Volume 25 | April 01, 2022
LSA Monthly Update
A Monthly Electronic Newsletter from the Louisiana Shooting Association, Inc.
We apologize for not getting an issue of the LSA Monthly Update to you in March. Our work schedule was just too busy to get an issue done. -Editor
Louisiana Bills to Watch in 2022 Session
Although the 2022 Louisiana Legislative Session is a so-called "fiscal session," there are still a number of important pro- and anti-Second Amendment Bills to be considered this year. Here is a list and the position taken by the LSA.

Results of the 2022 Elections of the Board of Directors
Each year at our Annual Meeting of Members in February, one third of the Directors are elected to our Board. From those elected Directors, the Board selects the Officers of the Corporation in an open forum.

This year, the Annual Meeting of Members was held at Cabela's in Gonzales on Sunday, February 13. The results of the election are shown here.
"To those of us who carry guns, the idea that lawfully carrying a gun in itself might be provocation is a frightening idea."
Lessons of the Rittenhouse Trial
by Everett Baudean, Esq.

Now that it has been a few months since the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, I have had time to both collect my thoughts and to discuss the trial ad nauseum with friends and colleagues. I even had the luxury of teaching a self-defense law seminar for US Law Shield the night before the verdict was released, and a week before that I taught one while the trial was ongoing. There was no shortage of relevant points to be made about the facts of the case and how they fit in with the law. Even though I’m not a Wisconsin lawyer, many of the legal elements are virtually the same, and having a nationally-televised trial to refer to was very helpful in explaining how things may play out in real life.

Entire books could certainly be written about this trial. It was a long one with a lot to cover, especially if you look at the media coverage and internet discussion that went on for over a year before the trial actually started. A common refrain I heard during the trial was that “the right to self-defense itself is on trial,” but I don’t necessarily agree with that. A decision of one state trial court can’t possibly have such sweeping implications. I also can’t necessarily agree that this case “should never have gone to trial” or that it was “the most clear cut self-defense I’ve ever seen” as I’ve read online numerous times.

Get Your 2022 M1 Garand Raffle Tickets!
Tickets for the 2022 M1 Garand Raffle in Support of Junior Shooting are now on sale. The drawing will be held October 16, 2022. Winner need not be present to win!

Historically, the [ATF] has proven all too willing to be weaponized by the current occupants of the White House, especially if the current occupants are anti-gun, and there has never been a more anti-gun crew than the Biden-Harris administration."

-Lee Williams
Biden’s budget: $1.7 billion increase for the ATF
President Biden's budget document states, "The Budget includes $17.4 billion, an increase of $1.7 billion above the 2021 enacted level, for DOJ law enforcement, including a total of $1.7 billion for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to expand multijurisdictional gun trafficking strike forces with additional personnel, increase regulation of the firearms industry, enhance ATF’s National Integrated Ballistic Information Network, and modernize the National Tracing Center."

To be clear, this is all part of Joe Biden’s war on America’s gun dealers. If they’re allowed to hire hundreds of additional special agents, the ATF could take this war to the next level. No gun dealer would be safe from increased harassment, surprise audits and other mayhem, which the Biden-Harris administration clearly hopes will put them all out of business.
The US House Seeks to Eliminate ATF Illegal Record Keeping
Although the LSA always focuses on legislation in Louisiana and rarely gets involved in Federal legislation, LSA members should know that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has been retaining records on firearm owners, violating its deletion policy requirements and allowing it the ability to create a de facto gun registry. 

H.R.6950 requires the ATF to abolish its Enterprise Content Management Imaging Repository System--essentially requiring them to comply with their own deletion policies--and prevents them from ever creating anything like it again. In addition, it allows anyone aggrieved by a violation of the requirement to bring action for damages in any federal district court.

Let the House Committee on the Judiciary know you support this resolution and urge them to act on it; call and/or write them today!