Volume 23 | January 01, 2022
LSA Monthly Update
A Monthly Electronic Newsletter from the Louisiana Shooting Association, Inc.
Sunday, February 13, 2022
9:00 AM until 1:00 PM
2022 Annual Meeting and Elections
The LSA will return to live annual meetings in 2022 by hosting its 2022 Annual Meeting of Members and Elections of the Board of Directors at the Cabela's in Gonzales, LA. The meeting will be held in the upstairs meeting room. NO REFRESHMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED.

For more information on the meeting, please read the article on our website.

Cash on hand increased 9.2% for 2021 over 2020
Annual Financial Report
The Year End financial statement will be presented at the Annual Meeting; however, briefly, the LSA, Inc. finished 2021 in the black for the first time in several years.

  • Robust renewal rates for members far exceeded the previous couple of years
  • Generous donations from members to our General Operating Funds account continued from previous years
  • Controlled spending through fiscal restraint and forced by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • A slight decrease in spending with a strong increase in revenues resulted in a strong 2021 for the LSA
Get Your 2022 M1 Garand Raffle Tickets!
Tickets for the 2022 M1 Garand Raffle in Support of Junior Shooting are now on sale. The drawing will be held October 16, 2022. Winner need not be present to win!

"I have my Drivers License, Lifetime Hunting License and COVID-19 vaccination card int he LA Wallet but I wondered why not the CCP license."
CCP in LA Wallet
Do you own a smart phone that uses the Apple iOS or Android operating system? If so, you may already know about LA Wallet.

LA Wallet displays your drivers license, your lifetime hunting and fishing license, and your COVID-19 vaccination records from the LA Department of Health.

One of our members recently asked the LA Wallet Support line the following question: "I have my Drivers License, Lifetime Hunting License and COVID-19 vaccination card int he LA Wallet but I wondered why not the CCP license." Their response was, "Thank you for contacting LA Wallet support! Unfortunately at this time you cannot add a conceal carry permit to the LA Wallet app. It is in the works to be added to the app. Please keep your app up-to-date so that when it is released, you will have access to the new feature."

If you Support VoteVets, you may want to Reconsider

VoteVets is a hybrid political action group that operates as both a PAC and a Super PAC by donating money directly to political campaigns, and by raising and spending unlimited amounts of cash for “independent expenditures,” such as ad campaigns that target conservative candidates and issue, while supporting liberal issues and politicians.
The organization operates two groups: the VoteVets PAC and the VoteVets Action Fund. Its stated mission is “to elect veterans to public office,” but it only backs liberals. All candidates VoteVets supports for federal, state, and local offices are Democrats, and all of the issues it supports promote a liberal agenda.

While pretending to advocate on behalf of veterans and veterans' issues, in reality VoteVets operates in lockstep with other anti-gun groups funded by Bloomberg's cash. To be clear, VoteVets advocates for more anti-gun laws and restrictions even though most veterans own guns and strongly support the Second Amendment.