Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church

April 2024

An Easter Surprise

“So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.”  Mark 16:8 

Dear Michelle,

For many Christians today, the story of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead has lost its element of surprise. We are far more surprised by a March snowfall at the end of a snowless winter, and how early Easter is this year, than the word from the empty tomb. We know in theory that death does not have the final word on Easter, and of course, there’s no surprise. We may feel a bit remorseful about Jesus’ death on Good Friday, and even a tinge of guilt as we meditate on his suffering on the cross, but there’s no surprise. Unfortunately, we have grown so accustomed to Christ’s resurrection, that we completely overlook the tragic and yet wonderful sense of good news and hope. This was not true for the earliest Christians.  

The oldest written texts of the Bible capture this surprise. The earliest manuscripts of St. Mark’s gospel close with the verse, “So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.” St. Mark doesn’t even state that the disciples saw the risen Jesus. The women who went to the tomb early in the morning, simply left filled with terror and amazement. Instead of our customary and expected joy, they were afraid.  Of course, as an “Easter People” who know the ending of the story, it is difficult to wear blinders in order to avoid seeing the resurrection as we read the story of Jesus’ death on Good Friday. After all, we do know what happens, and we expect to find an empty tomb.  

But I don’t think that being struck “with terror and amazement” is about merely overlooking the resurrection until the right moment. No, the wonder and surprise of Easter is about experiencing the possibility of a new life and resurrection whenever and wherever, you come upon the dark tombs of life. Death and loss may have touched your life this past year. All your hopes for the future may have been dashed. You may have buried your own passions in an often visited grave. But Easter is about surprises, and if Christ could rise from the dead just imagine the possibilities he can do in your life. That was the excitement the women felt that first Easter morning, and why they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. They wondered instead whether the surprise could really be true.

My friends, as we celebrate Easter again this Sunday, may you be filled with surprise, wonder and awe at the possibilities Jesus is offering you.

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!   Pastor Arden Haug

Inspired by Christ, living and growing in faith, Lake of the Isles is a loving and open community of worship, witness, & service in God's world


Livestream Worship,

& Sunday School

Sundays – 9:30 AM

Coffee Hour – 10:40 AM

Upcoming Events

April 4th– 7:00 PM

Women's Bible Study

Christy Room

April 6th – 9:30 AM

Priscilla Circle

Christy Room

April 13th

Our Saviour's Shelter Meal

April 18th– 7:00 PM

Council Meeting

Christy Room & Zoom

April 25th – 7:00 PM

Growlers & Theology


April 25th – 7:00 PM

Growlers & Theology


April 26th – 5:00 PM

Women's Book Club

Home of Deb Gilroy

Quick Links

loti.org ELCA.org Newsletter Archive Join Our Mailing List MyVanco

Children's Ministry April 2024

Summer Camp Opportunities at Luther Park, Danbury WI

For registration and details go to www.lutherpark.com (type carefully and use .COM to get to Luther Park located in Danbury, WI)

Cabin Camp: Grades 1-6

Weeks of June 23 or July 21

Campers spend a half or full week in cabins (with electricity, bathrooms and showers). They will play games, do arts and crafts, swim/boat in the lake, worship and sing by the campfire, build relationships, hear stories, and develop their faith. Full week campers will participate in a banquet and variety show on Thursday.

Treehouse Camp: Grades 7-12

Weeks of June 23 or July 21

Youth spend a week in rustic tree houses, cook over an open fire and work together to grow in relationship with God, God’s creation and each other. A bathhouse with running water, flushable toilets and showers is available. Campers stay up late and experience more of God’s creation at night and sleep in the mornings.

Horse Camp: Grades 4-12

June 23-28 

All the great things of camp, plus horses! Campers will stay at Luther Park and be shuttled daily to Frontier Stables in Frederick, WI to learn the basics of horse care and riding. After a day of riding, campers will get to participate in the evening camp activities. All campers will be assessed on their first day of camp to better tailor the class to all participants. 

Grand Camp: Grandparents & Grandchildren

July 14-17

All the fun things of camp but with your grandparent/grandchild. What’s included? All meals will be provided by our fabulous cooks, games and activities will be led by our skilled staff, free use of the waterfront area and recreation areas, staff-led worships, campfires and Bible activities, and so much more!  

Camp Getaway for Families 

5 weekends (Friday-Sunday) to choose from…

Session 1: June 28-30  

Session 2: July 19-21

Session 3: July 26-28   

Session 4: August 2-4

Session 5: August 16-18

All meals and snacks prepared for you (5 meals for a 2 night stay).

Access to game/sport's equipment and spaces like Volleyball Courts, Basketball Court, Gaga Ball Pit and Game Room (pool table, foosball, ping pong and indoor 4 square)

Use of the Waterfront (swimming, kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding, pontooning and fishing). Free use of the Arts & Crafts space and all the fun craft supplies inside.

Prepared crafts, Bible devotions, family games/activities and other family spiritual practices (upon interest) Staff led worships, campfires, and other activities (upon interest)

You can find more details on lodging choices and fees at lutherpark.com

Easter Flowers

Easter flowers will be displayed in the sanctuary on Easter Sunday and can be taken home after the 11:00 AM service or anytime the church is open during the first week of April.

The list of donations will be posted on the Christy Room door.

2024 Shelter Meals

Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church provides a meal for 40 on the second Saturday of the month. Our monthly meals are provided by donation. The shelter orders & serves the meal. Thank you to Rick Gripentrog, giver for March.










Liz & Mike Brown

Robert & Kristi Brownson

Susanne Haas & Ross Formell

Jim Olson

Laura Nortwen & Kathy Greenbank

Remi & Debby Pizarro

Richard & Kristie Eklund

Mary Sabatke, in memory of Bruce Sabatke


*If you would like to host the December meal, please contact Diane LaMere.

oscs-mn.org. Cost is $250. You may contribute online at myvanco.com or mail a check to the church.

Women's Bible Study

Thursday, April 4th

7:00 PM

Christy Room

We gather on the first Thursday of the month and will continue with our reading… Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman, by Beth Moore. Join us!

Debra Gilroy,  LOTI Groups

Join us

Saturday, April 6th

9:30 AM

Christy Room

for a time of camaraderie

There is no membership requirement or time commitment.

Just come to enjoy the fellowship, for a few minutes, or a couple of hours!

(No knitting skills required)

Guest Pastor Gary Anderson

Sunday, April 7th

Gary Anderson will be our guest preacher on Sunday, April 7th. Pastor Anderson is not a stranger to Lake of the Isles. Our Church Council President Marty Carlson is his nephew. He and his wife Mary Ann served in the congregation in Vilnius, Lithuania that Pastor Haug and his wife Janna established.

Mindekirken Lutefisk Tickets


or call (612) 874 - 0716 ext 8

Norwegian Glee Club of Minneapolis presents

Lutefisk Dinner Spring 2024

Saturday, April 20th

Three Seatings

12:30 PM

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

Mindekirken ~ The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church

924 E 21st St


The buffet includes lutefisk, meatballs, coleslaw. lefse, potatoes, coffee & dessert.

/$29/Adults; $10/Ages 7-12; free of charge/6 & younger

Growlers & Theology

Thursday, April 25th

7:00 PM


The informal study of theology and adult beverages continues. Following the model of Luther in his home in Wittenberg, Germany, Pastor Haug leads a monthly gathering at the Parsonage.

Women's Book Club

Friday, April 26th

5:00 PM

Home of Deb Gilroy

This month's selection is West with Giraffes, by Lynda Rutledge.

Join us! Bring a snack to share if you like…

Member Directory

Our updated member directory will be available this month. An interactive digital PDF will be sent via email. Members may use this on a computer, tablet or phone. If a hard copy is preferable, rsvp to Michelle McCreery. We will print for pick up from the office.

Prayer Ministry

All are welcome to join!

We meet on Mondays at 7:00 PM via Zoom.

Janna Haug

Debra Gilroy

Linda Nelson

Diane Stensrud

Carolyn Hagford


LOTI is available during office hours for a time of quiet meditation. You can use the sanctuary to spend time in prayer, light a candle, listen to recorded sacred music, and/or use a guided meditation tool. Please call the church office to reserve a time.

(612) 377-5095

Morning Bible Study

Wednesdays, 10:00 AM

Library & Zoom

All are welcome to come and join our Wednesday morning Bible study!

Pastor Haug leads the morning bible study group

Choir Rehearsal


7:00 PM


Join the LOTI Choir & Director of Music, Dr Kristina Rizzotto, in preparation of anthems of the season. The Choir prepares music for the 9:30 AM Sunday services (call time: 8:45 AM). Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. We invite you and your family to become involved in this enriching ministry of service. Curious members may join us for a Wednesday rehearsal. No need for an angelic voice or advanced knowledge of music. There are really only three criteria necessary for joining:

1) Willingness to commit to scheduled rehearsals & services.

2) Ability to match pitch.

3) Ability to carry a tune. 

Livestream Worship
To view, go to our YouTube channel, or to find the livestream link & worship service bulletin go to loti.org.
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour is hosted in Fellowship Hall or on the Patio each Sunday following worship.

Happy Birthday!

Renate Amann

Jack Messerli

Alexandra Holzschuh

Theodore Rustad

Tanner Larson

Rick Pepin

Jon Einess

Susan Friske Pfaff

Sabrina Brost

Tom Rustad

Jackson Hoel

Soren Hoel

Monica Schwarm

Peter VanBergen

Michelle McCreery

Kara Sabatke

Michael Kavoukjian

Kylan Duff

Janna Haug

Kayla Hoel

Caroline Moen

Eric Mechels

Twyla Hobbs

April Worship Volunteers

Worship Technical Assistant

Jim Olson

Altar Servers

07 Carolyn & David Hagford

14 Carolyn & David Hagford

21 Linda Nelson & Mary Flynn

28 Cathy Carlson & Kathy Hering


07 Scott Gallop

14 Hans Stadem-Ward

21 Eric Mechels

28 Linda Nelson

Worship Assistants

07 Marty Carlson

14 Mary Sabatke

21 Steve Hoyt

28 Michelle McCreery


07 Lynn Wehrman

14 Miranda Stadem-Ward

21 Nicole Olson

28 Marnie Huntley

Communion Assistants

07 John Olson

14 David Ackerman

21 Kathy Fredell

28 Mark Duff

Coffee Hour Hosts

07 Ellie Holmquist & Ruth Lee

14 Dale Thomas & Pierre LaMere

21 Lars & Chanda Olson

28 Scott & Julie Gallop

Staff Members

Rev. Dr. Arden D. HaugPastor

Dr Kristina Rizzotto Director of Music

Diane LaMere Office Manager & Children's Ministry

Joseph LaMere Worship Technical Director

Michelle McCreery Design & Communication Director

Sandy SwanWedding Manager

Molly Dengler & Anthony Ramirez - Caretakers

Vitali Haug - Custodian

Council Members

Pamela Aagaard

Ross Bartels – Treasurer

Catherine Carlson

Martin Carlson – President

Casey Christy

Steve Hoyt – Vice President

Claire Jacoby Youth

Eric Mechels

Katie Messerli

Ryne Nelson

Charlie O'Brien, Secretary

Michelle Reisberg

Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church 
2020 W Lake of the Isles Parkway
Minneapolis, MN 55405
(612) 377-5095
Contact Us
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