Volume 26 | May 01, 2022
LSA Monthly Update
A Monthly Electronic Newsletter from the Louisiana Shooting Association, Inc.
2022 Louisiana Bills: Update
There are 15 bills with important implications for Second Amendment Rights working though the Louisiana Legislature. This article gives an update on all of those bills.

“It’s a huge victory for us because New Jersey wanted to be severed from our legal action in their effort to prevent publication of the information by Defense Distributed, thus violating the company’s and SAF’s First Amendment rights to promote the exercise of Second Amendment rights.”

-Alan M. Gottlieb
Fifth Circuit Rules Against New Jersey in 3-D Gun Ban Case: Nationwide Implications
The Second Amendment Foundation and Defense Distributed today are celebrating a court victory in a long-running battle to allow online publication of information related to the 3D printing of firearms, thanks to a ruling by the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that returns claims against the New Jersey attorney general (NJAG) to its jurisdiction.

A district court order had wrongly severed the case against the NJAG, from a lawsuit filed by the plaintiffs, and transferring it to a federal court in New Jersey. Today’s ruling in the Fifth Circuit directs the district court in Texas to “request re-transfer from its counterpart in New Jersey.”

“It’s a huge victory for us,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “because New Jersey wanted to be severed from our legal action in their effort to prevent publication of the information by Defense Distributed, thus violating the company’s and SAF’s First Amendment rights to promote the exercise of Second Amendment rights.”

Biden Nominates Steven Dettelbach for Director of ATF
With the nomination of Steven Dettelbach, President Biden has chosen to double-down on his attempt to put a gun control advocate in charge of the agency responsible for regulating America’s firearms industry.

David Chipman was Biden's first nominee, but he failed to achieve enough support in the Senate to be confirmed. Like Chipman, Dettelbach is a dedicated gun controller with a background that proves he would be neither fair nor objective as head of ATF. When running for Ohio Attorney General in 2018, Dettelbach endorsed gun bans, restrictions on lawful firearm transfers, and further expansion of prohibitions on who can lawfully possess a firearm. Ohio voters wisely rejected Dettelbach and his gun control promises in 2018.

It will once again be up to gun owners to make clear that a failed anti-gun politician has no place at the head of the ATF.

Get Your 2022 M1 Garand Raffle Tickets!
Tickets for the 2022 M1 Garand Raffle in Support of Junior Shooting are now on sale. The drawing will be held October 16, 2022. Winner need not be present to win!

"There should be no requirement for a citizen to prove a special need to exercise a constitutionally protected fundamental right."

-Paul Clement for the Plaintiffs
LSA Files Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Case
The Louisiana Shooting Association, Inc. (LSA) joined a brief filed by the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) in the case New York Rifle & Pistol Association v Bruen argued before the US Supreme Court on November 2, 2021. This case has important implications for New York and the other seven US States that do not recognize Second Amendment rights with their discretionary “may issue” carry laws. The outcome of this case will also likely impact dozens of other cases that are currently in the lower federal courts.