Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church

March 2024

Music for Holy Week at LOTI

Christ's Entry Into Jerusalem, Pietro Lorenzetti, 1306-1345

Dear Michelle,

Our Lady’s Day, or the Feast of the Annunciation celebrated on March 25th was regarded as the first day of the year in the Middle Ages. It was the commemoration of the day on which the Archangel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary in the village of Nazareth that she was pregnant, nine months before Christmas Day. Everything in the Middle Ages was based around the church calendar and March 25th was a sensible date to choose for the first day of the official new year. Gradually, however, as the nations of Europe adopted the Gregorian calendar they also adopted January 1st as New Year’s Day. But Our Lady’s Day remained an important festival day even if it was in the middle of the penitential Lenten season.

In Leipzig, Germany where Johann Sebastian Bach would serve as the cantor and organist of the Thomas Church for 27 years, no cantatas were performed throughout the season of Lent. Musical performances were forbidden and special music was only to be written and performed on Good Friday as a musical remembrance of Christ’s suffering, passion and death. This was not true in all of the German principalities. Sixty miles away in Weimar, musicians were allowed to write music for Palm Sunday, and not simply of Jesus’ passion. In 1714, the Feast of Our Lady’s Day and Palm Sunday fell on the same day and Bach, as the court organist in Weimar, was invited to compose his only cantata for Palm Sunday, Himmelskönig, sei willkommen (King of Heaven, ever welcome). BWV 182. It was performed on Palm Sunday, March 25th, 1714.

Our music for Holy Week brings these musical traditions together. On Palm Sunday, March 24th, Dr. Kristina Rizzotto will direct the church choir, soloists and guest musicians in a performance of Bach’s Palm Sunday cantata. Since it was composed for Our Lady’s Day, March 25th, Middle Ages New Year’s Day, it is light and dance-like.

At three o'clock on Good Friday afternoon, March 29th, the traditional hour commemorated as Jesus’ death on the cross, Hymnus Angelicus, under the direction of Paul McKenzie, will offer a choral remembrance of Jesus’ crucifixion. Music often conveys the emotion, pain and mystery of the events that words alone cannot describe. This musical service will surely inspire you with wonder of God’s love.

Join us for Holy Week for these two special musical worship services. Then join us again on Easter Sunday, March 31st for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection.


Pastor Arden Haug

Quick Links

loti.org ELCA.org Newsletter Archive Join Our Mailing List MyVanco

Inspired by Christ, living and growing in faith, Lake of the Isles is a loving and open community of worship, witness, & service in God's world


Livestream Worship,

& Sunday School

Sundays – 9:30 AM

Coffee Hour – 10:40 AM

Upcoming Events

March 2nd – 9:30 AM

Priscilla Circle

Christy Room

March 7th– 7:00 PM

Women's Bible Study

Christy Room

March 9th

Our Saviour's Shelter Meal

March 10th – 2:00 PM

Isles Ensemble Concert


March 14th – 7:00 PM

Growlers & Theology


March 17th – 9:30 AM

Saint Patrick's Day Worship


March 21st 7:00 PM

Council Meeting

Christy Room & Zoom

March 22nd – 5:00 PM

Women's Book Club

Home of Deb Gilroy

March 24th – 9:30 AM

Palm Sunday Worship


March 24th – 10:30 AM

Pancake Breakfast

Fellowship Hall

March 24th – 11:00 AM

Easter Egg Hunt


March 28th – 6:00 -7:30 PM


Fellowship Hall

March 29th – 3:00 PM

Good Friday Service


March 30th – 8:00 PM

Easter Vigil


March 31st

9:30 & 11:00 AM

Easter Morning Services


Music for Food Benefit Concert Thank You

Dear Pastor Arden and Käthe,


I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your exceptional support through the Music for Food Winter Celebration Concert. Your generosity and dedication made our first-ever event a huge success, with over 100 people in attendance.


I'm thrilled to share that the total amount raised so far is an impressive $25,420. This will have a significant and positive impact on our ability to address the needs of those in our community facing food insecurity.


Your partnership and enthusiasm for our cause have not only helped raise critical funds but have also contributed to creating awareness and inspiring others to join our mission. The concert was beautiful, and we received raving reviews about the music!

Once again, thank you for your support. We are excited about continued collaboration and making an even greater impact together.


Kristin VanHeel

Director, Development & Marketing

Community Emergency Services

Children's Ministry March 2024

March 17th

March 17th

March 24th

March 28th

6 -7:30pm

March 31st

Tom Klein, uillean bagpiper, visits Sunday School

First Communion Class after Worship

Pancake Breakfast in Fellowship Hall and Easter Egg Hunt at the Parsonage

Seder Meal for First Communion Class families

Easter Sunday No Sunday School

Nursery will not be staffed.

Tom Klein Returns

Sunday, March 17th

We look forward to our annual visit from Tom Klein. Tom will give a demonstration of his uilleann bagpipe to the Sunday School children during Sunday School on this day!

First Communion Classes

Sunday, March 17th

10:45 AM

Thursday, March 28th

6:00 PM

First Communion Classes for our second grade and older kids will be held on March 17th with Pastor Haug after worship. Parents/guardians attend with their child. The second gathering will include children and their families for a Seder meal on March 28th at 6:00 PM with Pastor Haug as the second part of their preparation. Children will receive their First Communion on Easter Sunday, March 31st.

Palm Sunday Festivities

March 24th

  • Children’s palm processional at the beginning of worship
  • Pancake breakfast after worship – proceeds will go  towards summer camp scholarships or to Luther Park  
  • Annual egg hunt (at Parsonage) after the pancake breakfast

2024 Shelter Meals

Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church provides a meal for 40 on the second Saturday of the month. Our monthly meals are provided by donation. The shelter orders & serves the meal. Cost is $250. You may contribute online at myvanco.com or mail a check to the church. Thank you to the anonymous giver for February.











Rick Gripentrog

Liz & Mike Brown

Robert & Kristi Brownson

Susanne Haas & Ross Formell

Jim Olson

Laura Nortwen & Kathy Greenbank

Remi & Debby Pizarro

Richard & Kristie Eklund

Mary Sabatke, in memory of Bruce Sabatke


If you would like to host the December meal, please contact Diane LaMere.


Join us

Saturday, March 2nd

9:30 AM

Christy Room

for a time of camaraderie

There is no membership requirement or time commitment.

Just come to enjoy the fellowship, for a few minutes, or a couple of hours!

(No knitting skills required)

Easter Flowers ~ Order Due

Sunday, March 3rd

Selections include:

White Lilies with 5 flowers or more............$9.25

Tulips (yellow, red, or purple)......................$8.75

Mums (white, yellow or purple)...................$9.25

Pink Hydrangeas.........................................$16.25

Order Online 
Order via Church Office

Women's Bible Study

Thursday, March 7th

7:00 PM

Christy Room

We gather on the first Thursday of the month and will continue with our reading… Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman, by Beth Moore. Join us!

Debra Gilroy,  LOTI Groups

Daylight Saving Time

Sunday, March 10th

2:00 AM CDT

Minnesota will begin daylight saving time 2024.

Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour!

Isles Ensemble Concert

Inspirado en España

Sunday, March 10th

2:00 PM

Isles Musicians ~

Emily Switzer, violin; Kenneth Freed, viola;

Tom Rosenberg, cello; Laura Sewell, cello

Guest Musicians ~

Hanna Landrum, violin; Nicola Melville, piano

Tickets are available on eventbrite.com


Join us in March for a musical journey to Spain and the Spanish Diaspora. Experience the lush but rarely heard string quartet of Venezuelan Romantic-Era composer Teresa Carreno, as well as a duo for cello and piano by Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos. Enjoy Spanish composer Joaquin Turina’s piano trio which blends French Impressionism with Andalusian folk elements. Finally, travel with us first class to Argentina with a tango by Astor Piazzola as well as a dynamic and rhythmic string quartet by Alberto Ginastera.

Growlers & Theology

Thursday, March 14th

7:00 PM


The informal study of theology and adult beverages continues. Following the model of Luther in his home in Wittenberg, Germany, Pastor Haug leads a monthly gathering at the Parsonage.

St. Patrick's Day Worship

Sunday, March 17th

9:30 AM


Many Roman Catholic and Protestant churches celebrate the life of St. Patrick as a missionary to Ireland. At sixteen, Patrick was kidnapped by Irish pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland. He himself admitted that up to this point he cared little for God. He escaped after six years, returned to his family in southwest Britain, and began to prepare for ordained ministry. He later returned to Ireland, this time to serve as bishop and missionary. He made his base in the north of Ireland and from there made many missionary journeys with much success.

We will celebrate the missionary life of St. Patrick in our morning worship service on Sunday, March 19th. Irish music will be performed by Tom Klein, a master uilleann piper. The uilleann pipes are a unique Irish bagpipe. Instead of standing and playing, performers sit and pump a bellow with their elbow.He will perform for the Sunday School as well.


Women's Book Club

Friday, March 22nd

5:00 PM

Home of Deb Gilroy

This month's selection is Among the Gods, by Lynn Austin.

Join us! Bring a snack to share if you like…

LOTI Holy Week 2024

March 24th – March 31st

Join us in worship for our Holy Week journey of renewal and new life to Easter!

Palm Sunday Worship

March 24th

9:30 AM


Palm Sunday traditionally marks the beginning of Holy Week. According to scripture green branches were cut from the trees and placed on the road as Jesus entered into the city.  In Jewish tradition, palms had often been associated with victory. The crowds shouted, Hosanna which means God save us. It was a festive day as pilgrims from all around the Mediterranean Sea gathered to celebrate the week of Passover.

Our Palm Sunday Service at Lake of the Isles will be a festive day as well. The Sunday School children will process with their palms.

The choir, soloists and guest musicians will perform special music… Johann Sebastian Bach's Himmelskönig, sei willkommen (King of Heaven, ever welcome)

Pancake Breakfast Sunday, March 24th

10:30 AM

Fellowship Hall


Immediately following the worship service, Don Holzschuh and family will be serving a family style pancake breakfast. Guests will be seated at tables, and pancakes will be delivered fresh off the griddle. Proceeds will benefit the Lake of the Isles Camp Scholarship Fund and Luther Park Bible Camp. Suggested donation is $5/person or $15/family. Join us!

Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday, March 24th

11:00 AM


Children are invited to the Parsonage for an Easter egg hunt during the pancake breakfast

Maundy Thursday Seder

March 28th

6:00 PM

Fellowship Hall 

The congregation will honor the historic meal celebrating the Jewish roots of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. The first-communion families and all members of the congregation are invited to participate in this special Middle Eastern meal.

Please help us prepare by contacting churchoffice if you will attend.

Good Friday

March 29th

3:00 PM


Good Friday commemorates Jesus’ death on the cross. The afternoon worship service will mark in readings and music Jesus’ journey to the cross and his burial in the tomb with guest choir Hymnus Angelicus. This service will be in-person and live-streamed.

Easter Vigil

Saturday, March 30th

8:00 PM


On Saturday evening we celebrate the mystery of the resurrection and the promises given to those baptized into Christ’s death. The worship service begins outside and moves into the darkened church where the stories of salvation are read. The service concludes by breaking the fast with champagne & hot cross buns.

Easter Morning

Sunday, March 31st

9:30 AM & 11:00 AM


Two worship services will be held to celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead. The choir and guest musicians will perform at both services. The first service will be live-streamed.

Easter Flowers

Easter flowers will be displayed in the sanctuary on Easter Sunday and can be taken home after the 11:00 AM service or anytime the church is open during the first week of April.

The list of donations will be posted on the Christy Room door.

Member Directory

Our updated member directory will be available this month. An interactive digital PDF will be sent via email. Members may use this on a computer, tablet or phone. If a hard copy is preferable, rsvp to Michelle McCreery. We will print for pick up from the office.

Prayer Ministry

All are welcome to join!

We meet on Mondays at 7:00 PM via Zoom.

Janna Haug

Debra Gilroy

Linda Nelson

Diane Stensrud

Carolyn Hagford


LOTI is available during office hours for a time of quiet meditation. You can use the sanctuary to spend time in prayer, light a candle, listen to recorded sacred music, and/or use a guided meditation tool. Please call the church office to reserve a time.

(612) 377-5095

Morning Bible Study

Wednesdays, 10:00 AM

Library & Zoom

All are welcome to come and join our Wednesday morning Bible study!

Pastor Haug leads the morning bible study group

Choir Rehearsal

Lenten Wednesdays

7:45 PM


Join the LOTI Choir & Director of Music, Dr Kristina Rizzotto, in preparation of anthems of the season. The Choir prepares music for the 9:30 AM Sunday services (call time: 8:45 AM). Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7:45 to 8:30 PM. We invite you and your family to become involved in this enriching ministry of service. Curious members may join us for a Wednesday rehearsal. No need for an angelic voice or advanced knowledge of music. There are really only three criteria necessary for joining:

1) Willingness to commit to scheduled rehearsals & services.

2) Ability to match pitch.

3) Ability to carry a tune. 

Livestream Worship
To view, go to our YouTube channel, or to find the livestream link & worship service bulletin go to loti.org.
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour is hosted in Fellowship Hall or on the Patio each Sunday following worship.

Happy Birthday!

Kristi Brownson

Beryl Waldeland

Lee Wilson

Debra Gilroy

Jill Gruys

Wesley Bartels

Sam Reisberg

Kristina Rizzotto

Andrew Schwarm

Tom Connors

Clara Rizzotto

Isabelle Stenglein

Aksel Stier

John Fitch

Charles Jacoby

Spencer Reisberg

Brandon Stenglein

Eivor Lund

Jennifer Lundblad

February Worship Volunteers

Worship Technical Assistant

Jim Olson

Altar Servers

03 Linda Nelson & Mary Flynn

10 David & Mary Goplen

17 Carolyn & David Hagford

24 Cathy Carlson & Kathy Hering

29 Ellie Holmquist, Ruth Lee & Eivor Lund

31 TBD


03 Linda Nelson

10 Eric Mechels

17 Don Holzschuh and family

24 Lars/Chanda Olson

29 Linda Nelson

31 Bill/Kathy Fredell (9:30)

31 David/Carolyn Hagford (11:00)

Worship Assistants

03 Kathy Hering

06 Kathy Hering

10 Mark Duff

13 Michelle McCreery

17 Mary Sabatke

20 Mary Sabatke

24 Michelle McCreery

29 Kathy Hering

30 Marty Carlson

31 Mark Duff (9:30)

31 Mary Sabatke(11:00)


03 David Ackerman

10 Jean Carlson

17 Kathy Fredell

24 Eric Mechels, Eric Amann, David

Hagford, Bill Fredell, Jenna Alden

29 TBD

31 Kathy Hering (9:30)

31 Pierre LaMere (11:00)

Communion Assistants

03 Marty Carlson

10 David Ackerman

17 Kathy Fredell

24 Mark Duff

29 Mary Sabatke

30 Mark Duff

31 Michelle McCreery (9:30)

31 Kathy Hering(11:00)

Coffee Hour Hosts

03 Ryne & Jennie Nelson

10 John & Alyson Frahm

17 Casey & Andrea Christy

24 Don Holzschuh & Family

Staff Members

Rev. Dr. Arden D. HaugPastor

Dr Kristina Rizzotto Director of Music

Diane LaMere Office Manager & Children's Ministry

Joseph LaMere Worship Technical Director

Michelle McCreery Design & Communication Director

Sandy SwanWedding Manager

Molly Dengler & Anthony Ramirez - Caretakers

Vitali Haug - Custodian

Council Members

Pamela Aagaard

Ross Bartels – Treasurer

Catherine Carlson

Martin Carlson – President

Casey Christy

Steve Hoyt – Vice President

Claire Jacoby Youth

Eric Mechels

Katie Messerli

Ryne Nelson

Charlie O'Brien, Secretary

Michelle Reisberg

Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church 
2020 W Lake of the Isles Parkway
Minneapolis, MN 55405
(612) 377-5095
Contact Us
Follow us:
Facebook  Instagram  Youtube