
Friday Contemplation: Resilient Reorientation. For almost 2 years, the pandemic has created uncertainty, fear, death, division, distrust, and skepticism for the whole world. It has changed everything. Everything we know has been impacted, which has created massive disorientation. Yet, it appears that we are beginning to emerge to find a new normal (I almost didn't type this last sentence).

Walter Brueggemann is an Old Testament scholar who says that there are three different life experiences: Orientation, Disorientation, and Reorientation. Finding a new normal is another way of saying Reorientation. It acknowledges that while we long for a return to what once was, it can't be. We must create something new, we must practice resilient reorientation. I'll be preaching on the Nehemiah text about this on Sunday. I hope you'll join me at 9:30 or 11 at the Hyde Park location or online.

We have been doing the difficult work of reorienting at our three locations: Hyde Park, Online, and The Portico. We are growing. If you feel called to be a part, join a small group, or serve through the Spiritual Community, simply respond to this email and I'll be in touch next week.

Let's reorient together as we create a new normal.

You are Loved.

The Rev. Justin LaRosa, LCSW
Director & Minister, The Portico
O: 813.222.2299 | M: 813.444.2941
1001 N. Florida Ave.,
Tampa, FL 33602
Conversation. Connection. Community Change.
Websites for The Portico and The Portico Cafe.

P.S. Join a new group below, invite someone to the Sunday Matinee (Chosen), or ORDER some coffee to support The Cafe. We are 44 coffee bags away from February's goal!

The Portico includes a neighborhood cafe, a historic chapel, spaces to meet and work, and an event space for the public that enhances the social, artistic, and spiritual fabric of Tampa through Conversation, Connection and Community Change!

The Portico Community is a non-conventional church whose mission is to make God’s Love Real through spiritual practices and to serve the city and world in ways that address equality, housing insecurity, and economic challenge. We are a community of Hyde Park United Methodist.

The Portico Cafe is a social enterprise that offers people transitioning from homelessness, addiction, and incarceration--job training, employment ladders, and connections to safe, affordable housing.
The Hillsborough County EJI Community Remembrance Project has been working as a coalition since January of 2020 to answer a call to action of Bryan Stevenson and the Equal Justice Initiative.

Join The Justice Team as we "March Fourth" to The National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery.
We have charted a bus and booked a block of rooms for a two-night hotel stay near The Equal Justice Initiative headquarters which manages both The Memorial and The Legacy Museum.
During our time at The Memorial, we'll officially deliver the soil from the Robert Johnson memorial ceremony previously hosted at The Portico.
For more information on how to join The Justice Team or our trip to Montgomery, contact
Sunday Gathering
Grow more deeply in love. Consider these gatherings:

  • Sunday Gathering, 3/13 at 10:30: Come every 2nd Sunday to build relationships, have conversations about life and scripture, practice silence, and serve together!

  • Community Meal, 3/13 at Noon: Participate Sunday where we get our "knees under tables" with friends and neighbors who are unsheltered or hungry and occurs immediately after the Sunday Gathering.

Join a Small Group

Our community thrives as we gather, grow and serve. The Portico's primary vehicle for that is small groups. We have a bunch. If you can't find one, Justin or Mark B will help you create or join one. These new groups have spots available. Join a Group

  • Women's Joe 4, 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays (hybrid). 1x month in person. 3 spots. Email Sarah.
Events, Gathering, Serve
  • Sunday Matinee at The Portico, Feb 6 - April 24, 3 - 4:30 p.m. Showing The Chosen Series! Community and Multigenerational Family Event with popcorn, coffee and soft drinks.

  • Habitat Build: build Mindi's house! The second Friday of every month for the next 6 months, we'll come together to build and create a great future. Sign up here.
Coffee On A Mission
As of today: 56 Bags Sold 

The Mission100 Bags in 30 Days 
The Coffee: Locally-roasted Portico Blends (medium and dark) and Don Carlos Espresso
The Cause: Stand against homelessness with every gift or purchase.
Buy, get a subscription, or donate:

We ship ANYWHERE in the U.S. coast to coast. 
The Portico | 1001 N. Florida Avenue | 813.222.2299 |