Transfiguration Sunday

Scout Sunday

February 11, 2024

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  • We Remember With Love...
  • From The Brothers At SSJE - Counterculture
  • Scout Sunday - February 11
  • An Invitation To Holy Lent
  • Save These Lenten Dates...
  • Parish Spring Cleaning March 23rd
  • Camp Allen Abundant Living Retreat March 25-27
  • Don's Fish Fry and Silent Auction Benefit For Womens's Center of Brazoria County, April 20

Liturgy Of The Week

  • Holy Eucharist Rite II
  • The Preaching Moment Podcast - Celebrating 100 Episodes Published!
  • A Holy Pause
  • Rector's Tuesday Bible Study
  • Ash Wednesday Services Noon and 6 PM
  • The Mobile Food Pantry - Wednesday, February 14th
  • PB&J Delivery Fridays
  • On Generosity...

  • Click Here For The Prayer List
  • Click Here For The Church Calendar
  • Click Here For The Server Schedule
  • Click Here For The Live-Streaming Team Schedule
  • Click Here For Parish Directory
  • Click Here For The Coffee Host Schedule

Keep Scrolling to Learn More...

If you know of a brother or sister with no computer or internet access - would you please print off this email and drop it off to that person? We don't have many, but there are some. Let's help all of our Grace Family stay connected.

We Lovingly Remember...

Suzanne Howard

Feb. 10, 11:00 AM

Taylor Lake Christian Church in Seabrook, TX

Click Here For Suzanne's Remembrance

Teddy Ridout

Mar. 2, 2:00 PM at Grace, reception to follow

Click Here For Teddy's Remembrance

Together For Alvin
This past week, Laura Peterson, the Principal at Hood-Case Elementary, and Laura Dantzman, a Kindergarten Teacher at Stevenson Elementary, passed away. Please be in prayer for their families, these campuses, and our community.


Living as Christians in the world is counter-cultural. We need frequently to be reminded of that, instructed in that, and encouraged in that. When we realize that God invites us to embrace and embody a different set of principles and values than the world promotes, then we understand how much we need the support of others as we make this difficult and sometimes perilous journey upstream.


Br. David Vryhof, Society of Saint John the Evangelist

Click Here To Read More

The Boy Scouts of America celebrate annually, in the month of February, the anniversary of the founding of the Boy Scout program by Lord Baden Powell in England. Scout Sunday was added to the scout celebration around the middle 1940s. Scouting's anniversary is celebrated on February 8 and it’s the primary date to recognize the contributions of young people and adults to Scouting.

Book Study With Mother Suzanne

Begins Sunday, February 18

Bitter and Sweet: A Journey into Easter

An Invitation To Holy Lent

In a world that celebrates indulging our whims whenever we want, practicing the traditions of Lent is countercultural.

When we welcome the temporary suffering of Lent, we swim upstream in a culture that goes with the flow.

The practice isn’t about proving our worth or earning God’s love; it’s about remembering how dependent we are on our Maker while we live here in our temporary, fragile bodies.

This Lenten season you are invited to journey with Mother Suzanne through Bitter & Sweet: A Journey Into Easter

Click Here To Read Sample & Order Bitter & Sweet

Save These Dates

Please Join Us This

Shrove Tuesday, February 13

Krewe of Pancake Eaters Children's Parade

5:30 PM - 5:55 PM

Supper 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM

Join your Grace family and members of the community, as we celebrate with beads and all things fat Tuesday!

The Krewe of Pancake Eaters Children’s Parade will lead the charge around the block on decorated bikes, trikes, wagons and on foot. Dress in your favorite Mardi Gras garb and be ready to have fun while we celebrate one last night, before entering into the penitential season of Lent.

After working up a parade style appetite, ready yourselves to enjoy wonderfully fluffy and hot pancakes, sausage, bacon, cuties and yummy drinks!

Following service on February 11, kids are going to gather in the parish hall and make masks with help from Mary Smith, bedazzle, bedazzle, bedazzle, and let your spirit shine all supplies are provided. 

Volunteers will be decorating the Parish Hall on February 11 in preparation for Shrove Tuesday. If you would like to help decorating or by bringing Mardi Gras themed decorations please come on!

If you have questions about decorating, please call or text Mary Smith - 281-686-2057.

There are several volunteer opportunities available! Please be on the lookout for the sign-up genius application if you have questions about the pancake supper please call or text Anne Harland at(281) 787-5085.

  • Family Pack $20 (feeds 2 adults, 2 children)
  • Individual tickets $6 each
  • Tickets may be purchased at the door

Wednesday, February 14th


With Bishop Hector Monterroso

During Mobile Food Pantry - 9 AM - 11:45 AM

Monterroso Ashes To go

On Thursday this week, Janice Bell and Anna Arendell, from our Altar Guild, burned last year's palms to create ashes for Ash Wednesday.

February 14, Service Times

Noon - Imposition of Ashes with Holy Communion

6 PM* - Imposition of Ashes with Holy Communion

Both Services Will Be Livestreamed on Facebook

All Services held in the Church. *Choir & Congregational Singing

No Nursery Provided

ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Please join us on Wednesday, February 14, during one of our Ash Wednesday services.

  • 12:00 Noon: Imposition of Ashes with Holy Communion (No Music)
  • 6:00 PM: Imposition of Ashes with Holy Communion.

Both the Noon and 6:00 PM services will be livestreamed on Facebook. No Nursery will be available

Rite of Reconciliation

Mother Suzanne will offer The Rite of Reconciliation during Lent. To find out more about this, click on the link.

Rite of Reconciliation

Fridays Beginning February 16th, 6 PM

Stations of the Cross

Wednesdays Beginning

February 21st, 5:30 - 6 PM

Wednesdays Beginning

February 21st, 6 - 7 PM

This year we will be joined by members of The Harbor from Friendswood during their Compassion weekend.

Abundant Living Info
All Other 2024 Camp Allen Retreats
Click Here For the Sunday Worship Bulletin
Please help us conserve resources by downloading to your mobile device or printing ahead of time and bringing it along with you to church

Sunday's Schedule

  • Scout Sunday Holy Eucharist Rite II - Led by Mother Suzanne, Homilist Ed Carrette
  • The service will also be live-streamed via Facebook Live - a musical prelude will begin at 8:50 a.m.
  • 3 ways to Give today: Text the word ¨Fund¨ to 844-943-0932 to give via text, download and use the Vanco Mobile* app from the Google or Apple App Store, or visit the link below. Alternatively, you can mail a check to the church office at 112 W. Lang, Alvin TX 77511
Click Here To View Service on Facebook Live
Click Here To Give Online
Click Here To Submit Your Pledge For 2024
Click Here To Download Vanco Mobile App From Google Play Store
Click Here To Download Vanco Mobile App From Apple App Store
Click Here To Listen To The Podcast
Or you can find The Preaching Moment on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify.
A Holy Pause
From Mother Suzanne:

This time together is between 2-5 minutes. A small touch-point throughout the week to remind Grace and others to whom you belong and that we are together walking the road of faith. 

As well, I think it's a good practice to pause during the day and "look up". 

Please join if you are able on Grace's Facebook or Instagram particular time... The Holy Pause is also uploaded to Tik Tok.

If you subscribe/like/follow our Instagram and Facebook you'll receive a notification when we go live.
"Tell me what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

"Devotions" by Mary Oliver

This Wednesday In Lieu Of Noonday Prayer Around the World

This Wednesday, join us at noon or 6 pm on Facebook Live for one of our Ash Wednesday services.

Sanctuary Choir Practice

Wednesdays, 7 PM

The Grace Sanctuary Choir rehearses Wednesdays 7:00–8:00 pm and sings each Sunday at the 9:00 am Sunday Worship Service and on some Holy Days (the choir meets 30 minutes before each of these services).

This group is open. Contact our Organist and Music Director, Paul Humphrey to meet and learn more about our choir -

Church in the Streets

Annual Ash Wednesday

Mobile Food Pantry

February 14th

Click on the arrow above to watch our

Thursday Mobile Food Pantry story

Please consider volunteering, even if just for an hour - we could use your help. We begin setting up at 7:00 am and distribution ends at 12 Noon. Clean-up follows that. We especially need volunteers for deliveries to the homebound and to help with tear down and clean up starting at around 11:30.

Thursday Mobile Food Pantry Schedule

If its Thursday, we have a Mobile Food pantry, come rain or shine!


  • Wednesday, February 14th Mobile Food Pantry with Ashes To Go - No Mobile Food Pantry Thursday, February 15th
  • Saturday, March 23 The Harbor Compassion Weekend - No Mobile Food Pantry Thursday, March 21st

Your Food Ministry Statistics

From Harriet Sturgeon

Weekly Update

The week of February 1, 2024, we distributed 14,505 pounds (7+ tons) of food to 260 families, including 59 homebound deliveries, totaling 705 people. We welcomed 16 new families. This was all made possible by the 53 volunteers (including drivers) who showed up to make it happen.

Total Houston Food Bank Food Received = 29,010 lbs.

Thank you Harriet Sturgeon for being our statistician!

Sunday Card Ministry
Have you noticed the cards on the table as you enter the church on Sunday? Well, one of our parishioners sets these cards out for us to sign and send a greeting to someone we may not have seen in a while, or someone who is ill.

Please take a minute as you come in, or before you leave to sign the cards and maybe write a brief note.
1st Sunday

Did you know that the loose plate offering on the first Sunday of each month goes to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund? This fund is used, at the Rector’s discretion, to assist the poor and indigent and to further the ministries of the church, not covered in the church budget. One of the main uses of this fund, at Grace, is to fund our Blessing Box and Blessing Refrigerator.
Birthdays & Anniversaries

You are invited to make a financial offering in honor of your birthday or anniversary. These offerings go to the Herrington fund, which provides scholarships to church conferences and camps for members of our church.  Your offering may be placed in this little basket beside the piano as you approach the Chancel steps.

Kroger Community Rewards

You can help support Grace by simply linking your Kroger Rewards Customer number to Grace. You only need to sign up once and you will earn rewards for the church with every shopping trip! You can enroll at any time, so please try to get your family and friends to sign up as well! Every time you make a Kroger purchase, Kroger will make a donation to Grace. (And you still receive your reward points)

Match Your Gift

Matching your gift is a great way to make a bigger impact. Many companies match cash gifts from employees to qualified non-profits. Some even match gifts from retirees or spouses. To find out if your company will match gifts to Grace, visit your Human Resources Department. The Parish Office can provide you with a copy of our IRS Letter of Determination and W9 should you need it.

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