August Monthly Update 2022
Prayer for Great Plains Lutheran High School
Heavenly Father, as preparations are made for another school year, let your hand of blessing be upon Great Plains Lutheran High School. Continue to bless the construction and utilization of new facilities. Bless the administration, faculty and staff as they prepare to return to classes, activities, and events. Be with students as they begin practices, move into the dorm, and embark on another year of spiritual and academic growth. Guide families who are still considering GPLHS for their children. May our prayers and words of encouragement bring blessings to all involved in this ministry of nurturing students as lifelong disciples of Christ. Amen.
Meet Karl Schauland
Hello all! I’m Pastor Karl Schauland, the new campus pastor at GPL. I have served the past 10 years in parish ministry, so this transition to high school will be a new, fun challenge!
I grew up in rural Lewiston, MN and attended Luther High School in Onalaska, WI. I began my studies to become a pastor at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN. Following graduation, I continued......READ MORE
Fall Enrollment
We continue to receive inquiries and applications for the coming school year. If you or anyone you know would like more information or a tour, please let us know. We want to help as many people as possible learn more about our school and what we have to offer. Pray that God will bless families as they make decisions regarding their children’s Christian training and bless us with many opportunities to nurture students as lifelong disciples of Christ.
Save the Date - Fall Festival
Please join us for an afternoon of food, fellowship, and fundraising for Fine Arts and Student Assistance at “Courageous in Christ – Near and Far” on Saturday, November 12, 2022! As in the past, Fall Festival will include both live and silent auctions along with dinner and entertainment. Funds raised go directly to benefit our students. The event will run from 1:30-5:30pm in the GPLHS gymnasium.
Building Construction Update
As we look forward to making use of our kitchen, cafeteria, and new fine arts addition in the coming school year, we are also eagerly watching the progress in the auxiliary gym. The gym should be ready for use around the start of the new school year.

We love showing people around. Call to schedule or stop in for a tour!
United in Praise Campaign
We are truly grateful for all the gifts that enabled us to borrow significantly less than what was approved as part of our facility expansion plan!

The focus of our Bridging the Gap effort has now shifted to shortening the time we make mortgage payments. Each Bridging the Gap gift will enable us to make additional principal payments, pay off the loan sooner, and lower...... READ MORE
Scrip saves you time and money to help support GPLHS either for tuition or GPL’s active ministry fund. If you have any questions on how to utilize scrip contact Sarah Roloff at 605-886-0672 or
We are also looking for 2 volunteers to process.................READ MORE
Mission Advancement Update
Wow, we are at the start of a new school year. God has given us so many blessings this past school and fiscal year. I am looking forward to getting to see what blessings the Lord has in store for this school year. One blessing that I am so thankful for is all of the loving support, gifts and prayers that were shared with GPL this past year. It is humbling to have so many giving so much of their time and effort to move this ministry and its mission courageously forward. It is good for us to............
Wish List Item
The bookcases have been purchased. Thank you!! Our next project is to purchase a vibraslap, a tuba mouthpiece, a s405 and 4 ligatures. $620 will purchase all of these items for band. These items will replace old and broken parts and will further help beautify the performance at concerts. Designate your gift to "Wish List- Variety of musical instruments and supplies " or call Angie at 605-886-0672.
Dates to Note
  • August 4...........Football Practice Begins
  • August 15.......Cross Country and Volleyball Practices Begin
  • August 19........First Football Game
  • August 20.........Dormitory Move In
  • August 21.........Opening Service at 2:00pm
  • August 22.........School Begins
  • August 23.........First Volleyball Match
  • August 26.........Parents Night for Football and Cross Country
  • August 29.........First Cross Country Meet

Great Plains Lutheran High School provides a Christ-centered education to assist families in nurturing students as lifelong disciples of Christ.