The buttons below contain links to all of our programing for Purim
Extra Purim Resources for All
Purim Song Sheet: This 1-page song sheet contains the text, transliteration, and translation of popular songs for Purim.

A Modern Approach to the Purim Shpiel:This educational discussion sheet explores the idea of the Purim shpiel through a series of Youtube videos.
The Youtube playlist can be accessed on the RA Youtube channel.

 Purim: Laws & Customs: By Alan Lucas, excerpted from The Observant Life
MAZON’s Purim materials E-cards, Purim activities, and a Purim Carnival idea. "Hunger is Stressful".

Listen to the "Trip in/to Shushan" Playlist on Spotify

Alcohol on Purim: Are Jews really obligated to drink to the point of not knowing the difference between Haman and Mordecai?

Megillat Esther full YouTube video