Volume 30 | September 01, 2022

LSA Monthly Update
A Monthly Electronic Newsletter from the Louisiana Shooting Association, Inc.
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LSA Receives a Grant from NRA

Over the past several years, the LSA has worked hard to move into the modern world of communicating with our Members, other Patriots who support Civil Rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and the world. To this end, we purchased powerful and secure Enterprise Software and use Marketing tools to send emails to our Members on a regular basis. Likewise, we have social media presence on our Website, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. All of this takes money.

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ATF's Vagueness on Frame and Receiver Rule Harming Businesses, Gun Rights

Companies selling 80% receivers and other homemade firearm parts have been getting uncomfortable calls and questions from their credit card firms and payment processors. Their ability to process payments could soon end, they’re being told.


Grid Defense, formerly Ghost Firearms, which is located in Daytona Beach, Florida, got a call from their Mastercard payment processor Wednesday.


“We were told we may be violating some of their policies regarding ATF’s new frame and receiver rule,” said TJ, co-owner of Grid Defense.


To be clear, he does not blame their payment processor or even Mastercard. He blames the ATF for not providing accurate and timely guidance. Of course, his biggest concern is what will come next – when will the ATF tell the financial industry that ARs or even ammunition should not be purchased with credit cards.

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“The ATF likes to muddy the waters with confusion, and it’s starting to effect American commerce and the Second Amendment."


“Once again, liberal elites in corporate boardrooms are attempting to dictate policy that should be made by our legislative branch. All Louisiana consumers, especially gun owners, should be alarmed by this abuse; but know that I will do all that I legally can to protect their fundamental rights.”

-AG Jeff Landry

AG Jeff Landry Warns Big Banks, Credit Card Companies Of Potential Legal Violations

Attorney General Jeff Landry and 19 of his colleagues are alerting the chief executive officers of three major credit card companies that the recent creation of a Merchant Category Code for the processing of firearms purchases from gun stores is potentially a violation of consumer protection and antitrust laws.

In a letter sent today to the CEOs of American Express, MasterCard, and Visa – Landry and his fellow attorneys general say the monitoring and tracking of firearms purchases creates a “list of gun buyers” and creates the obvious risk that law-abiding consumers’ information will be obtained and misused by those who oppose Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights.

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Time Is Running Out: M1 Garand Drawing on October 16, 2022

The LSA’s Junior Shooting Program is solely funded through the sale of M1 Garand Raffle Tickets and through generous donations from people like you! Part of the mission of the LSA is to promote firearms safety, training, marksmanship, and competition for adult and youth shooters. We define Junior Shooters using the NRA competition definition as one who is 20-years-old or younger.


Because the LSA has no physical property, the Association does not have a shooting range. Therefore, the LSA accomplishes its mission through the use of public and private ranges throughout the State as well as through partnerships with Shooting Clubs, 4-H, Jr ROTC, ROTC, Boy Scouts, and military organizations. The junior shooters trained by LSA have gone on to shoot for the Louisiana State Junior High Power Rifle Team at the National Championships at Camp Perry, have competed in the Junior Olympics, and one former Junior Shooter (CPT David Higgins, USMC) attended the Air Force Academy as a member of their shooting team and shot in the Olympics at Rio De Janeiro. We have three former Junior Shooters who are members of the Presidential Protection Team with the Secret Service. All of the junior shooters have learned rifle safety and have a positive view of shooting and firearms.


The Junior Shooting program operated by the LSA is an integral part of the Association's mission. The LSA is an organization of individual members and affiliated clubs for the purpose of supporting the shooting sports:

  • LSA is affiliated with the Civilian Marksmanship Program, National Rifle Association, and the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice.
  • LSA is an organization to which affiliated clubs look for service, competition sponsorship, instruction, and help in any field of the shooting sports.
  • LSA is an organization that encourages and promotes training in hunter safety, marksmanship, and junior shooting.
  • LSA is an organization totally committed to the promotion and protection of legitimate firearms owners’ constitutionally-guaranteed right to own, bear, and use firearms for the protection of home and family, sport hunting, target shooting, and any other lawful purpose.


We hope you will Purchase Raffle Tickets or make a Donation. Any amount is welcomed and will help fund our mission!

Get Your 2022 M1 Garand Raffle Tickets!

Tickets for the 2022 M1 Garand Raffle in Support of Junior Shooting are now on sale. The drawing will be held October 16, 2022. Winner need not be present to win!

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