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Weekly Desert Cross Update -

May 10, 2024


Faith and Life with Pastor Andrea


‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’

Matthew 11:28

The forest is my happy place. Forest pictures fill my photo files, but this one in Tonto National Forest is one of my favorites. I remember sitting in silence and just breathing with the wind blowing through the pines. Peace. The forest is a place where you can just be. Breathe.


We all need a place like that. A place where we can just be ourselves with no judgment, no worries. We have that place with Jesus. He makes a safe place for us in his love. He knows our burdens, our worries, our heavy hearts. Life is hard and our world places heavy burdens upon us. People feel beat up and judged and “not enough.” As we carry our own and other’s burdens, try being in the moment, centering yourself, taking a moment to breathe. This helps navigate life and each day with peace. Mindfulness.


Where is your happy place? Take time and find places where you can just be. Many times nature helps us reconnect with ourselves and with God. A friend shared an article about “Forest Bathing” with me, and it was illuminating. Forest Bathing is a 5-minute read and well worth it! We all need space that affirms we are enough. Remember Jesus’ call, come to me, rest in me. Seek moments to find yourself in him and know: you are enough. Just breathe.


Inhale, exhale,

Pastor Andrea


🎉 Exciting News Alert! 🎉

Our search for the next Director of Youth Ministries is officially ON! 🌟 Check out the job listing on our website, the Synod's website, and We're aiming to fill this role by August. Spread the word and find more details here:

Let's find someone awesome to join our amazing staff!

Welcoming Chaplain Capt. Matthew W. Dobyns

Good news, Desert Cross! Chaplain Dobyns (Pastor Matt) will speak at the 2024 Synod Assembly about his experiences with faith, leadership, and service as a Unit Chaplain in the United States Air Force. Read more here:

He will join us at Desert Cross to preach and preside in Tempe on Saturday, June 15 at 5:00pm and in Gilbert on Sunday, June 16, 2024 at 9:30am. We are excited to welcome him back and thankful for his service!

Purse Drive - Thank You

Many thanks to all who donated purses and personal items to our Shoebox Ministry Purse Drive. We collected 40 purses and 11 lbs. of personal items.


Gen·er·os·i·ty: noun 1. readiness or liberality in giving; 2. a willingness to give help or support; 3. the quality of being kind; 4. the people of DCLC!

The Community Baby Shower will be hosted in May by Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest. They requested help for parents of newborns who have little or no support...and you answered! 

Thanks to your GENEROUS donations (material goods and hunger jar funds), you have provided the following items - each of which goes into all 60 of the family's diaper bags:

2 baby board books, 1 toy or rattle, 1 cute onesie, 1 blanket/breastfeeding cover, plus lots and lots of diapers! Also donated were 4 baby carriers!

Your GENEROSITY is a wonderful reminder of the impact one can have when serving others, in response to God's love for each of us. Thank you, thank you!

Feed My Starving Children Packing Event

Desert Cross had a packing session at Feed My Starving Children on Saturday, April 27. We had 77 people sign up to pack with us. We packed 22,464 meals. That's enough to feed 61 kids for an entire year! Your gifts to the Hunger Jar totaled $3587.20, and that funds meals for 33 kids for a year! 

Thank you, Desert Cross!


Hunger Jar - May 2024

The Tempe Community Outreach Committee asks for your support of Grace Lutheran Church in Phoenix, with contributions to the Hunger Jar for the month of May to help them with heat respite, water, and other needs to support the local community during the HOT summer months.

Thanks in advance!

Vitalant Blood Drive

📅 Date: Saturday, June 29, 2024

🕢 Time: 7:30 am - 12:00 pm

📍 Location: Desert Cross Community Center in Tempe

💉 Donation Options:

- Whole Blood

- Power Red

🅰 Urgent Need for:

- Type O Negative

- Type A and B Positive

🎁 Rewards Await:

Earn points for prizes with each donation!

🔗 Schedule Your Appointment:

Visit and use sponsor code "desertcross" (all one word)

👤 Contact for Sign-Ups:

Art Krzyzewski will be reaching out to past donors.

📋 Sign-up sheet available in the Narthex at the Tempe site

📧 Email:

Let's come together to save lives and make a difference. Your contribution matters!

Serve Pancake Breakfast

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2024

6:30 - 8:30 AM


Desert Cross has supported the homeless programs at Grace Lutheran Church for many years. One of the ways that we do this is by serving pancake breakfasts approximately once a month on Sunday mornings. 

Grace Lutheran Church is located in Phoenix (1124 N. 3rd St, Phoenix 85004) and the arrival time is 6:30 am. There are large and small jobs available for folks young and old. 

If you would like to serve, please get in touch with Joy Petroff at We need between 12 and 15 volunteers each time we serve. 



🌊🐠🌞 Dive into Friendship with God at SCUBA VBS! 🐬

When: June 10th - 14th, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Where: Desert Cross - Tempe Campus

Get ready to SPLASH into fun this summer! Join us for SCUBA VBS where we'll explore friendship with God through exciting Bible lessons, music, and snacks. Don't miss out—register and volunteer on our website today! 🎉🙌✨

See you there! 🌊🐠🌞


🎨 Unlock Creativity at the Desert Art Academy for Kids! Grade 1 - 5

Are you ready to ignite your child’s imagination and nurture their artistic talents? Look no further!

From: June 24th through June 27th, 2024, the Desert Cross Lutheran Church - Gilbert Campus is hosting a VBS-based Art Academy for Kids. 

Dates: June 24th - June 27th, 2024 

Time: 9:15 am to Noon 

Location: Desert Cross Lutheran Church - Gilbert Campus. 3225 S Lindsay Rd Gilbert AZ.

This creative extravaganza is open to kids of our church community as well as the wider community. 

Choose Your Palette: Three Class Sessions Daily! Art, cooking, drama, puppets, and more!

Register Today! Brochures are available at Welcome Centers in Tempe and Gilbert church locations.

$36.00 for the four days of classes.

Scholarships Available.

Questions? Contact Carolyn Perkins at



55+ Fellowship - Game Day

Thursday, May 16th, at 9:00 am

Tempe Community Center Adult Classroom

Please join us on Thursday, May 16th at 9:00 am in the Community Center Adult Classroom for our 55+ Game Day. We will be playing Bingo and ask that you bring a "White Elephant" gift to share. This will be a morning of fun and fellowship, and, of course, we will be serving delicious treats and coffee! 

Hope to see you there!

Meditation Group

Tuesdays at 7:00 pm

Tempe Sanctuary

Meeting on May 14


Thursdays at 9:00 am

Tempe Community Center Youth Room

Meeting on May 16

Do you want to try meditation? If so, please join Elaine Kraemer on Tuesday evenings or Thursday mornings. Elaine is hosting weekly meditation groups. Elaine has practiced "passage meditation" for many, many years. She'll share the whys and hows of meditation and help you get started with this faith-growing spiritual practice.

To sign up or for more information, please contact Elaine Kraemer at

Wise Guys

Mondays at 9 am

Tempe Fellowship Hall

Are you wise? Are you a guy? If so, then you are invited to this fellowship group that meets on Mondays for coffee and conversation.


Communion Kits

If you are unable to attend worship in person and would like a communion kit to use as you watch the live stream, you can pick one up from the office in Tempe. We have gluten-free options available.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you are looking to become more involved in our Tempe and Gilbert Faith Communities, please click "Read More" and find out today where you can be of value. You'll find all the needed contact info right there on the page.

We are actively looking for more volunteers in all areas of service.

Read More

Information on Baptism

If you are interested in having your child baptized, reach out to Pastor Thadd at

News Submissions

Do you have a news item, event, or ministry story to share? Please send the information to Joni at by the TUESDAY of the week that you wish to have it advertised.

May the Lord bless you in all your endeavors this week!

For your convenience, we have online giving up on our website or you can use the button that says "GIVE" at the top of this email. As always, we continue to appreciate all who are continuing to support the many ministries of Desert Cross!

You can also simply text the word "GIVE" to 833.636.1502 and complete the payment information. It securely saves your information and makes it possible to donate in 5 seconds once it has been set up!

Lastly, you can scan the QR code included in our live stream services and in the weekly Worship Aid. Giving is easier than ever - check it out!

All financial information is encrypted and stored by's banking partner to PCI DSS Level 1 compliant standards, which is the highest possible rating one can get in the electronic payment processing industry.

Desert Cross Lutheran Church | Gilbert & Tempe | 480-730-8600 |