
Happy Independence Day weekend! I hope you are able to relax and enjoy the weekend safely. The City has taken actions for this weekend to help with safety in response to continuing, and increasing, concerns about the spread of COVID-19. First, all beaches in Pacifica and beach parking lots will be closed from sunrise Friday to sunrise Monday. This decision is intended to work in concert with the Governor’s order, is intended to deter dangerous crowds and the spread of COVID-19, and will help minimize impacts to neighborhoods adjacent to the beaches. Please see this press release and order for more information. Second, in addition to beaches and beach parking being closed, Safe and Sane fireworks this year are not allowed in beach parking lots. As usual, the Pacifica Police Department will have an increased presence everywhere in town looking for illegal fireworks violators (an automatic $1,000 fine). And North County Fire Authority personnel will be monitoring for fire safety. Please enjoy the long weekend safely.


City Manager

District Based City Council Elections
On December 17, 2018, the City of Pacifica adopted  Ordinance No. 839-C.S.  approving the transition from at-large to by-district elections for the election of Pacifica City Councilmembers beginning with the general municipal election in November 2020 and thereafter. With district-based elections, each of five councilmembers will be elected by voter's within that candidate's district. This November, District 1 and District 4 will hold elections for City Council seats.

What Does This Mean?
This means that you may not have a Councilmember to vote for in November. It depends on where you live.
In Which District Do I Reside?
The link below provides an interactive map on which you can enter your address to determine the district in which you reside. This interactive map is best viewed using Google maps. Click the link below to open in your browser or in the Google Maps app.

Reach Code Fast Track Award
Sustainable San Mateo County (SSMC) will honor the City of Pacifica at its 21 st Annual Awards Celebration on Friday, July 10, with the Reach Code Fast Track Award. SSMC notes, "Pacifica’s leaders acted quickly and decisively to adopt a Reach Code. They took advantage of a Peninsula Clean Energy grant that provided model codes and technical assistance to municipalities throughout the county to refine and adopt their Reach Code. Pacifica’s City Council unanimously adopted the city’s Reach Code on its first reading in November 2019."

The awards event will take place online Friday, July 10 from 6:30 - 7:30 pm and is free and open to the public. Advance registration is required. Click here to register .
On June 5, 2020, the City of Pacifica Director of Emergency Services issued an Emergency Order (Order No. 2020-02) allowing businesses within the City to conduct outdoor commercial activity for a temporary period during the Local Emergency due to COVID-19.

Does this apply to your business?
See the program requirements on the City's Temporary COVID-19 Outdoor Activities Program webpage .

How to apply for the program?
  1. Review City's Emergency Order
  2. Apply
  3. Submit application and attachments by email to Joshua Montemayor, Management Analyst, at
  4. A temporary COVID-19 Outdoor Activities and Encroachment Agreement is required. Once your application is deemed approved, the City will issue you an agreement that must be signed by the Permittee.

Need more information?
Summer Adventure Camp registration begins
Monday 6/15 at 8:30 am.
Claim your spot before they're gone!
Sanchez Art Center
Fog Fest Invitational Photography Exhibition
"Dream Golf," by Matt Nash
The Pacific Coast Fog Fest has been an annual tradition in Pacifica for 34 years. A “must see” stop long Palmetto Avenue is the Art Corner hosted by Sanchez Art Center. Displayed are the 75-100 framed images by local Pacifica and SF Bay Area photographers who have entered the yearly Photography Contest. Photographers can submit a total of two photographs that fit one of the four themes determined by the contest judges and SAC staff.

Submitted photographs are given thought review by award winning Pacifican photographers. In 2019, judges Alan Grinberg and Edwin Hacking, gave fifteen awards to 12 photographers: Janet Arline Barker, Vadim Dymshyts, Kathy Holmes, Julie Lancelle, Stephanie Meyer, Matt Nash, Brad Rangell, and Dave Rauenbuehler, all from Pacifica; Marshall Dinowitz, Belmont; Electra Field, El Granada; Mary Louise Froese, South San Francisco; and Patrick Troubetzkov, San Francisco. The photographers who were given awards are invited to participate in a group show at Sanchez Art Center the following year. Though there will be no Fog Fest this year, you can enjoy the work of the photographers in the virtual gallery.

Click HERE to enter the Fog Fest Invitational Photography Exhibit Gallery.
Pacific Beach Coalition
The Pacific Beach Coalition invites you to join the Street to Beach Cleanup movement.

To Participate:
  1. Sign the waiver found on their website.
  2. Grab supplies: bucket, gloves, pick up sticks, phone.
  3. Clean up trash in your neighborhood.
  4. Then, download the Clean Swell App to track what you pick up!

Go to the Pacific Beach Coalition website for all the details.
HIP Housing – Making a Difference in our Community
HIP Housing is nonprofit agency specializing in creative affordable housing solutions throughout San Mateo County. Their mission is to invest in human potential by improving the housing and lives of people in our community. Through their Home Sharing Program, HIP Housing enables people with special needs, either from income or circumstance, to live independent, self-sufficient lives in decent, safe, low-cost homes.

Through their Self-Sufficiency program, HIP also offers a scholarship that provides housing assistance and support services to motivated, low-income parents and/or transitional age foster youth.  Learn more here.
Pursuant to Updated Shelter in Place Order, the City of Pacifica closed a number of public spaces.
Please note : This newsletter is sent weekly on Friday and content is current at that time. Those who have not opened the email by Monday receive a reminder email, and some content may no longer be current.
7/3City Offices CLOSED for the 4th of July holiday.

7/6 - Planning Commission Meeting. Please follow this link to view the Agenda and for meeting details.

7/8 - Library Advisory Committee Meeting CANCELLED. See the Cancellation Notice here.

City Council & Planning Commission
  • Meetings are scheduled for essential business items only. Further updates will be provided.

Other Committees & Commissions
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