September Monthly Update

Prayer for Great Plains Lutheran High School

Dear Father in heaven, we ask that you continue to bless Great Plains Lutheran High School. Be with the teachers and students as they become fully engaged in their academic courses and activities. Guide especially the students who are new to high school or new to GPLHS. Bless the Board of Directors as they meet this month and throughout the year, working together to.................. READ MORE

Meet Emily Cantwell

Hi! My name is Emily Cantwell and I am serving as the new Learning Resource Coordinator at Great Plains this year. I grew up in northwest Arkansas, went to Nebraska Lutheran High School and then on to Martin Luther College to get my bachelors degree in.......READ MORE

2023-2024 School Year Theme and Logo

So many people and things in the world around us try to convince us of who we should be, how we should think, and what we should do. And many of these influencers are not good and godly. That is why it is so important that we be grounded in and stay connected to God through his Word.

We pray that this year’s theme – Convinced – will help us to maintain this focus. Convinced that the Bible is God’s Word and the source of .................READ MORE

Job Posting Notice - GPLHS Lunch Cook

GPL Lunch Cook Sherri Meseberg is planning to retire from this position at the end of the calendar year

(December 2023). We are now beginning the process of filling this position. A job posting including a

position description and application is now available at Applications are due September

30, 2023.

The GPLHS Lunch Cook works under the direction of the Principal in.......................READ MORE

Grandparents Day

Each fall we look forward to welcoming grandparents to campus; it has become one of the highlights of our year! Grandparents Day gives students the opportunity to connect with their grandparents, and gives grandparents a glimpse of life at GPL. We hope many grandparents will be able to participate. Grandparents Day is scheduled for Friday, September 22.


Please join us in supporting the ministry of Great Plains Lutheran High School on Sunday, September 24. You will be presented with a brief explanation of the ministry of GPLHS. Then we ask you to show your support of this ministry through prayers, donations and just telling others about this ministry. Since the Fall Festival is being moved to the spring, there will be some online items that you can bid on. Go to to view the items. We will inform you through email when you can start to bid!  

Fall Festival Is Moving!

Our annual festival will be making a change. Traditionally held in the fall, this coming school year the festival will be held in the spring in conjunction with the Spring Theater Production. Saturday, April 13, 2024 is the tentative date. Please be on the lookout for further information in the updates, flyers or inserts.

Future Panther Passes

Annual event passes are available at no cost for all children through grade 8. Future Panther Passes can be obtained at the admission table when children attend their first......................READ MORE

Activity Passes

Activity passes will once again be available for GPLHS events. You receive convenience and cost savings with the annual ($100) or 20-event pass ($70) or the...READ MORE

Sports Page

Click HERE to get the latest sporting event news, scores, updated schedules and news of our athletes' achievements.

Mission Advancement Update

I often find myself asking “why, how and who” before I begin a task of great importance that demands great focus and effort. These three questions made me think of the ministry of GPLHS. Here are some of the thoughts I had trying to answer these questions for myself.

Why: We have a Savior who loves us and bought us back with his own body and blood. We now get to......READ MORE

Wish List Item

Our next project is to update our marching band uniforms. Used marching band uniforms are being purchased and our school logo patch needs to be sewn on them. $2000 will cover the cost of the marching band uniforms and updating them. Designate your gift to "Wish List – Marching Band Uniforms" or call Angie at 605-886-0672.

Dates to Note

  • September 1..........Parents Night for Football and Cross Country
  • September 4..........No School - Labor Day
  • September 9..........Board of Directors Meeting
  • September 15.........Panther for a Day
  • September 16.........Homecoming - Football game at 2:00pm
  • September 22.........Grandparents Day
  • September 24.........GPL Day
  • October 9-10...........No School - Teacher's Conference
Great Plains Lutheran High School provides a Christ-centered education to assist families in nurturing students as lifelong disciples of Christ.
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