All events and deadlines in the Diocese of Newark this week through Sunday, Jan. 31.

You can share this email with your congregations using this link
– but please do not post it on a website or social media (to avoid Zoom bombers).

Thursday, Jan. 28
We hope that every parish will be represented at this event on Jan. 29-30.
Friday, Jan. 29
10 AM: Submission deadline - The VOICE Online
We will start gathering on Zoom at 6:50 PM in order to start promptly at 7 PM.

We will hear from Bishop Hughes about the importance of finding new ways of being Church and how we can build stronger communities through intentional small groups, or Faith Groups. We’ll break into small groups online to give an example of what these gatherings can look like and then conclude the evening in worship together.
Saturday, Jan. 30
We will start gathering on Zoom at 8:50 AM in order to start promptly at 9 AM.

We’ll gather online for more information about how to use Faith Groups in your church and how they can deepen your faith.
Sunday, Jan. 31
10 AM: Bishop Hughes' Virtual Visitation with Church of the Redeemer, Morristown
Live streamed to the diocesan YouTube channel.