Currently 94 Posts and updated regularly with more!
Daily Baptist Encyclopedia
Post by Jim Curran 3/17/23
Brantly, John J., D.D., Professor of Belles-
Lettres and.Modern Languages in Mercer Univer-
sity, Macon, Ga., and son of Dr. Wm. T. Brantly,
Sr., and half-brother of Dr. Wm. T. Brantly, Jr.,
was born in Augusta, Ga., Dec. 29, 1821. The
first twelve years of his life were spent in Phila-
delphia, when his father was pastor of the First
Baptist church of that city. He then went with his
father to Charleston, 8S. C., where he entered the
Sophomore class of Charleston College, of which
his father was president. While a student in the
Charleston College he paid a summer visit during
vacation to relatives at Scottsborough, a few miles
from Milledgeville, Ga., and during a protracted
meeting in the Milledgeyille church, of which Dr.
S.G. Hillyer was then pastor, he made a profession
of religion, and was baptized by his father in the
Oconee River, near Milledgeville.
Graduating in 1840, he went to Chatham Co.,
N. C.,—his father’s old home,—and afterwards
to Pittshorough, in both of which places he en-
gaged in teaching, As he was debating in his
mind whether to study law or medicine, he went
in the fall of 1844, to Charleston, on a visit to his
father, who had been stricken with paralysis.
During that visit his thoughts were turned to the
ministry, and he decided that his duty lay in that
direction. He was licensed by the First church of
Charleston, his father signing the license, the last
official act he performed. Mr. Brantly was or-
dained at Fayetteville, N. C., in 1845, having ac-
cepted a call to the pastoral charge of the church
in that place. Ina year or two he resigned to take
charge of the high school there; but in the spring
of 1850 he accepted the pastoral charge of the
church at Newbury Court-House, S. C., where he
remained until elected to his present position, in
1867. During the interval between the resignation
of Dr. Warren and the settlement of Dr. Skinner
he served the Macon church as temporary pastor.
Dr. J. J. Brantly is a thorough scholar. He is
well read in the ancient classics, both Greek and
Latin, and he is the master of several modern lan-
With the writings of ‘‘ the fathers” he is
familiar. He is also a perfect master of English
composition. His extreme modesty only has pre-
vented him from being widely known as one of the
most finished scholars and able preachers of our
denomination in the United States.
From the Baptist Encyclopedia by William Cathcart- photo from findagrave
Currently 94 Posts and updated regularly with more!
Pastor Ron takes a candid look at the Love of GOD. What does the Bible have to say about Gods Love? Is GOD loving to the point of not caring about anything except Love?
Can I SIN and get away with it because God cares only about Loving? Is this truly what the Bible means when it says that GOD IS LOVE?
Pastor Ron explores this topic and teaches the truth about Gods Love.
When the devil takes over...
When the devil takes over..... Post by Jim Curran
While we realize that the church is not a place but rather a people- an assembly there is often a tangible link to place. We can see a place where God did something in the lives of men. Satan on the other hand makes a mock at the things of God. One of the ways that he does this is through what man can see- those tangible places. It is uncanny how many times Satan takes a place that was once used for God and mocks it. I have came across quite a few places like that both in research and travel. I was reminded of this in answering a question today in another group as to the location to where Obadiah Holmes was beaten. No plaque marks the spot but a liquor store does. On part of the site where Isaac McCoy built the Carey Mission to the Pottawatomie tribe is a Mormon stake. McCoy had opposed the Mormons in Missouri and wound up enshrined in so called Mormon "history" as the sectarian preacher that opposed them. There is no doubt that Satan had that built there out of spite.
In doing some research on William Carey I found the site of the famous "deathless sermon" on Google earth. The two points from this sermon "Expect great things from God; Attempt great things for God!" resonated to the beginning of the modern mission movement. Carey of course would go on to be a missionary to India. This sermon was given at the Friar Lane Baptist Chapel in Nottingham. The building is long gone but what sits on that location today is uncanny-a restaurant Tuk-Tuk Indian Street food! Today the mission field is in and indeed is England.
I have seen quite a few church buildings put to other uses such as a pizza place or funeral home but more strikingly Mosques and Buddhist temples! Then there are the indescribable things- the First Baptist Church of Columbus Ohio sold their old building which became an event center and bar!! They sold it knowing it would be put to this use! Today it hosts rock and country concerts and all forms of debauchery. Another couple of examples are found in Salem Massachusetts with connections to Rice and Judson- the first Baptist Church was where the Salem Baptist Missionary Society was formed and where Lucius Bolles pastored. The city wanted the land and bought the church building and wound up turning it into a law library. Far darker is the fact that the Salem Witch Museum is housed in a former congregational church building that had been formed out of the church that had sent out Judson and Rice before they came to Baptist principles on the way.
To close on a more positive note- I was in a church planter's meeting several years ago where a church plant had been started in a building that had once been a bar. So significant was the event to the town it made the front page of the local newspaper- As he held up the headline of "FROM BOOZE TO PEWS" a whole huge room of preachers erupted in amens and praise to God. Perhaps as Satan mocks we can take back ground after all.
Baptist History, which is Church History...
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
Fundamentalism as a movement had serious weaknesses, as we have documented in this book, but the strength of Fundamentalism was its stand for the infallible inspiration of Scripture, its testing mindset, its zeal for the truth, its willingness to fight for the truth, to defend the truth, to preach against error as well as for truth, and to separate from error.
This is biblical and right. In fact, no Christianity that lacks this is biblical and right.
“Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way” (Psalm 119:128).
“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them” (Ro. 16:17).
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” (2 Co. 6:14).
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Eph. 5:11).
“As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine” (1 Ti. 1:3).
“Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme” (1 Ti. 1:19-20).
“Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself” (1 Ti. 6:5).
“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called” (1 Ti. 6:20).
“But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some” (2 Ti. 2:16-18).
“Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” (2 Ti. 3:5).
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Ti. 4:7).
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (1 Jo. 4:1).
“Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds” (2 Jo. 1:9-11).
“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3).
Growing up Southern Baptist, I didn’t know anything about Fundamentalism. But after I was saved and began to love and study the Bible, I came across fundamentalist preaching, and it resonated with me, because this is the type of Christianity I see in Scripture. There I see serious discipleship, soldiering, fighting, disciplining, earnest contending, reproving and rebuking, marking and avoiding, withdrawing from, coming out from among, touching not the unclean thing, not being yoked together with. This is not the sum of New Testament Christianity, of course, but it is a major element.
When the world attacked God’s Word, fundamentalists took their stand. They stood up on their hind legs like a grizzly bear and said, “Bring it on!” They took on the newly rising philosophies in Western society. The fact that they were in the extreme minority didn’t stop them. They had the spirit of Athansius who, when he was told, “The whole world is against you,” replied, “Then I am against the whole world.” He was known as Athansius Contra Mundum (Athansius against the World). Every Bible-believing Christian should be known as Contra Mundum. The Bible record is filled with Contra Mundums who pleased the Lord. James was Contra Mundum! “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” (Jas. 4:4). John was Contra Mundum. “And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness” (1 Jo. 5:19).
True fundamentalists walk in the footsteps of the spiritual warriors of all ages. We think of Abraham, who armed his servants and pursued the army of five Mesopotamian kings to Dan and defeated them. What a warrior!
We think of Enoch who was such a warrior against sin and error, so worked up in preaching prophetically against this present age, that he used the word “ungodly” four times in one sentence (Jude 1:14-15).
We think of the sons of Levi who, responding to Moses’ call, “Who is on the LORD’s side?” strapped on their swords and killed 3,000 of the Lord’s enemies (Ex. 32:26-28). There was no peace with compromisers for those warriors! No softy priests, these!
We think of Joshua and Caleb, who alone of the 12 spies, said, “Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it” (Nu. 13:30). While the other 10 said, “The people be strong that dwell in the land, and the cities are walled, and very great: and moreover we saw the children of Anak there,” Joshua and Caleb said, “With God as our help, we can take on the whole lot of those giants in their fortified cities and their well-equipped armies. Let’s go!” What warriors!
We think of Caleb 45 years later, at age 85, saying, “Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great and fenced: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said” (Jos. 14:12). Through a half century of living and fighting, his warrior zeal hadn’t faded. We know that his faith in God was not disappointed, for we are told, “Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite unto this day, because that he wholly followed the LORD God of Israel” (Jos. 14:14). God was pleased with this soldier.
After Joshua and Caleb, the warrior spirit largely died out of Israel. There arose “another generation after them, which knew not the LORD” (Jdg. 2:10). Instead of going on and conquering the remaining Canaanites and capturing all of the Promised Land as God had commanded, the next generation settled down, content to live among the enemies of God. Whereas Joshua and Caleb’s fundamentalist generation sang, “the fight is on,” their compromising evangelical offspring sang, “the fighting is over.”
We think of Deborah, the female judge of Israel who urged Barak to lead the army of Israel against Jabin’s Canaanites. She called Barak to Mt. Ephraim and told him that God had commanded them to fight Jabin’s great army led by Sisera, but Barak was not eager. He said, “If thou wilt go with me, then I will go: but if thou wilt not go with me, then I will not go.” Deborah did not hesitate, “I will surely go with thee: notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honour; for the LORD shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman” (Jdg. 4:6-9). Barak gathered an army from the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali and went with Deborah to Mt. Tabor. There they could see the multitude of Canaanite soldiers with their 900 chariots of iron gathered in the valley of Jezreel by the river Kishon. When Barak still hesitated, Deborah said, “Up; for this is the day in which the LORD hath delivered Sisera into thine hand: is not the LORD gone out before thee?” (Jdg. 4:14). Barak and his men did the fighting, but it was Deborah who was the chief warrior that day. “Up, men! Let’s go, boys!”
We think of David accepting the challenge of Goliath, the blasphemous, boasting giant, “a man of war from his youth,” the champion of God’s enemies, the Philistines. He was about nine and a half feet tall and was armed with a brass helmet, brass greaves that covered the lower parts of his legs, a brass shield that covered his upper back, a huge spear with a 15 pound tip, and a coat of mail (made of brass plates arranged like the scales of a fish) that weighed about 125 pounds. David told Saul, “Let no man’s heart fail because of him; thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine” (1 Sa. 17:32). David had decided to take care of this business. He selected five stones from the brook Elah. He took a few moments to tell the giant, “I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.” Then David ran toward the giant, sunk a stone in his forehead, and cut off the champion’s head with his own sword. What a warrior!
We think of Elijah. Oh, we cannot forget Elijah! He was a prophet in a time of nearly complete apostasy in Israel, and he determined to have a showdown with Baal: one prophet of Jehovah God facing off with 850 prophets of Baal. He told Ahab to bring the people of Israel and the prophets to Mt. Carmel and called for two altars to be built, one for Baal and one for Jehovah. He said, “the God that answereth by fire, let him be God.” For hours, the prophets of Baal acted like maniacs in an attempt to get the attention of their god, crying out, leaping, cutting themselves “till the blood gushed out,” but Baal was silent. Elijah didn’t watch the demonstration quietly; “he mocked them, and said, Cry aloud; for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked.” When the Baal liturgy was over, Elijah called for twelve barrels of water to be poured on his altar, then calmly, but fervently, prayed, “Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the LORD God,” and “then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench” (1 Ki. 18:37-38). For good measure, the prophet of God had the 850 prophets of Baal taken down to the river Kishon and killed. What a warrior for truth!
We think of John the Baptist who said to impenitent, hard-hearted, prophet-killing Israel, “O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” (Lu. 3:7), and told the fearsome Herod, who had taken his brother’s wife as his own, “It is not lawful for thee to have her” (Mt. 14:4).
We think of the Lord Jesus Christ, who even in His humility (Php. 2:8) publicly called the Pharisees and scribes hypocrites, children of hell, blind guides, fools, serpents, and generation of vipers (Mt. 23:1-36), and twice chased the money changers out of the temple with a whip (Mt. 21:12; Joh. 1:13-17)! How much more do we see Christ’s warrior spirit when He appears on a white horse at the head of the armies of heaven, in righteousness judging and making war, His eyes as a flame of fire, clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, smiting the nations, and ruling with a rod of iron (Re. 19:11-15). Indeed, “The LORD is a man of war” (Ex. 15:3)!
The apostle Paul was a warrior. His bodily presence might have been weak, as his enemies claimed (2 Co. 10:10). We don’t know and it doesn’t matter; he was large when it came to fighting for the truth. On the very first stop of his first historic missionary journey, he publicly called out a prominent member of the city of Salamis with these shocking words, “O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord,” and struck him with blindness for good measure (Ac. 13:10-11)! What a fireball! As for two preachers of that day, Hymenaeus and Alexander, Paul turned them over to the devil “that they may learn not to blaspheme” (1 Ti. 1:20). In an epistle meant to be read by all of the churches, Paul called out two other preachers by name, Hymenaeus and Philetus, labeling their teaching “profane and vain babblings” (2 Ti. 2:16-18), not caring a whit if he hurt their poor feelings. In the same epistle, Paul publicly exposed Alexander the coppersmith’s evil (2 Ti. 4:14-15) and mentioned the preacher Demas by name, a former coworker, for “having loved this present world,” holding him up as a bad example before all the churches. Paul rebuked Peter publicly for hypocrisy (Ga. 2:11-14). The apostle to the Gentiles taught a vast amount of really deep “positive truth,” but he wasn’t finished. He got very “negative” when he fought against Galatian judaizers and Corinthian spiritualizers and Colossian gnostics. Paul stood against false christs and false gospels and false spirits of any and every sort, but he didn’t stop there. He stood against carnality, worldliness, man-centeredness, pride of scholarship, unqualified pastors, and every type of sin in the churches. He was an unwavering disciplinarian (1 Co. 5). He was big on rebuking (2Ti. 4:2; Tit. 1:13; 2:15). Unlike many warriors since then, Paul never backed down, never softened his stance, never regretted or repented of fighting for the truth’s sake. At the very end, Paul summarized his Christian life with these words, “I have fought a good fight” (2 Ti. 4:7). Indeed! Any preacher who is not a fighter is not walking in the footsteps of Paul.
True fundamentalists are pilgrims and strangers, soldiers, come outers, walk aloners, when necessary. In their defense of the faith, fundamentalists have offended relatives and friends, lost salaries, retirement benefits, insurance policies, positions, church properties, and prestige. They have endured willful misunderstanding, misrepresentation, slander, ridicule, and disdain. They have turned their backs on comfortable denominationalism and institutionalism to found independent churches and ministries by faith in God alone, often without the pledge of any human support. They have literally become the offscouring of the world in the eyes of secular society and of Christianity at large.
Fundamentalist Bob Schuler said, “I have come, thank God, to where I believe I could stand up and vote my convictions if I were the one lonely man on my side of the question. ... Such are times when men need to know their own souls and to be fortified with a loyalty that is to God alone. If standing true and courageous amid the storms that now assail they can look up and go forward, it will matter little whether other men are their friends or their foes” (cited from Richard Clearwaters, The Great Conservative Baptist Compromise).
William Ashbrook, author of Evangelicalism The New Neutralism, renounced the liberal northern Presbyterians and lost “his pulpit and his pension.” He identified lack of courage as a chief characteristic of the time. “It is indeed a question of whether we of this generation have the courage to stand up for our convictions and maintain a bold testimony in the face of encroaching unbelief and compromise. ... Many, from weakness or fear of reproach, are quitting the fight. It is sad indeed to see those who were speaking out boldly a few years back, now remaining in silence, apparently wearied of the conflict. ... God’s challenge was never more needed than in this day. ‘Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong’ (1 Co. 16:13).”
J.C. Ryle said, “We want more boldness among the friends of truth. There is far too much tendency to sit still, and wait for committees, and number our adherents. We want more men who are not afraid to stand alone. It is truth, not numbers, which shall always in the end prevail. We have the truth, and we need not be ashamed to say so. The judgment day will prove who is right, and to that day we boldly appeal” (cited from Iain Murray, J.C. Ryle: Prepared to Stand Alone, p. ii).
We think of the old fundamentalist papers, such as W.B. Riley’s Christian Fundamentals and John Straton’s Calvary Call and A.J. Gordon’s Watchword and J. Frank Norris’s Searchlight and Oliver Van Osdel’s Baptist Temple News and Marion Reynolds’ Foundation and T.T. Shields’ Gospel Witness and Gerald Winrod’s Defender and G. Archer Weniger’s Blue Print and Don Jasmin’s Fundamentalist Journal. They were bold and forthright about heretics and compromisers. There was no beating around the bush, no soft and gentle “neutralist” mood! No speaking in generalities. These fundamentalist periodicals were scented with the smoke of battle rather than the perfume of positivism.
In fundamentalist books such as Evangelicalism The New Neutralism by William Ashbrook and New Neutralism II: Exposing the Gray of Compromise by John Ashbrook and The New Evangelical Experiment by Rolland Starr and The New Evangelicalism by Charles Woodbridge and The Challenge of a New Religion by Carlton Helgerson, theological modernists are called “evil”; they are called “heretics”; their theology is called “poison,” “damnable”; New Evangelicals are called compromisers, dangerous, pragmatists, popularizers, latitudinarians, neutralists. New Evangelicalism is called “a virus,” “tragedy,” “menace,” “deadly,” “deviant,” “the deadliest ism of all,” “theological and moral compromise of the deadliest sort.”
The old fundamentalists named names--lots of them! They named names when preaching, and they named names when writing. Heresy and compromise is a public issue, and they made a public issue of dealing with it.
They knew they would be misunderstood and charged with hate-mongering; they knew that they were in the minority and that by so speaking they were closing doors of fellowship and ministry. They knew they were choosing a limited fellowship by refusing to limit their message. They knew that “to identify oneself with the truth is to place one’s self in the heart of a storm from which there is no escape for life.” But they did it anyway, because this is the biblical example and therefore it is the will of God, and because they loved God and had a zeal for God’s truth in their hearts and souls. Like lonely Jeremiah, they could say, “But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay” (Jer. 20:9).
Until today, fighting is what sets fundamentalists apart from even the most conservative of evangelicals. The latter might wear gloves, but they are velvet ones. They might point out a theological disagreement with someone, but typically in gentle, intellectual, “let’s still be friends,” non-separatist terms. They aren’t warriors. They say that they esteem all of God’s precepts concerning all things to be right, like the Psalmist, but unlike the Psalmist, they don’t “hate every false way” (Ps. 119:128). To hate false ways is shocking to their sensibilities. It’s not their kind of Christianity.
But fundamentalists are warriors. We think of W.L. Pettingill in his warning about the liberal Harry Emerson Fosdick: “[T]he fight is on and it grows hotter. Let us praise God for that. A fight is much better than a disgraceful surrender and a fight is necessary just now that the truth of the Gospel may continue with us” (Serving and Waiting, January 1925, Philadelphia School of the Bible).
A.J. Gordon said, “Satan is the real Pope [and] demons the real cardinals.”
No velvet gloves there.
We think of David Otis Fuller who often ended his letters with the words, “The battle is getting hotter and hotter, and I like it better and better.” I received many of those letters.
We think of JOHN ROACH STRATON (1875-1929), pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in New York City from 1918 until his death in 1929, during the “Roaring Twenties.” He was called “a crusader, a two-fisted hard-hitting man of God, always the defendant at the bulwarks of Christianity.” Calvary Baptist was founded in 1847 and had prominent pastors, including John Dowling, author of The History of Romanism.
Straton was the son of a Baptist preacher, but when he was 18 he attended law school and embraced humanism and evolution and was on a moral spiral downward. He visited services at First Baptist Church of Atlanta and was born again. He attended Mercer University and Southern Seminary. He started preaching, and by the end of World War I in 1918, he rejected postmillennialism for premillenialism. That was the year he was called to the pastorate of Calvary Baptist.
Straton published The American Fundamentalist (later called The Calvary Call) to broadcast his preaching and warnings. The New York Times reported regularly on his hard-hitting sermons, sometimes on the front page and sometimes publishing his entire Sunday sermon, which reminds us of how dramatically America has changed. The media was not universally positive of course. “Hostile journalists and cartoonists dipped their pens in acid and satirized Straton as ‘the Fundamentalist’s Pope,’ the ‘Witch Doctor of Gotham,’ and the ‘Meshuggah (Yiddish for crazy) of Manhattan’” (“John Roach Straton,” Baptist Bible Tribune, Jan. 25, 2013).
He was a tall, distinguished looking man, but he preached on the streets, and he preached against things. He designed and built a pulpit platform on an automobile from which he preached to crowds in the city (David Beale, In Pursuit of Purity, p. 213). He aimed to call America to repentance. He preached against Unitarianism, theological modernism, German skepticism, the social gospel, denominationalism, and communism. He preached against the popular press of his day for “engaging in a plot to ruin moral forces and bring them into national contempt” (George Dollar, A History of Fundamentalism in America). What would he say today when the press is promoting free sex, pornography, homosexual rights, sex education for children, and abortion on demand!
Pastor John Straton named names. He called the very popular, very liberal Harry Emerson Fosdick “a religious outlaw--the Jesse James of the theological world.” He called out S. Parkes Cadman, president of the Federal Council of Churches, for saying there is no hell. Straton said that Cadman was one of those who were “sprinkling cologne upon the putrid iniquities of a rebellious race.” He preached against liberal Baptist historian H.C. Vedder of Crozer Seminary. He preached against the budding tendency for American courts to capitulate to humanistic psychology and to coddle criminals rather than punish them. He said God is “not a mollycoddle ... and the present wave of crime and vice that is simply devastating America is the direct result of this false and flimsy teaching.”
Straton also preached against worldliness. His books included The Menace of Immorality in Church and State (1920), The Scarlet Stain on the City and How to Wipe It Out (c. 1921), and Satan in the Dance Hall (c. 1925). Chapter titles in the latter included “Flappers and the Dance of Life” and “The Devil’s Music and the Scopes Trial.” There were 750 dance halls in New York City in Straton’s day. Of female fashions, he said, “When it comes to women’s dress today there is not enough to talk about.” What would this warrior pastor say today! He preached against church dances and the use of theater stars and starlets to attract a crowd. He reproved parents who let their children choose between the picture show and Sunday School. He said the result of worldly homes was “the cigarette smoking boy who develops into the girl-ogling, sap-headed dude who would not recognize a sound thought or a sound ethical principal if he met it in the street; and the female flapper and flirt who knows more at 16 than her grandmother knew at 60, who hasn’t a speaking acquaintance with the art of sweeping a room, sewing a dress, or making a biscuit, but is past mistress with the lip-stick, the powder puff, and the bunny bag” (from Straton’s sermon “New York as Modern Babylon”). (A bunny bag was a small bag for cosmetics and other female accouterments.)
Straton took on prominent skeptics and heretics in public debates. The interest was so large that they were held in Madison Square Garden. He also debated at Harvard, Dartmouth, Columbia, and other leading schools.
At the Northern Baptist Convention in 1923, Straton stood from the floor and denounced W.H.P. Faunce of Brown University as an infidel who was unfit to deliver the keynote address.
There isn’t a prominent “conservative evangelical” alive today who knows anything of the fundamentalist prophet-warrior spirit. There are no A.J. Gordons, no John Stratons, no William Bell Rileys, no J. Frank Norrises, no Bob Jones, Srs., no Marion Reynoldses, no Robert Ketchams. The spirit of these old fighters does exist today, but it doesn’t exist anywhere in conservative evangelicalism.
The essence of Fundamentalism was its warrior spirit, and that was biblical and right and good and godly, though the fighting wasn’t done with any perfection. Poor redeemed sinners haven’t done anything with perfection since Adam’s fall.
The warrior spirit was right, and from the warrior spirit flowed testing, reproofs, rebukes, warnings, and separations.
But conservative evangelicals don’t believe in fighting after this manner. They don’t even like fighters. If they find a fighter battling against sin and error, it is far more likely that they will attack him than join him.
The essence of Fundamentalism was, and is, its warrior spirit, and may the Lord multiply that spirit ten thousand fold today, regardless of the label! When living in such a wicked, apostate age, if a preacher doesn’t get worked up like Enoch of old and start firing off a bunch of well-aimed “ungodlys,” something is seriously wrong with him.
Sharing Policy: Much of our material is available for free, such as the hundreds of articles at the Way of Life web site. Other items we sell to help fund our expensive literature and foreign church planting ministries. Way of Life's content falls into two categories: sharable and non-sharable. Things that we encourage you to share include the audio sermons, O Timothy magazine, FBIS articles, and the free eVideos and free eBooks. You are welcome to make copies of these at your own expense and share them with friends and family. You may also post parts of reports and/or entire reports to websites, blogs, etc as long as you give proper credit (citation). A link to the original report is very much appreciated as the reports are frequently updated and/or expanded. Things we do not want copied and distributed are "Store" items like the Fundamental Baptist Digital Library, print editions of our books, electronic editions of the books that we sell, the videos that we sell, etc. The items have taken years to produce at enormous expense in time and money, and we use the income from sales to help fund the ministry. We trust that your Christian honesty will preserve the integrity of this policy. "For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward" (1 Timothy 5:18). Questions?
Goal:Distributed by Way of Life Literature Inc., the Fundamental Baptist Information Service is an e-mail posting for Bible-believing Christians. Established in 1974, Way of Life Literature is a fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry based in Bethel Baptist Church, London, Ontario, of which Wilbert Unger is the founding Pastor. Brother Cloud lives in South Asia where he has been a church planting missionary since 1979. Our primary goal with the FBIS is to provide material to assist preachers in the edification and protection of the churches.
Offering: Offerings are welcome if you care to make one. If you have been helped and/or blessed by our material offerings can be mailed or made online with with Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or Paypal. For information see:
“Baptists are not “Protestants,” as our testimony extends much further in history than that of Martin Luther or John Calvin.”
Appendix B Ten Affirmations Concerning Our Baptist Heritage NUMBER 2 OF 10 ” Page 262, The Collegiate Baptist History Workbook”, by James R. Beller.
“Baptists are not “Protestants,” as our testimony extends much further in history than that of Martin Luther or John Calvin.”
Brother Beller was the most prolific Baptist historian of our generation. I highly recommend his many books on Baptist history such as America in Crimson Red, Sacred Betrayal, The Collegiate Baptist History Workbook, Soul of St. Louis, etc. Please visit his book store at:
THE NEW BOOK IS HERE ... JUST AT THE RIGHT TIME ... to help clear up a lot of confusion out there!
Paperback – July 8, 2021 Based on this thesis that addresses the above titled book.
Based on his thesis that addresses the above titled book.
by Michael A. Brawner (Author)
The new book was published July 8, 2021
June 29, 2021
Information on previous posts will be attached on these posts for your further study!
"Beliefs and Practices Historically Held by those People now called Baptists" a short article below by MICHAEL BRAWNER
06/01/21 used by permission.
Dedicated to those faithful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ whom endured such great sufferings, even unto death, to bring the truth down to the current generation. May God grant the grace to help us deliver the same truth to the generation that will follow.
Starting 7/01/21 Completed 7/31/21
The teachings are grouped below:
JM = Jesse Mercer; JRG – JR Graves; DBR = DB Ray
"Beliefs and Practices Historically Held by
those People now called Baptists"
The history of the Lord’s Old Testament people found in the Bible shows periods of time when they drifted into the practice of false religion. God gave clear instructions at the hands of men such as Moses, Joshua, and the prophets so that His people could remain a separate people and serve Him in the truth. God called these His statutes and judgments. The Bible record shows how they left off keeping these statutes and judgments by adopting the practices of the peoples around them. In the end, this always led to them losing power with God and weakening them in the world.
In the history of the Lord’s true New Testament Church, we find them facing a unique period in their existence. After going through 1260 long years of persecution, they came to a time of guaranteed freedom. The union of Church and State practiced by Catholics and Protestants resulted in the death of millions of Baptists and their forefathers. However, when the constitution of the United States was signed and ratified, they found freedom granted at a level they had never experienced before. The constitution was signed in 1787. Once enough states ratified this document, it was agreed that the government under the U.S. Constitution would begin on March 4, 1789. The Bill of Rights was finally ratified in 1791 granting Baptists throughout the country the privilege of freedom of religion.
Just like God’s Old Testament people, the true New Testament Church soon began to drift into beliefs and practices which would lead them away from the Head of the Church. Brother J.R. Graves took note of the condition of Baptists in both the southern and northern states when he became editor of a newspaper titled The Baptist, located in Nashville, TN. In 1846, he found that pulpit affiliations, union meetings, receiving the immersions of Protestants, and inviting the ministers of these groups to seats in associations had become the general practice in a number of southern areas. In the north, the ministers of Protestant groups were also invited to assist in Baptist ordinations. Needless to say, seeing how God responded to such practices of His Old Testament people, it could only be anticipated what would happen to New Testament Churches who remained entangled with Protestants. So, a number of brethren responded to the situation.
Three men who wrote widely on this topic have recently been researched to discover what beliefs and practices they found that preserved Baptists down through time. These are the historical beliefs and practices held-to by Baptists from the time the Lord established His Church to their present day in the 1800s. These men include Jesse Mercer in Georgia; J.R. Graves in Tennessee; and D.B. Ray in Missouri. The information they discovered and advocated is grouped below by topic.
In 1880, after thirty-four years of declaring these teachings as editor of The Baptist, Brother Graves noted marked improvements in Baptists in the South and the North. He said he found only one weekly Baptist paper in South, out of the sixteen in print, that would approve alien immersion or pulpit affiliation. More than that, he found no association in all of the South that would endorse an alien immersion. The “heavy drift of sentiment” in the West and Northwest was strongly in favor of Baptist Churches doing their own preaching, ordaining, and baptizing. They favored restricting participation in the Lord’s Supper to the membership of the Church practicing it.
The teachings are grouped below:
JM = Jesse Mercer; JRG – JR Graves; DBR = DB Ray
Nature of the Kingdom of God, Heaven, etc…
JM The Kingdom of God is made up of the true Churches.
JRG The Kingdom of Christ was established by the Lord Jesus Christ during the days of John the Baptist consisting of all of the Lord’s true Baptist Churches.
DBR The Kingdom was established by the Lord Jesus Christ during His personal ministry. It consists of the sum total of true Baptist Churches during any period of time.
Origin of the Church
JM There is only one true Church and the Lord established it during His personal ministry.
JRG It is obvious from the teachings of Brother Graves that he held that the Lord personally established His own Church during His personal ministry before His crucifixion.
DBR The Origin of the Church occurred during the Lord’s ministry before His crucifixion.
DBR The Baptists, as a church or kingdom, recognize Jesus Christ alone as their founder and head.
Nature of the Church
JM By considering the teachings of Brother Mercer on the Church, it is apparent that he held it to be a local, visible organization.
JRG The Church is defined as a company of scriptually immersed believers who have voluntarily entered in a covenant relationship with each other.
JRG The Church is a local and visible organization.
DBR A Church (i.e., a true Baptist Church) is an assembly of baptized believers associated together in the doctrine and fellowship of the Gospel.
Baptist Succession
JM The Church will continue in an unbroken lineage down to the return of the Lord.
JRG A succession of true Baptist Churches exists from the Church the Lord organized during the days of John the Baptist to this day.
JRG The Church is to perpetuate the doctrine of the divine origin and sanctity of the churches of Christ, an unbroken continuity of Christ’s Kingdom, “from the days of John the Baptist until now.”
DBR All well-informed Baptists are agreed in the belief that we, as a people, have continued from the time of Christ until the present time resulting in Baptist Succession.
DBR True Baptist Churches can be traced down through history by the beliefs and practices they held rather than by any particular name explaining the nature of the Baptist Succession.
Status of “Other” churches
JM Churches organized since the Lord organized His are out of gospel order and should not be recognized as true Churches.
JRG The Church is to protest against all human societies as scriptural churches and remain separate from them lest any construe by the recognition of them that the Church deems them to be equal with the Lord’s true Church. It is inconsistent for true Baptist Churches to admit otherwise.
Preaching Ministry and Ordinations
JM Only ordinations performed by a true Church are valid while such as are performed by churches which are out of gospel order cannot be recognized as such.
JM The ordained membership of a true Church is subject to the Church rather than being in charge of it.
JRG Preaching of the gospel is an official act or duty of the local church.
JRG The ministers of religious societies who fail to meet the model of a true Baptist Church need to be barred from the pulpits of Baptist Churches.
JRG The Church is to preserve the doctrine of a divinely called and scripturally qualified and ordained ministry to proclaim the gospel and administer the ordinances under the direction of the local Church.
The Church is to Consist of a Regenerate Membership
JRG The Church is to consist of a regenerate membership and none are to be received as members without confessing personal faith in the Lord.
DBR The Baptists perpetuate the Bible order of the commandments; they teach repentance, faith, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper.
Authority, Government of the Church
JM There is no higher authority on the earth than that found in the Church meaning a true Church is subject to no other Church or association of Churches.
JM Churches are independent of each other.
JRG The Lord only gave authority to His true Baptist Church to carry out the work of the ministry including the administration of the ordinances.
JRG The Church is to preserve the divine, inalienable, and sole prerogative of the Church to: preach the gospel; select and ordain her officers; and absolutely control her own ordinances.
JRG The ordinances of the Lord Jesus Christ were enjoined on the Church and are to be maintained in number, mode, order, and symbolic meaning until the Lord returns.
DBR Each true Baptist Church is fully authorized to administer the laws of the kingdom of Christ in its community, including the discipline of its membership.
DBR Each true Baptist Church has the authority to conduct the work of God bestowed on them by the Lord Jesus Christ.
DBR Baptists recognize equal rights or privileges in the execution of the laws of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Scriptural, Valid Baptism
JM Only the baptism administered by true Churches who descended through the ages of time and still maintain the gospel order is valid. JRG Baptism was entrusted to the true Baptist Church as the method whereby born again people are brought into it.
DBR The right to administer baptism has been entrusted solely to the Church. The Church is provided with officers who are her agents to administer this ordinance.
DBR Baptists immerse, or bury with Christ in baptism, only those who profess to be dead to, or freed from, sin.
Scriptural, Valid Observance of the Lord’s Supper
JM True Churches are to only administer the Lord’s Supper to themselves inviting none other to participate with them.
JRG The Lord gave His true Baptist Church guardianship of the Lord’s Supper such that a Church can only administer it to its own membership.
DBR Baptists observe the Lord’s Supper at His table in His kingdom.
Bible as the Standard for Belief and Practice
JRG The New Testament, and that alone, is the only and sufficient rule of faith and practice.
DBR The Baptists regard the Bible alone as their rule of faith and practice.
Church Persecution
DBR Baptists have never persecuted others; but have themselves always been peculiarly persecuted and every-where spoken against
Starting 7/01/21
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Old Time Baptist Page - This website is the result of study and prayer. It contains material that has been printed in the
local newspapers taught in Bible studies and preached
from pulpits and local radio stations.
The one who wrote this material realizes that he must stand before the Eternal Judge and give an answer for what he has written. Therefore, care has been exercised to present what is contained in the scriptures, carefully harmonizing its teachings so as to only put forth what the Eternal Author has already stated. In this way, the writer has made every effort to do no harm to any reader. It is readily acknowledged that all who read or hear of this material won’t agree with all that is contained herein. Others may feel hurt emotionally by some of the things contained in this material. However, if the truth causes any sense of anguish, the trouble caused is only a good originated by He who is Love.
This is the great design followed when gathering this material: to do well. All of this work; therefore, is laid before the feet of the One Who is the source of every good gift with a prayer of humility seeking to glorify Him in all things. This material is presented in what is hoped to be a way that is easy to follow. The links on this site are intended to take the reader to a group of articles that are directly associated with the thoughts contained therein. If the articles don’t seem to follow this scheme, please excuse this mistake.
There are booklets contained on this site too. The same person hasn’t written all of these booklets. For that reason, the booklets’ author is presented at the heading of the booklet. All of this material is free to be reprinted. It is hoped that this material will be used to help all who study it. If anyone does have a grievance with anything contained here, it is asked that they play the part of a friend. A friend would call any grievances to the author’s attention rather than holding any resentment. Therefore, the email address of the author is found on this front page. Please feel free to use that address to send any comments to the author. The address is checked daily.
Finally, may the grace of God work effectually in the hearts of all those who love the truth. A Prayer accompanies all of this material that a benefit will be brought to those who read it with a judicial and open mind. Pray for the work of the author, that the glory of God will be sought in all of his efforts. If we never meet each other while on earth, be sure to form a personal relationship with the great God of heaven, so that a meeting may be had in eternity. God be with you and yours. Called by the Highest, Elder M Brawner
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Beef River Baptist Church Strum, WI 54770″…to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us…” — Luke 1:1.
Starting 5/25/21
Previous Information repeated for your study!
Roger Fulk - April 28, 2020, based on "Beef River Baptist Church, Constitution, and Operational Policies," dated January 23, 2020, by permission of:
Thomas E. Kresal, PASTOR “Beef River Baptist Church uses the same statement of faith as our sending home church Shiloh Baptist of Gwinn, MI substituting our name where appropriate.”Beef River Baptist Church Strum, WI 54770″…to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us…” — Luke 1:1.
With plenty of scripture references.
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EVENTS ... to occur in this world!
Welcome, Dear Friend to KJV Bible Baptist Church!
and our official website.
How to stop all this confusion out there?
- Get saved so you “can” understand!
- Start reading the KJB and pray every day!
- Learn the proper methods of literal interpretation!
- Learn “true” Baptist Church History!
- Learn and practice the entire counsel of God!
- Attend a good Bible Believing Independent Church regularly!
“Three Major Problems In The Church” by Guy Goodell
“Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. ” Matthew 22:29 KJV
The church claiming preference as the “Body of Christ” is in trouble. I speak not of the cults or the traditional systems bearing the name of Christian. It is what we have called fundamentalism for all these years. On vacation, I visited a church with my family. What I got there I could have secured in a tavern or a worldly concert!
The threefold problems include:
First, Christians do not read the Bible. They do have one. They often carry one. Ask them a basic Bible doctrinal question and see what you get.
Second, Christians who read the Bible ignore what the Bible says.
For instance, “I know the Bible is against my living with him out of marriage, but I need some financial support, or I’m going under.” I heard this from a young woman who was a pastor’s daughter!
Third, Christians who ignore the Bible don’t see that as a problem. One man told me this, “I’m not a bad person. I just don’t see the big point about being upset over bi-sexual issues.” He was the son of a well-known pastor. By the way, the Bible term here is sodomy.
Jesus said, “… Ye do err; not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.” To know refers to being able to see a fact and perceiving how it relates to life. Factual knowledge without understanding the power of God leads to misdirected living. The Lord also said, “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee,…” (Rev. 2:4a). — G.G.
Prepared by Roger Fulk, from the “Baptist Bread” , August 17, 2017 by author Dr. Guy Goodell, Pastor, Bible Baptist Church, Hudson Falls, NY. With permission from Tim Green, editor Baptist Bread.
(MY OPINION) This is What causes all the confusion? Modern Bible Versions and Lack of Baptist History TRUTH and lack of proper methods of Biblical Interpretation!
THE ROOT CAUSE IS … a SPIRITUAL, a HEART AND an IGNORANCE PROBLEM … that … causes all the other things that were mentioned which are the symptoms!
In a nutshell …
“Major Causes of Problems in the Church”.
“Most Christians do not read the Bible. Many Christians who read the Bible ignore what the Bible says. Some Christians who ignore the Bible don’t see that as a problem.” “Baptist Bread” July 17th, 2017 devotional by author Dr. Guy Goodell, Pastor, Bible Baptist Church, Hudson Falls, NY. with permission from Tim Green The Baptist Bread
“Ignorance of Baptist heritage, which is so infectious in our pulpits and pews today, is dangerous and must be overcome with a renewed teaching of our Baptist heritage and heroes of past generations.” Appendix B Ten Affirmations Concerning Our Baptist Heritage, ” Page 262, “The Collegiate Baptist History Workbook”, by James R. Beller
What causes all the confusion? Modern Bible Versions and Lack of Baptist History TRUTH and lack of proper Literal Bible Interpretation! This is the root cause of all the other things that were mentioned.
We teach the entire counsel of God, based on the Authorized King James Bible, PROPER Biblical Interpretation, including prophecy and True Baptist Church History and Distinctives.
The Ten C’s ….. there may be more ….. Now there are Ten!
(1) ... Greatest Commandments Matthew 22:36-40
(2) ... Great Commission Matthew 28:16-20
(3) ... Earnestly Contend for the faith Jude 3-4, 20-25
(4) ... All the Counsel of God Acts 20:26-27
(5) ... One Christ Ephesians 4:4-6
(6) ... Another Christ 2 Corinthians 11:4
(7) ... With Compassion, Christians are to have compassion (1 Pe. 3:8; 1 Jn. 3:17; Jude 22). [See Charity, Labor, Love, Mercy.]
(8) ... Pray without ceasing I Thessalonians 5:17
(9) ... Creation Genesis 1:1-2, John 1:1-5 The seven c’s of creation!
(10) ...His Commandments in Old & New Testaments Revelation 22:14C
How to stop all this confusion out there?
- Get saved so you “can” understand!
- Start reading the KJB and pray every day!
- Learn the proper methods of literal interpretation!
- Learn “true” Baptist Church History!
- Learn and practice the entire counsel of God!
- Attend a good Bible Believing Independent Church regularly!
When you sign up for our mailing list, you will be able to ... "Stay tuned" for news and updates delivered straight to your inbox. Here you will find many different subjects with information and resources for your learning/teaching needs! WE WANT TO WELCOME YOU TODAY! TO: A WARNING MINISTRY and BAPTIST CHURCH HISTORY and Watch Ministry False Teaching Exposed Based on the Authorized KJB and Warnings about Unbiblical Interpretation of Bible Prophecy and Warnings about Unbiblical Interpretation of Bible Prophecy and Israel will become one LEARNING/TEACHING PLATFORM
ign up to Stay in Touch with All Five Groups as they become LEARNING BIBLICAL TRUTH - GOD'S TRUTH
Roger Fulk Admin added the Description April 20, 2021
This is one of the groups that this new group is patterned after. Consider this post as a description to pattern this group after learning biblical truth and what is 'not' biblical truth. If you learn the truth then you will recognize what is not true! As a Born Again Believer, with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT, you will have discernment! LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN!
The purpose of this group is to be a teaching group and learning group about LEARNING BIBLICAL TRUTH - GOD'S TRUTH! And, exposing all false teachings, both, within Christianity and outside the realms of Christianity. Brothers & Sisters this is not a debate group.
There are many groups where you can go to debate. Please keep posts to the subject of this group which is A Warning Ministry. If your post is not about A Warming Ministry we will remove it.
The standards we use in this group ...
We teach the entire counsel of God, based on the Authorized King James Bible, proper Biblical Interpretation, including prophecy and Baptist History, Baptist Theology, Baptist Escatology, and Baptist Historical Distinctives.
Roger Fulk ....What do I do? . I am spending several hours a day studying Baptistic Theology, Christian Apologetics and current and historical events as they apply to Biblical principles. I am developing, what some people call, a “Warning Ministry”. Looking back, I have been doing that all my life. Researching, teaching and discerning the truth. This has always been my calling.
I research the research and the Bible. Many of my sources are written by people who have dedicated and spent much of their entire lives writing and researching various subjects. In some cases writing books and preaching sermons that would be difficult for anyone to duplicate and certainly not in my lifetime. My passion is teaching and passing on resources and information to people to help others.
These comments and rules are adapted from a group named "Wolf Watch Ministry False Teaching Exposed Based on the Authorized KJB" and is one of several other warning ministries that contribute information and research to this group!
My purpose in maintaining this ministry is to biblically present the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, to teach what the Bible says about the many controversial issues today, to refute false teaching and teachers to include the false churches and the cults and to help biblically train and disciple those that want to learn God's word.
Roger E. Fulk, Sr.
"Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity" 1 Cor. 16:13-14)
More about A Warning Ministry
All Kinds of resources right here below! Click on individual links (many selections for you)!
Wolf Watch Ministry False Teaching Exposed
Folks, especially new members, we ask you to limit your posts to Wolf Watch Ministry: False Teachings Exposed subjects as outlined below! This is the scope of this group - Every day we get posts that are off-topic or from unreliable or unvetted sources or contain modern bible versions or other than Authorized 1611 King James Version or commentary that is not vetted! It is not that other things are necessarily bad just out of the scope of the group. Posts about things that are not within the Description, Standards, and rules of this group will not be approved and deleted at the discretion of the Admins.
Description: The purpose of this group is to be a teaching group and learn about and expose all false teachings, both, within Christianity and outside the realms of Christianity. Brothers & Sisters this is not a debate group. There are many groups where you can go to debate. Please keep posts to the subject of this group which is A Warning Ministry. If your post is not about Wolf Watch Ministry: False Teachings Exposed, which is A Warming Ministry we will remove it.
Inside the realms of Christianity, we expose the false teachings of erroneous Historical Baptist Church History, attacks on Historic Baptist Ecclesiology, Unscriptural Non-Baptist Positions Concerning the Kingdom of God, The Bride of Christ, Baptist Baptism, Baptist History, Heritage, Distinctives, Theology and Doctrine, Women Ministers, The Feminist Movement, Soft Separatism, New Evangelicalism, Theological Liberalism, Materialism, Arminianism, Calvinism, also called The Mystical Invisible Universal 'Church', Limited Atonement, Lordship Salvation, Glossolalia Regeneration, Glossolalia Sanctification, Baptismal Regeneration, Continuationism, Pentecostalism, Charismaticism, Spirit Baptism, Non-Scriptural Teachings on End Times Theology, Sinless Perfectionism, the Prosperity Gospel, Nephilium, Serpent Seed, Easy Believism, Mother Grace, Ecumenicism, Infant Baptism, the Shepherding Movement, Unitarianism, Universalism and Modern Bible Versions, Attack on the King James Bible, and other beliefs that we discover that are not Biblical including … “Cultural Factors that are Weakening Churches” and “Ignorance About Important Issues”… which is … Another reason why a large percentage of fundamental Baptist churches will be well down the emerging path in 10-20 years is that there is widespread ignorance about important issues such as contemporary music, New Evangelicalism, the Southern Baptist Convention, Reformed theology, reconstructionism, charismaticism, Neo-orthodoxy, Darwinian evolution, intelligent design, and theistic evolution, contemplative mysticism, and the emerging church.
Outside the realm of Christianity, we expose the false teachings, including Anti-Israel/Anti-Jewish beliefs, of Roman Catholicism, WICCA, Satanism, Jehovah's Witness, Mormons, New Age, Scientology, Spiritualism, Native American Spiritism, The Way International, Christian Science, Eastern Mysticism, Kundalini, Yoga, The Unification Church, Islam, Seventh Day Adventism, The Nation of Islam, the Hebrew Roots / Messianic / Sacred Name Movement and any other groups that teach doctrine contrary to Orthodox Biblical Christian doctrine.
We do not allow any members to defend any False Teacher, teaching, or cult. Anyone who does so will be removed from this group. All posts that go off-topic will be removed.
The standards we use in this group ... We teach the entire counsel of God, based on the Authorized King James Bible, PROPER Biblical Interpretation METHODS, including prophecy and Baptist History, Heritage, Distinctives, Theology, and Doctrine.
We normally do not put up videos, music, sermons, and Scripture posts unless if they are on Baptist History, Doctrine, Distinctive or other subjects for this group scope. Again not that they are bad or we are against them it's just outside the scope of the group. Thanks for your understanding. UPDATED 04/13/21
When you sign up for our mailing list, you will be able to ... "Stay tuned" for news and updates delivered straight to your inbox. Here you will find many different subjects with information and resources for your learning/teaching needs! WE WANT TO WELCOME YOU TODAY!
The purpose of this Blog is to teach about Jude 3
It has been said there is a big lack of 'WARNING MINISTRIES" in churches. This is a teaching resource to help people and churches understand more about Jude 3 and other related scriptures.
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This Blog will teach about MANY SUBJECTS!
Here is an example! Another interesting question! And ... there are many more ... Just Stay 'Tuned'.
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About The Author Roger Fulk
This is another Blog Post and I hope you enjoy this! It's about a WOLF WATCH MINISTRY FALSE TEACHING EXPOSED!. Please stay tuned. We have plenty of excellent content!
This subject is not of interest to everyone, however we have found there is much confusion about it! We aim to help people learn about this subject teaching and learning purposes! Keep coming back often and enjoy learning about many different subjects like this for your edification!
Thank you,