you like more information on our ministries or are you looking for last weekend's live stream? Can't find the church phone number or email address?
Just download and open the app!
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May the Lord bless you in all your endeavors this week! | |
For your convenience, we have online giving up on our website or you can use the button that says "GIVE" at the top of this email. As always, we continue to appreciate all who are continuing to support the many ministries of Desert Cross!
You can also simply text the word "GIVE" to 833.636.1502 and complete the payment information. It securely saves your information and makes it possible to donate in 5 seconds once it has been set up!
Lastly, you can scan the QR code included in our live stream services and in the weekly Worship Aid. Giving is easier than ever - check it out!
All financial information is encrypted and stored by Tithe.ly's banking partner to PCI DSS Level 1 compliant standards, which is the highest possible rating one can get in the electronic payment processing industry.
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