Twenty-fifth Sunday After Pentecost

November 19th, 2023

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  • Stewardship Season Has Begun
  • Advent Devotional
  • Special Coffee Hour This Sunday
  • Serve At Grace - Coffee Hours Hosts Needed
  • Gratitude & Thanksgivng Greetings From STRIVE
  • From The Brothers At SSJE - JESUS
  • Carrying Hope
  • Archangels Of Texas Fundraiser November 18
  • Scroll Down & Save The Dates -

Kidz Harbor Christmas,

MCO Thanksgiving Luncheon,

Alvin Senior Center Community Thanksgiving Luncheon

Ingathering Sunday - December 3

Christmas Walk-A-Mile - December 11

Liturgy Of The Week

  • Holy Eucharist Rite I - Mother Suzanne
  • Godly Play With November newsletter
  • The Preaching Moment Podcast - 85 Episodes Published!
  • A Holy Pause With Mother Suzanne
  • Rector's Tuesday Bible Study Paused For Thanksgiving
  • Wednesday Noonday Prayer Around The World
  • Wednesday Sanctuary Choir Practice - Paused
  • Mobile Food Pantry - Thursday, November 30
  • Food Ministry Statistics -
  • PB&J Delivery Fridays - Volunteers Needed
  • On Generosity...

  • Click Here For The Prayer List
  • Click Here For The Church Calendar
  • Click Here For The Server Schedule
  • Click Here For The Live-Streaming Team Schedule
  • Click Here For Parish Directory
  • Click Here For The Coffee Host Schedule

Keep Scrolling to Learn More...

If you know of a brother or sister with no computer or internet access - would you please print off this email and drop it off to that person? We don't have many, but there are some. Let's help all of our Grace Family stay connected.

Stewardship Season Is Underway!

Please Remember To Bring Your Pledge Card On Sunday, December 3

Click Here For Your Online Pledge Form

Mother Suzanne Will Be Using This As Her Advent Devotional. Each Sunday In Advent During Coffee Hour We Will Gather and Spend Time With The Readings

Click Here To View & Download Advent Devotional

Serve At Grace

Looking for ways to plug in at Grace, meet new people, and contribute to the beauty of our worship? Sign up for one of our ministry teams: Ushers, Lectors, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, Altar Guild, A/V, Hospitality, or Coffee Hour. Learn more and sign up at

f you would like to host coffee hour, please contact Anna Arendell,


God entered into our humanity in the person of Jesus, calling us to recognize in each other our beautiful, God-given distinctions, and to find them a source of vitality. The gospel of Jesus Christ calls us to live with arms outstretched and hands open, not to cling to the provision God has given, but to share with others from our abundance.


Br. Jim Woodrum, Society of Saint John the Evangelist

Click Here To Read More

Save These Dates

Kidz Harbor Angel Tree

Begins Sunday, November 19th

Kidz Harbor is a beautiful facility located on six acres in Liverpool, just a stones throw away from Alvin. The facility serves abused and abandoned children of Texas. 

Once again, our own Kelley Krenek, with the help of some elves from Grace, is leading the kids Harbor Christmas ministry. Beginning Sunday, November 19 there will be a Christmas tree in the narthex with 40 - 50 ornaments. One ornament per child. Each ornament will have a brief description of the child their age and their wish list for Christmas.

You will be able to select one or more ornaments to provide Christmas gifts for. Please Return the gifts to the church, unwrapped using the ornament as the name tag on Sunday, December 10th. Please consider sharing your Christmas with one of these children. If you have any questions, please contact Kelley

We will be doing the invocation for Manvel Community Outreach's 6th Annual Thanksgiving Feast at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Tuesday, November 21st. Opportunities for volunteers and food donations abound.

Click Here For More Information

Donations of Thanksgiving desserts are requested, along with hand drawn placemats (great kids project) size 11" X 17". These donations can be dropped off to Anna Arendell the Wednesday before Thanksgiving at the Alvin Senior Center

A fancy name for bringing your pledge card to church to be blessed at the altar: first Sunday of Advent, December 3, and the beginning of the new church year.

Alvin Christmas Walk-a-Mile

Monday, December 11 at 6 PM

1st Church New Hope

2nd Church Grace Episcopal Church

3rd Church First Presbyterian Church

4th Church South Park Baptist Church

5th Church First United Methodist & Templo Cristo Para Todos

Click Here For the Sunday Worship Bulletin
Please help us conserve resources by downloading to your mobile device or printing ahead of time and bringing it along with you to church

Sunday's Schedule

  • Holy Eucharist Rite I - Led by Mother Suzanne
  • The service will also be live-streamed via Facebook Live - a musical prelude will begin at 8:50 a.m.
  • 3 ways to Give today: Text the word ¨Fund¨ to 844-943-0932 to give via text, download and use the Vanco Mobile* app from the Google or Apple App Store, or visit the link below. Alternatively, you can mail a check to the church office at 112 W. Lang, Alvin TX 77511
Click Here To View Service on Facebook Live
Click Here To Give Online
Click Here To Submit Your Pledge For 2023
Click Here To Download Vanco Mobile App From Google Play Store
Click Here To Download Vanco Mobile App From Apple App Store

If you would like to host coffee hour, please contact Anna Arendell,

Click here for the latest with our Children's Ministry
Listen To Last Week's Podcast On Buzzsprout

Or you can find The Preaching Moment on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify.

A Holy Pause
From Mother Suzanne:

This time together is between 2-5 minutes. A small touch-point throughout the week to remind Grace and others to whom you belong and that we are together walking the road of faith. 

As well, I think it's a good practice to pause during the day and "look up". 

Please join if you are able on Grace's Facebook or Instagram particular time... The Holy Pause is also uploaded to Tik Tok.

If you subscribe/like/follow our Instagram and Facebook you'll receive a notification when we go live.
Read More

The Rector's Bible Study will resume Tuesday, November 29

Wednesday Noonday Prayer
Around the World

On Wednesday, let's pause together as we join our prayers with brothers and sisters around the world via Zoom and Facebook Live.

Beginning at 11:55 you can log in to Zoom here (passcode 032547) to join us as an active participant in the prayers. Or if you prefer, just follow along via Facebook Live beginning promptly at 12:00 PM this coming Wednesday, Book of Common Prayer beginning on page 103, which you can download ahead of time here. 

Sanctuary Choir Practice

Is Paused Next Week

Church in the Streets - Mobile Food Pantry

Thursday, November 30th

Kati Garner had a helper this past week doing volunteer registration for the Mobile Food Pantry - little Willow Coleman greeted the volunteers while mom Jemmy helped fill boxes with food.

Please consider volunteering, even if just for an hour - we could use your help. We begin setting up at 7:00 am and distribution ends at 12 Noon. Clean-up follows that. We especially need volunteers for deliveries to the homebound and to help with tear down and clean up starting at around 11:30.

Mobile Food Pantry Schedule

If its Thursday, we have a Mobile Food pantry, come rain or shine

Your Food Ministry Statistics

From Harriet Sturgeon

Weekly Update

The week of November 9, 2023, we distributed 10,124 pounds of food to 250 families, including 48 homebound deliveries, totaling 718 people. We welcomed 19 new families. This was all made possible by the 62 volunteers (including drivers) who showed up to make it happen.

Thank you Harriet Sturgeon for being our statistician!

PB&J Fridays - Volunteers Needed

A couple of volunteers are need from 1 PM - 4 PM every Friday to serve guests visiting our Blessing Box and Blessing Fridge. If you would like to volunteer, please email

Sunday Card Ministry
Have you noticed the cards on the table as you enter the church on Sunday? Well, one of our parishioners sets these cards out for us to sign and send a greeting to someone we may not have seen in a while, or someone who is ill.

Please take a minute as you come in, or before you leave to sign the cards and maybe write a brief note.
1st Sunday

Did you know that the loose plate offering on the first Sunday of each month goes to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund? This fund is used, at the Rector’s discretion, to assist the poor and indigent and to further the ministries of the church, not covered in the church budget. One of the main uses of this fund, at Grace, is to fund our Blessing Box and Blessing Refrigerator.
Birthdays & Anniversaries

You are invited to make a financial offering in honor of your birthday or anniversary. These offerings go to the Herrington fund, which provides scholarships to church conferences and camps for members of our church.  Your offering may be placed in this little basket beside the piano as you approach the Chancel steps.

Kroger Community Rewards

You can help support Grace by simply linking your Kroger Rewards Customer number to Grace. You only need to sign up once and you will earn rewards for the church with every shopping trip! You can enroll at any time, so please try to get your family and friends to sign up as well! Every time you make a Kroger purchase, Kroger will make a donation to Grace. (And you still receive your reward points)

Hasse Elementary - Our Adopted Alvin ISD School

Match Your Gift

Matching your gift is a great way to make a bigger impact. Many companies match cash gifts from employees to qualified non-profits. Some even match gifts from retirees or spouses. To find out if your company will match gifts to Grace, visit your Human Resources Department. The Parish Office can provide you with a copy of our IRS Letter of Determination and W9 should you need it.

Expecting Out-Of-Town Guests

This Holiday Season?

Mr. Bill Wicker's former 1940's cottage home across the street from the church has been lovingly restored by Ms. Vivian Franco and it is now available for short-term rentals.

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