Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church | |
Rally Sunday
September 10th
| Rally Sunday is the traditional fall start for the program year at Lake of the Isles. It is the Sunday when Sunday School, Confirmation, Choir and Adult Bible Study resume after a summer break. It is a wonderful day to welcome the fall and celebrate new beginnings in the life of the church. So, on Sunday, September 10th, the Zuhrah Shrine Dixie Kats will lead us in a worship service of toe tapping Dixieland music. We will be hosting a savory and sweet pie buffet which you can enjoy inside Fellowship Hall or head out to the patio and lawn- wherever you feel most comfortable. |
Whether in person or on-line- Welcome back to Lake of the Isles for Rally Sunday, September 10th.
Peace, Pastor Arden Haug
Dear Friends in Christ at
Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church,
I want to share my sadness in leaving the most wonderful fellowship at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church. The first Sunday I visited, Phyllis came across the aisle and sat beside me, welcoming me. What a surprise to find out we both had lived in Sumner, Iowa and knew many of the same people
(God's ways are so marvelous, aren't they?)
I have had blessing upon blessing in participating in the Women's Bible Study and Book Club. We all owe Deb Gilroy many thanks for her leadership in those groups. I will forever be grateful for the amazing trip I was able to share with many of you on our trip to the Baltics.
I also think the Wednesday morning Bible Study with Pastor has been the most precious and endearing to me. I feel closest to all of you dear friends. I will miss you, but praise the Lord for Zoom (A blessing that came out of that wretched time of Covid) I pray continued blessings on Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church.
- I will continue being part of the prayer group by Zoom on Monday evenings - I hope many more of you will join these groups.
Keep reading the precious word of God, draw near to God and He will draw near to you. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all!
Your friend,
Diane Stensrud
P.S. Here is my new address - I would love to have new pen-pals!
Diane Stensrud
2501 Commonwealth Ave
Charlotte, NC 28205
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Inspired by Christ, living and growing in faith, Lake of the Isles is a loving and open community of worship, witness, & service in God's world
Livestream Worship,
& Sunday School
Sundays – 9:30 AM
Coffee Hour – 10:30 AM
Upcoming Events
September 1st
Our Saviour's Shelter Meal
September 2 – 9:30 AM
Priscilla Circle
Christy Room
September 6 – 7:00 PM
9th Grade Confirmation Begins
Christy Room
September 10 – 9:30 AM
Rally Sunday
Sunday School Begins
September 10 – 10:30 AM
Pie Social
Fellowship Hall & Patio
September 11 – 4:30 PM
7/8th Grade Confirmation Begins
September 17 – 9:30 AM
New Member Sunday
September 21 – 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Women's Bible Study
September 21 – 7:00PM - 8:30PM
Church Council Meeting
Christy Room/Zoom
September 24 – 9:30 AM
Hymnus Angelicus
September 28 – 7:00 PM
Growlers & Theology
September 29 – 5:00 PM
Women's Book Club
Home of Deb Gilroy
Children's Ministry September 2023 | |
Sunday School Begins
September 10
Sunday School for children ages 3 (by Sept 1) through 6th grade begins on September 10. If you haven’t done so already, please register for Sunday School using our online form.
Children will begin in worship with their family and go to Sunday School after the Children’s Message and return to worship at the start of Communion.
If you have any questions, please contact our Children’s Ministry Director, Diane LaMere
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Back to School Blessing
September 10
All children and youth will be invited to come forward during worship on September 10 for a special blessing of the new school year.
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Bible Presentations
September 17
Sunday School children who are incoming 3 year olds, 3rd graders or children new to LOTI will receive a brand new Spark Bible. The Bibles are a gift from the congregation to celebrate our commitment to families honoring their baptismal promise. Presentations will happen during worship on September 17.
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If you have a child receiving a Bible this year, you will receive an email with specific instructions for this day from Diane LaMere. | |
Choir Rehearsal
7:00-8:30 PM
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Our Saviour's Housing Meals 2023 | |
For many years, Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has provided a meal on the first Friday of each month. Due to COVID-19 & changes at the shelter, our monthly meals are by donation to the LOTI. Cost per meal is $250. You may contribute online at MyVanco or mail a check to the church. The shelter orders & serves the meal. Thank you to Denise Wilkens, Mary Jubenville, Mary Flynn, Twyla Hobbs & Linda Nelson for August. | |
Kathy & Mark Hering
Bruce & Jean Carlson
Mary Sabatke
Andrew Wallin & Elizabeth Hansen
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Join us
Saturday, September 2nd
9:30 AM in the
Christy Room
for a time of camaraderie
There is no membership requirement or time commitment.
Just come to enjoy the fellowship, for a few minutes, or a couple of hours!
(No knitting skills required)
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Fall Confirmation Begins
September 6th
7:00 PM
Confirmation education for 9th graders preparing for the Rite of Confirmation on Sunday, October 29th, will begin again on Wednesday, September 6th from 7:00 - 7:45 in the Christy Room. 7th and 8th Grade Confirmation this fall will be by Zoom on Mondays at 4:30 beginning Monday, September 11th. New confirmands can register with Pastor Haug.
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Rally Sunday
Sunday, September 10th
It’s time for a pie-fest - who wants to bring pie?
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New Member Sunday
September 17th
New members to Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church will be received on Sunday, September 17th. Please contact the church office if you would like to be welcomed as a member.
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Hymnus Angelicus
September 24th
9:30 AM
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Paul McKenzie, while serving as the Director of Music at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Hopkins, organized a community choir to perform regularly at the congregation’s monthly evening choral vespers service. The group, known as Hymnus Angelicus, performed in a variety of styles and languages with a strong emphasis on liturgy and scripture. They performed once at Lake of the Isles in 2014, and traveled in 2019 to Ireland for a music festival. The Covid 19 pandemic and the director’s retirement, however, brought the group’s performing days to an end, but it didn’t end Paul McKenzie’s passion for music. He is now trying to resurrect Hymnus Angelicus and to make Lake of the Isles their new home.
Liturgy and scripture will remain important to their music, but there will be one significant difference. Hymnus Angelicus will be a part of our morning worship service, and their first Sunday will be September 24th, for the Festival of St. Michael and All Angels. Please welcome Paul McKenzie and Hymnus Angelicus to Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church.
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Women's Bible Study
Thursday, September 21st
7:00 PM
We are studying Children of the Day,
by Beth Moore.
Debra Gilroy, LOTI Groups
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Women's Book Club
Friday, September 29th
5:00 PM
Home of Deb Gilroy
Next up is As Bright as Heaven by Susan Meissner. Join us!
Bring a snack to share if you like…
Deb Gilroy LOTI Groups
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Growlers and Theology
Thursday, September 28th
7:00 PM
The informal study of theology and
adult beverages will begin again this fall. Following the model of Luther in his home in Wittenberg, Germany, Pastor Haug will lead a monthly gathering.
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2023-24 Conversation & Cuisine
Signup by September 30th
Conversation & Cuisine is a casual evening of getting better acquainted, while enjoying a meal in each other's homes or a restaurant of choice. Groups made up of 6-8 members & friends of Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church gather for three meals during the course of the year. If you would like to participate in the 2023-24 groups, please let Janna Haug know. You can connect with her at Coffee Hour, or contact Jana Haug.
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Water the Lawn Fundraiser
Sunday, October 1st
5:00 PM
Home of the Reisbergs
Kenwood Pkwy
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Prior to the pandemic, the LOTI Church Council regularly scheduled a fall fundraiser at Lake of Isles. These yearly campaigns went by with catchy names like: The Great Restroom Makeover Fundraiser, The Cut A Rug Carpeting Fundraiser, The Raise the Roof Fundraiser, and the favorite The Fun-Raiser Fundraiser, where no funds were sought at all. These were all welcome events that provided both an important economic incentive to completing necessary capital improvement projects, and also offered a wonderful gathering and venue for bringing the congregation together. The challenge for 2023 fundraiser is creating a memorable and snappy title.
The past two years of drought have been hard on the church property. In addition to the lack of moisture, we have lost two trees that provided significant shade. This in turn lead to an invasion of grubs. To keep our lawn and property looking good, the Church Council has suggested that we invest in a lawn irrigation system, so what should we call the event? The Please Tread on Me Irrigation Fundraiser, or perhaps The Great Weed and Feed and Water the Lawn Makeover.” Discretely, someone on the Council; suggested that it should be called The Put Your Pastor out to Pasture Faster Fundraiser, after all he’s the one who moves all the water hoses around. Regardless of the name, we hope that you can join us! Michelle McCreery will once again organize the meal, and Susanne Haas will organize the Silent Auction.
Thank you,
Marty Carlson
LOTI Church Council President
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Guest Preacher Mark Ditmanson
October 15th
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Pastor Mark and Janet Ditmanson will visit Lake of the Isles next month. Pastor Mark served Lake of the Isles from 1991-2001. He then accepted a call to Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Grand Marais, where he served until his retirement in the summer of 2022. We look forward to welcoming the Ditmansons back to Lake of the Isles. | |
Isles Ensemble Concert
October 15th
2:00 PM
Join Isles violist, Ken Freed, as he takes us on a personal journey of faith and hope that spans centuries of prayer, memory, and the eternal. Newly uncovered arrangements of music from Auschwitz will serve as the counterpoint to the music of Bruch, Mendelssohn, Bloch, Ravel and Golijov.
Isles musicians: Stephanie Arado, violin; Natsuki Kumagai, violin; Kenneth Freed, viola; Tom Rosenberg, cello; Laura Sewell, cello
Guest musicians: Miryana Moteva, piano; Gabriel Campos Zamora, clarinet.
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All are welcome to join!
We meet on Mondays at 7:00 PM via Zoom.
Janna Haug
Debra Gilroy
Linda Nelson
Diane Stensrud
Carolyn Hagford
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LOTI is available during office hours for a time of quiet meditation. You can use the sanctuary to spend time in prayer, light a candle, listen to recorded sacred music, and/or use a guided meditation tool. Please call the church office to reserve a time.
(612) 377-5095
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Wednesday Morning Bible Study | |
All are welcome to come and join our Wednesday morning Bible study!
Pastor Haug leads the morning bible study group in the Library & via Zoom on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM.
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To view, go to our YouTube channel, or to find the livestream link & worship service bulletin go to | | |
Coffee Hour is hosted in Fellowship Hall or on the Patio each Sunday following worship. | |
Happy Birthday!
Diane Svard
Benjamin Huntley
McKenna Gruys
Ryker Alden
Mary Jubenville
Jacob Hovda
Trygve Svard
Andrew VantHull
Taylor Rondestvedt
Crosby Morrison
Heather Jacoby
Brittany Lawonn
Charlie Gruys
Katherine Bracken
Pamela Aagard
Joseph LaMere
Charlotte Hurliman
David Hagford
Miles Gruys
John Frahm
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September Worship Volunteers |
Worship Technical Assistant
Jim Olson
Altar Servers
03 Carolyn & David Hagford
10 David & Mary Goplen
17 Linda Nelson & Mary Flynn
24 Cathy Carlson & Ellie Holmquist
03 Linda Nelson
10 Anita Duder
17 Denise Wilkens
24 Eric Mechels
Worship Assistants
03 Kathy Hering
10 Mary Sabatke
20 Mark Duff
24 Steve Hoyt
03 Lorraine Spies
10 Mary Jubenville
17 Nicole Olson
24 Janna Haug
Communion Assistants
03 Steve Hoyt
10 Marty Carlson
17 Michelle McCreery
24 Kathy Hering
Coffee Hour Hosts
03 Mark & Robin Bloom
10 Pie Social
17 Ellie Holmquist, Ruth Lee, & Nicole Olson
24 Linda Nelson
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2024 Heart of Europe Tour
In the Footsteps of the Haugs
Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Czech Republic
April 1 – April 13, 2024
First Payment Due NOVEMBER 15TH
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After traveling to Italy in the spring of 2023, we are excited to announce Pastor and Janna Haug’s international tour for 2024. The 12-day and 11-night tour will visit several important and favorite places the Haug family explored during their five years as ELCA personnel in Europe. The tour will include great cities along the Moldau and Danube Rivers, such as Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna, Salzburg, Cesky Krumlov, and Prague. Brochures are now available. Christian Eggert of Christian Tour Europe will once again be our host. | |
Staff Members
Rev. Dr. Arden D. Haug – Pastor
Dr Kristina Rizzotto – Director of Music
Diane LaMere – Office Manager & Children's Ministry
Joseph LaMere – Worship Technical Director
Michelle McCreery – Design & Communication Director
Sarah & Trevor Skorburg – Caretakers
Sandy Swan – Wedding Manager
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Council Members
Pamela Aagaard
Ross Bartels – Treasurer
Catherine Carlson
Casey Christy
David Hagford
Steve Hoyt – Vice President
Claire Jacoby – Youth
Eric Mechels
Katie Messerli
Charlie O'Brien
Michelle Reisberg
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Contact us if you have events, schedules, or other information to share with the congregation.
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Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church
2020 W Lake of the Isles Parkway
Minneapolis, MN 55405
(612) 377-5095
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