2025 Episcopal Diocese of Texas
Council Delegates
The 176th Annual Meeting of Diocesan Council will be
February 7-8 in Fort Worth.
Our Council delegates this year are Rene Garza, Harriet Sturgeon, Megan Becker, and Jill Lewis.
What is Diocesan Council?
Diocesan Council is the annual business meeting of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and is held every February. At this meeting, we hear reports on the programs and finances of the diocese, receive updates about new church plants and ministries, and approve the annual budget for the diocese. We also elect members of diocesan committees and boards. Learn more: www.edotcouncil.com
Jesus' gospel message was that we were all created in the image of God, with the capacity to mirror the same loving-kindness that is God’s essence. We show this by following his example: by being merciful, engaging each other with compassion, listening to each other intently, and, when necessary, asking God for the courage to speak truth to power.
Br. Jim Woodrum, Society of Saint John the Evangelist
Click Here To Read More
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a national men’s ministry named for the apostle, who, according to John’s Gospel, after meeting Jesus, went to find his brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah.” Then he took Simon to Jesus.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew has been an Episcopal Church ministry of and for men more than 126 years and was even commissioned by Congress, along with the Boy Scouts, in a charter signed by Teddy Roosevelt.
Grace began a chapter in 1980; it became inactive no one recalls when. We are now active again and look forward to welcoming more members. If you are interested, please contact Hughie Cowles. His contact information is available in the Church Directory
The next Brotherhood of St. Andrew meeting will take place during the Men´s Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, February 8.
ADDITIONAL WAYS TO SERVE AT GRACE: Looking for ways to plug in at Grace, meet new people, and contribute to the beauty of our worship? Sign up for one of our ministry teams: Ushers, Lectors, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, Altar Guild, Audio & Video, Hospitality, or Coffee Hour. Click here to let Mother Suzanne know.
Parish Finances
Regular giving towards your pledge to our ministry budget empowers our mission and ministry. Thank you.
You can give via online giving, bank ACH, mailed checks, or checks deposited in the offering plate or church mailbox. We encourage all regular givers to consider setting up automated online giving via your bank or on our website here.
Click Here To Give Online
Altar Flowers Given To The Glory of God
In Thanksgiving for Our Scouts and their Leaders